Looks like they actually did it. What was your first reaction to the news, Sup Forums?
Looks like they actually did it. What was your first reaction to the news, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Was very surprised but had a smile on my face for at least 2 hours
>welp...i like german more anyway
Stunned that the elites allowed this to happen but skeptical because their is probably some angle they are playing that we aren't aware of yet. Democracy that is fair and working as intended is way too good to be true, regardless of outcome.
With Abdul Kemal Cameron gone turkey has lost its greatest EU ally.
It still hasn't quite sunk in yet ,feels good though ,even better now that the EU is going to collapse ,let it all burn
I stayed up watching it and starting welling up when it was confirmed.
I'm so proud we've uncucked ourselves.
Saw it on the news shortly after I woke up. I thought I was still dreaming. I had already written it off because I thought Brexit was finished after the Jo Cox murder and because I assumed that they'd just rig the election if the majority votes for Leave.
This is honestly the most surprising event in a very long time. I'm can't wait to see what will happen to the UK now.
Checked the stock market
Stunned that the elites permitted this to occur knowing full well that they could've rigged it to go their way. I'm skeptical however in that there must be some angle the globalist elite are playing like sacrificing a bishop or a rook as a means of cunning strategy to get that checkmate in the end because ultimately that is what only matters.
Democracy that is fair and working as intended is too good to be true, regardless of what outcome.
Also, why is Turkey blue in the OP pic?
The leftist tears make this so much better
wahh why are old people voting wtf
Always with the conspiracies. One after another to justify actions. Give it up.
Let's store the European Union wikipedia page and change all of the photo's!!!
>What was your first reaction to the news, Sup Forums?
Good riddance. I do wish for Scotland to secede and rejoin the EU tho. Scots are alright.
Woke up in the morning and immediately checked the result. I was so full of joy after I saw that the Brits voted to leave that tyrannical Jewish EU dictatorship!
same bro celebrating now ..
The fact that so many people seem to think of older voters as selfish because they voted for Leave is disgusting.
>Hey, you're old and you don't have much time left, so vote for something you don't support
They're joining/trying to join.
Lowkey happy it happened. The right gets their way and we expirement with Britian to see how bad it gets. Here in the U.S, the public is shocked because of the consequences and decide to take a better look at their own views.
>We keep talking about the drop in the stock market, it strikes fear in Americas mind.
>We add how the majority of the leave votes were right leaning
>"Maybe we should be careful of how we vote."
I thought
>poor guy, he only did what the jews told him
>i won my $200 bet on brexit, yes
I stayed up all night following it and called off work today, probably the best time I've had on Sup Forums since the Trayvon Martin trial
walked to work whistling rule britannia with a grin on me face
Pending member :^)
>not voting against brexit so you win no matter what happens
I thought of how Jo Cox died without hindering the leave vote enough.
Did you think of that Sup Forums? Kinda changes the whole situation now doesnt it?
We still had a job to do, we had to save European democracy again.
why the fuck is turkey included in this lmao
your burger is showing, user
OY VEY (out loud)... PRAISE KEK (internally)
As if that ever happens cuck. The oil price is shite and that is basically their economy plus the fact that they are socially dependend on the UK. Lastly, another referendum on independence in 2 years? Kek, that is not going to happen.
Goddamnit Hans. This is why your nation got fucked and only really existed for a 100 years and ours for 500 already.
Jesus, let's hope that this never happens. An Islamic country joining the European Union, it sounds like a nightmare.
It's a pretty disturbing thought. She was literally sacrificed for nothing.
Blood sacrifice magic can't beat meme magic.
Jews going to be infiltrating Sup Forums hard to learn our secrets
leave the UK to me.
surprised and worried about my mom, sister, and all their family that lives in the UK.
>>poor guy, he only did what the jews told him
He killed a mother of two and didn't win.
How can he live with himself?
He's probably playing roussian roulette with a bottle of cheap whiskey in his other hand right now.
He will never be able to close his eyes without seeing cox.
Remains argument to Turkey
>We have a veto!
Leaves argument to Scotland
>So does Spain
Good luck Scotland! Don't hurt yourself now.
>complain about old people not wanting to change
>complain when old people vote for change
top wew
More Mudslimes in the EU
>She was literally sacrificed for nothing.
Lol yea and the cultural marxists at the indoctrination camp on Utoya were also "sacrificed" for "nothing"
She wont be pushing white genocide any further, and Britain left the EU anyways.
Is that a win win, or two birds with one stone. Im not sure what to call that.
Every time Turkey is mentioned as a joining member, PMs say stuff like "they have a long way to go" / "They don't fulfill all the requirements" / "We have a veto, all must be in favour".
Yet every time it seems that the process has advanced, and during Brexit it was said that the governments official stance was that Turkey was to be a part of the EU.
I guess its just "winning".
Feels good to win for once.
Loves it jocinese faggots will be at home with the EU faggots ..always suspicious of blokes in skirts
FUCK! the live threads were so much fun to be in i haven't seem this miserable shit hole of a place so happy before.
>He will never be able to close his eyes without seeing cox
that's the sign of repressed homosexuality
I'm drinking myself into a stupor tonight. You did me proud, Britbongs. May the eternal Sun rise now and forever across the Commonwealth and her children.
All is lost.jpg Now is time for war.
friendly reminder that the queen was the reason why brexit won.
