want to get the Article 50 notification from the UK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE?
Is it a but-hurt move or is it a strategy?
want to get the Article 50 notification from the UK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE?
Is it a but-hurt move or is it a strategy?
Because maybe if they're not around the other two countries supporting the EU won't get the same idea
Because eu is going to tell UK to fuck off and make no trade deal with them
we want sanctions asap
thats the plan.
your out your out for good.
England gets exemplary executed.
If today was not a lot of happening wait for the days to come.
They will rig the negotiations and want it done before other countries can have they own referendums.
If the UK turns down the outcome of a post-EU deal, the UK will stay a member state. That's what Germany/EU wants to happen asap.
common English defend your self.
What will you do if EU is not agreeing to your terms on trade?
They have a yearly meeting on the 28. For now, they are just talking to each other offcam.
England is going to be make an example off. You honestly think that they're going to get the same deal as Norway and Switzerland?
No trade deal with the continental Europe? You seriously think they give a single shit? They have a total continental blockade every century.
Trade with China, Canada, The USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, India, Pakistan, Japan.
Europe is not the centre of the world.
Yes, it will be tough for us, and yes in the short term this is going to hurt. But removing a cancer without painkillers is bound to hurt.
The plan is to assrape UK. Consider the following: if EU let them get "out" of the Union, but give them straight away a status similar to Switzerland and/or Norway, they won't be hurt really much (they would have access to the common market, and little to no political obligations). If it's the case, the eastern nations will immediately want the same thing (Poland is basically in the EU to leech money, for the most known example).
Now if we hurt them a lot, it will discourage the other countries to do the same, and it will tame the middle class (they start to vote for far right parties, which is a NO NO for our glorious liberal leaders).
tl,dr; Dis gonna hurt. A lot.
kek they get no deal and can go and fuck them self.
If they where members of the EU they could influence the decisions but they are not.
Thats how big country's deal with small one.
and what will they do?
Pull there founding out?
we can buffer that. they cant buffer the lose of eu markets.
>stop trading with Russia
>stop trading with UK
Lel, sure thing, shitskin. EU countries will burn their economies to the ground just to teach the anti-EU buggers a lesson.
Are you fucking retarded? China and USA wanted them to stay, they didn't do it, and now USA and China is also going to make an example off them
>another assmad shitskin living in fantasy land
This is beautiful.
so will the eu and compete with you. under bide every offer and bully England out of the world market.
all the retard 'lol assrape england' comments aside, they want to stabilize the markets which have gone full retard over 'uncertainty'
America would be pretty fucking quick to call out their bullshit, especially when Trump is elected which by the looks of it he his.
I'm more white then you fucking sub human.
England is going to get ass raped by the world the moment they remove article 50
t. jelly slavshit microstate
Your flag makes me laugh so much
EU leaders have to assrape UK otherwise other countries will want to leave.
The next months are going to be promising.
Rekt and checked
Trump isn't going to win you retarded.
This website is ducking satire you fucking idiot
why you need a other country to deal with eu? your independent and important. Now america is ti fix your shit? Your Detroit the country now?
America will have to choose. EU or England. They side with you we side with Americas enemy's.
>>stop trading with UK
No trade deal doesn't mean that EU states would stop trading. Goods trading is governed by WTO rules.
No trade deal means no services trading, which hurts the UK, not so much the EU, as there is very little in terms of services provided to British companies from the EU (language problem for German, french, etc companies, but not vice versa).
The UK will never leave the EU. You bunch of faggots are celebrating but don't realise the fight started once you actually won the referendum.
Don't you faggots see everything is running WAY too fucking smooth? Even the EU retards are accepting the decision. Heck, even motherfucking Martin Schulz is going along with it.
Here's what's likely to happen/is already happening.
>Brexit wins
>every single mass media start their mass shilling
>fear, fear everyfucking where
>melodramatic stories from people all around to world to chime in on the isolation narrative
>narrative of "it's only old people who have nothing to lose" employing character assassination tactics alongside with the "uneducated" one
>deploy shills every fucking where
>even Sup Forums is filled with shills to the brim, with less resources being spent in boards like Sup Forums and more on easier to manipulate boards
Fast forward.
>there's a high probability there will be another referendum
>after all that fearmongering a lot of people will turn out to vote to remain and Brexit will never happen
Scenario number two.
>there's not a second referendum
>EU negotiations which take up to two years (can be extended but it's not very likely) if they're not fair
>if the UK accepts unfair trade agreement to the point it'll get economically fucked it'll end up forcefully re-joining the EU at the expense of giving up the pound and pretty much being a EU bitch
>at this point it's fair to assume the EU will never give the UK a fair trade deal since it's not to their advantage UNLESS big companies lobby for them
Alternate more positive view on scenario number two.
>domino effect happens and say Frexit materialises
>this will now either make the EU collapse or give the UK more weight for negotiations
>even if assuming fair negotiations are not possible, the UK and France would at least reduce the chances of crawling back to the EU
You faggots should focus on controlling the narrative instead.