Im pretty sure the migrant crime levels are the reason why, and the islamic terrorist attacks in France, Belgium, Germany etc.
I wonder if there will be cries of foul play and push for another vote now.
of course there is.
They are finally gone.
>people who have had to live with the EU's bullshit for over 40 years have less understanding of the issue than young people
Well jews, how do you explain this? I thought you were in charge?
Zero fucks given
The leftist tears have left me demoralized and depressed above all else. No matter what, I hate England. We pulled through with Brexit, barely, but these fucking scum beings are representative of people our age, condescending to blue collar working class demographics and old people because they dared to spend their lives doing jobs rather than be perpetual academic champagne socialist fucking dipshits who spent THEIR lives so far doing drugs, getting drunk and having awkward sex with people they friend on Facebook the next day then never talk to again. Not only are young Remain voters toxic fucking sludge, they're absolutely worthless non-contributors to society and don't matter, yet have the gall to talk shit about people and hold themselves above people that are so disenfranchised and have so little left to lose they want to get all the fuck away from the corrupt bureaucracy of the EU rather than stay a minute longer and keep getting fucked in the ass.
I'm going to be so profoundly, desperately lonely when our older generation dies and all I can do is endure with these fucking animals. It sucks, Britbro.
"May we live in interesting times" was my firsts thought. I'm much happier though voted Leave even if I'm not too sure I would have done so myself. The idea of Turkey joining would probably have me in open revolt against the EU though.
Also makes the prospect of a united Ireland more likely in my lifetime. Which is my one and only dream before I die desu.
>this aren't safe
fucking niggers
Very well said user.
Supreme kek
I honestly thought that remain would win.
Happy though, this is force EU to change.
I don't wish for a FIXIT yet though, lets see where this goes.
Good job Bongs, it might be hard for a while but ya did good.
these are the people who lived through the first eu referendum of 1975 and have seen the results of staying in the eu first hand
most of them know what it means to stay in the eu and we should give high consideration to their judgement
not that it matters now, WE FUCKING WON
Proddies won't accept that tbqh. Opinion polls show good support for Unionists and the calming of sectarianism means Catholics are more likely to want to stay in the UK.
You mean changing back to the good ol' days
You retarded?
This guy gets it!
Someone should make an european bingo out of this.
Free space the UK.
Don't give in to despair. Never ever give in to despair.
You can do it. You can outbreed them. The good women do exist. Wife one and have five kids. Implore like-minded people to do the same. Those rootless cosmopolitan faggot leftists will mostly not reproduce. Think the long game. We'll shoulder a heavy burden, but we're doing it for our kids.
They'll soon wise up when they have to pay taxes
>We have had our problems in the past Britcucks but many of us here admire what you have done for standing up to the unaccountable technocracy based in Brussels but ruled by Germany.
>My great-grandfather fought in the Munsters and lost family members in the Somme so the Jerries wouldn't take over Europe so I'm sure he's cracked a smile at the result and see me my counting my money after betting on leave.
>We're 3 generations out from leaving the UK (other family members saw to that) and have no interest in signing up again but we're stuck with each other and I'm sure we'll both be fine, even if we get the boot from the others for sticking up for our shared interests at the EU.
>Go n-éirí an t-adh leat.
>Also makes the prospect of a united Ireland more likely in my lifetime. Which is my one and only dream before I die desu.
Long-term yes.
"I'm fucking glad we got out before Turkey got in"
Literally the first thought that went through my head.
It's mostly londoners and socts who are salty
I was like you but I think you'll be surprised, it may seem like a lot of our generation have fucked it but there's still enough of us. People naturally get more Conservative as we get older. We're in a bad place for sure, cultural Marxism is real and is in play, but it's all to play for in the future.
Finally got to picture that one polish bitch who always looked down on me getting deported.
They could go further
>wah why are the lower class deciding my future
Stop carringso much about the lifes ruined by the firem and start enjoying the lights. After all You still have us, senpai.
No doubt. Gonna be real fuckin' cozy once the flood gates open and we can watch across the channel :)
said like a complete fanatic compensating.
we both know you are already so profoundly, desperately lonely and you should know thats why you think this way.
Can someone screencap this please? It's my sentiments exactly
I'm on my tablet and it doesn't allow cropping
I bet 20 euros on leave.
Now I wish I had put a lot more money on it.
>I hope the EU burn to ashes.
So, now they believe in statistics. Bunch of faggets.
Nice bantz.
Whats the thing between spain and Scotland then?
>An Islamic country joining the European Union
Sweden is already a member.
Surprise. Not positive or negative, just total surprise. I knew it was a possibility but I never expected it to actually happen.
dont worry this has been the way for 50 years, as soon as young people realise what its like to work and pay tax, while others bum off the state, and big business gets special deals from the government, they begin to change their minds. same pattern since the 60s.
For (You)
The EU is pining for the fjords.
Holy shit!
Thank you
have fun watching turks spit roast your girlfriend.
I know Unionists are ultra-nationalists and would never accept but economically destitute areas such as the North may suffer the hardest fallout and that would drive the moderates towards reunification along with the Catholics/nationalists.
No one can really know but it's certainly more likely now than it was yesterday. It all depends on how this whole situation actually proceeds. No one really knows. There's not even an historical precedent for it. Truly interesting times; for good or bad.