(too long post)
Obama is not the US
He'll be gone in half a year, and Hilary will be in prison
This so hard.
>Brexit is anti-globalism!
>No wait don't trade with the rest of the globe you can only trade with Europe what are you doing stop.
Germany ruled by East Germans is why NATO defended the Free World
The New Islamic Republic of German Syria is why the Chunnel should be filled in
UK must be separated fast, for there will be need for a new Normandie - operation, when ISIS takes over France and Germany
I'm glad UK has committed to this. Most of the smaller countries would never be able to pull it off
I had more confidence in Trump than Brexit.
>be British
>kill your economy and transfer the world finance capitol to Frankfurt all in one night
>implying there's a market for muslim rape
There's not. Go back to your shit world homeland achmed.
On the other hand, Trump's said that if he's elected, an independent UK gets first dibs on everything.
All of Europe has 100K Visa applicants and there's room for 10K? All the good British ones get accepted and if there's room leftover then the other EU applicants can be considered.
Yeah they're super butthurt.
>I'm more white
Nope, you're a filthy nigger. A retarded filthy nigger that doesn't understand basics of world geopolitics and global economy.
Stay mad, shitskin. :^)
What's the matter, cockroach? Are you angry you won't be able to rape all that British pussy you wanted now? No gibs for the cockroach?
Cry more, lmao.
It's going to be a case of "want to leave? Look what happens? If the former 2nd(?) largest economy tanks this hard from leaving, you have no chance"
>they want to stabilize the markets which have gone full retard over 'uncertainty'
How would the notification stabilize markets? That is a bs argument of the EU. The market doesn't want the notification, the market wants to have a statement by Cameron what he wants to do - this can be anything from "we will hand in the notification in December" to "we will not hand in the notification at all, but will exit by 31 December 2019" etc.
Get your shit together and get your flimsy British goods on the market.
we'll buy from you no matter what.
or brexit is real and every possible action has to be taken in to motion to prevent a hostile nation in our backyard to thrive.
Securing assets. The stock crashes and billions lost are no joke.
England thinks only about it self so has the EU.
>Feels like this is a major blow to globalism – and has many people thinking (and saying) that Trump actually could get elected.
You need help. This website is fucking satire we make memes and shit. You retarded. Do you honestly think believe that Donald trump will win?
Watch the fucking polls you fucking fat idiotSenators makes the law you dimwit, not the president
>No trade deal means no services trading
So basically, only London is fucked. I think pretty much everyone is OK with that.
mimimi out of arguments.
You unlucky there is no market for nigger rape. you be Nr1 in something.
You ducking sub human. Hitler should have killed you all
Yes, because groveling to the jews has been working out so well for the actual Britons.
>So basically, only London is fucked
London City is the British economy, they have nothing else
>Germany commits suicide
>the brainless nigger is STILL MAD
60% of English income. sure.
Juncker made it clear he wants to punish britain hard to scare the other troublemakers into submission.
You're platinum mad right now son
I'm sure you were talking the same shit before Brexit vote and look where we are now? you're wrong, you have no comprehension of the shifting political climate.
Hilary is going to jail, she's committed massive fraud attempting to hide her correspondence to avoid FOIA requests and getting her illegal network hacked in the process, clearly a mishandling of classified information, which is a felony. She is fucked and Trump will walk into the white house without any real contest.
If something like this can happen, then Trump can be elected.
What a time to be alive.
>One of the biggest market for many EU nations.
>They will totally vote to sanction them
Wake up and smell the roses Fritz. Your tyranny is shortly ending.
Then they were already fucked since they let foreigners take the city.
Better to burn it all down than to let the invaders march away taking your country intact with them.
Just turn off the Music
We'll sell you Yorkshire Puddings and English Breakfasts...
An entire economy based on food, fucking legendary!
On the serious side. Germancucks think their multinational companies like BMW, Audi etc will stop selling their cars in the UK. The UK might be economically fucked short term, but we still have buying power.
If Germany tries to fuck us over with shitty 'sanctions', we can do the same back. 'Ohhh, no more BMW's and Ikea in the UK'...and watch the big companies bitchslap Mutti Merkel.
The world is ran by corporations you ficki ficki germans, and corporations don't give a fuck about grudges, just profits. As long as the UK can make them money, they'll be here.
You honestly believe Hillary is going to jail or lose? Can't wait to November where you fags realize what happenings you have realized
Yeah, I'm sure that will restore the people's faith in the EU and its leadership.
If they lift a fucking finger to punish Britain, Netherlands and Denmark are pretty much instantly gone.
>>Germany commits suicide
How does Germany commit suicide? Please explain. The UK cannot put up punitiive tariffs under WTO rules on German machinery and cars. But with an exit and no trade deal, all services by banks and funds etc. in London sold to the EU have to seize by definition... because you need a deal for regulated services activity into any country in the world, including the EU.
Germany will be losing more money than UK with this. UK can just do trade deals with china and the US, they were stupid for not diversifying their deals in the first place.
>People don't like the EU because it's tyrannical
Why are the EU Elite so retarded
Subhuman, Hiltler should have killed you all before he dead
yes to make a Exempel and they not any more in the eu, so not even biggest market in the eu.
what will happen? the trade market loosing money? like right now?
Preventing the English banks to fuck up eu even more?
If you didn't realize the English have declared war on the EU and every member.
this will not go unanswered.
I am for full merciless retaliation. England gives a clear fuck about the EU nations so the eu nations should give a clear fuck about England.
are you sure? I would expect them to be pussies who take it. After all, the EU punishing britain is in their interests and not a big deal
There are 150 federal agents assigned to investigate her at this moment
all of her aides, advisors, and tech experts are being interrogated by the FBI.
That just plain does not happen unless they believe they have the evidence to bring it to court.
She's fucked, honestly and truly fucked.
ehh, are you dumb or something? 60% or more of your foreign trade is with other EU countries.
and Just buying stuff you once bought from EU from other countries will probably be worse, because first of all, other countries might not have the same regulations on goods, no trade deal, still tariffs, also distance and the currency.
Britain will have to continue majority of its trade with EU countries, but now with a weakened pound, no say in future regulations and deal which no matter what will affect Britain, and also tariffs.
Shoutout to Britbongistan for halting your own economic growth for the next 5 years. Look forward to slow growth, weakening of the currency and maybe even a breakup of Great Britain.
Trade deals of what?
The UK economy was built on London City as the world capital of finance if this shifts to an EU country, and everything is pointing to that, Britain has nothing
you get taxed to hell and overthrown with regulations. trade wont be profitabel any more.
your one nation under many. get lost.
>>People don't like the EU because it's tyrannical
>Why are the EU Elite so retarded
You never heard about Project Fear, have you?
The EU will not just role over and hand the British what they want. There are just too many different interests with too many different things.
The UK will exit and there will not be a trade deal at that point.
Hahaha. That's why she is leading in the polls right?
Tell me when will the fib arrested her?
>UK gets away scotfree
>It obviously accelerate the UE desintegration
>UK suffer so harshly it'll make Versailles look like an agreeable accord
>UK suffer
Whatever happens, France win.
At the end of the day, Brexit won because people felt Brussels and Merkel were far too tyrannical, and the same sentiment echoes throughout the rest of Europe. What do you think happens when the EU leadership cranks the tyranny up to 11 to punish the Brits?
Fritz wake up. Germany and Brussels bureaucrats are the EU. And everyone hates you.
Now with UK out of the game the first German Project to fall are sanctions on Russia.
Do you really thing Eastern Europe and Italy now that they got a morale boost would keep to your sanctions for Russia?
And after that falls on your face do you think anyone would agree to sanctions on the UK?
just need to take cut the communication towards america thru England they have nothing of value.
>the EU is going to exist in 5 years
lol its hillarious how far up one's own ass a person can get their head stuck...
You think you can out kike the island kikes? we're gonna kike you into the ground
To to rush the UK, so con the UK, same as they did when we joined. They know the tricks, expect to get the UK negotiators while they are unsure. So pull a stunt. We don't have to accept anything, we can negotiate everything.
Which only further exposes the true nature of the EU. They're cornered.
Fuck off Merkel
It won because a demagogue promised the elderly 350,000,000 pounds per month will be spent on NHS
Which he himself now admits was a lie
Enough of the Republicans who don't like Trump will vote for him out of spite. A bunch of the middle swing votes are going for Trump. Bernie split the vote already, and if he doesn't go 3rd party Trump could get 1/4 of his supporters. Clinton could really go to jail and just might prove to be a massive historic failure. How is Trump not the favorite in this race?
Our country already said they are more than willing to continue full trade with britian regardless of leaving or remaining. Because we are also part of BRIC's you can always trade via us, especially since our currency is essentially garbage tier these days.
Did you see what happened to your markets today?
Nobody is talking sanctions. They're talking an end to free trade within the Union.
the more they delay article 50 the higher the possibky that the leftist cucks will overthrow the majority vote and force a remain and civil war.
They will export white lolis to Saudi Arabia
yes. that´s true, Spain Italy all other eu country's do. they gain on it.
germans are literally the shittiest most unliked people in the world, I hope you know that
you've ruined europe multiple times
you're a bunch of actual autists, most boring people with not one fucking original thought. just a bunch of mindless drones. no great art or food or anything has ever or will ever come from germany.
What's the hostile nation? Does cuckmany really think the UK is a "hostile" nation because it does not want to be a member of your club anymore?
Stop being a lying nigger, you fucking nigger. He hasn't promised it once.
I know you're sad you'll have less gibs now, but tough tits.
>The UK stops germany taking europe... FOR A THIRD TIME
When god made serbs did he add in extra based?
Du må lide af en særlig form for retardation, hvis du lige nu går rundt og tror at EU vil kollapse, dræb dig selv, bonderov
Because Shillary still massively leads in all polls
Because a large percentage of women and non-whites are going to vote for Shillary out of spite.
So move from one iffy place to another?
You don't know yet wether the EU will fall apart.
Go ahead, wreck yourself.