Well duh, he's running on bullshit so what did you expect. Just look at his dumb face.
The anchor wanted him to promise that the money going to the EU every year will instead go to the NHS and he can't promise that. Some of that money will be used towards the NHS, no doubt about that, but not the whole amount. It will also be spent on education, infrastructure and social programs. That reporter tried to trap him with Jew logic.
You had to retarded to believe it in the first place, the people got what they deserved haha
Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knew that figure was fake for weeks now. Next time don't go full retard.
Sure but he didn't put another emphasis on spending it or more on the NHS or working on doing that. He's just a tard.
Farage wasn't associated with the official Leave campaign and he would always say that it wasn't his preferred figure.
Wtf guys, come on. Don't fall for the media logic.
Farage isn't part of the government, how is he going to change the ways budget is retardedly spent, A DAY AFTER THE VOTE?
This isn't a coup d'etat you know.
>he's not assosciated with the campaign that came up with that number
>he isn't a member of the government responsible for future budgets
>Somehow it's his responsibility
He's right to say he can't guarantee anything.
It's not him or his cabinet in office. He has no power.
Dunno what you're talking about Ahmed, I'm enjoying the show
Farage never said that.
The Vote Leave campaign did, which Farage distanced himself from because he was smart enough to know that the media twisted everything he said and he was a figurehead of hate, and would only harm them.
They said it, and not him. It's only because of his association with Brexit that this is lumbered on him.
>"Can you promise us that the money being spent on the EU will instead go towards the NHS?"
Is Nigel even in a position to promise that? He doesn't handle the budget so there is no way that he can promise that. If he did promise that and failed to live upto it, that would make him look bad.
That money is now free to be used for other things like the NHS, education and infrastructure.
Farage isn't even an MP, why the fuck would he have a say in how the government spends its money? The real problem here was the official Vote Leave campaign. They put that £350 million figure on their bus even though they knew it was wrong.
I don't even have to follow the link to know what video that is because I've been refuting it all. day
350 million available
Nige not Chancellor
can't guarantee where money goes. Never claimed he could.
there's the short version because I'm so sick of explaining it to retards
This tbqh
>Blame Farage for something someone else in his party said.
Nice twist of words.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Farage is not solely in charge of allotting that money so how can he promise where money he is going to be allotted in the first place?
Nige won't be PM jso he can't guarantee anything, they should really be asking boris
also UKIP isn't the leave campaign as much as the media like to have you think it is
He could promise to pursue it politically and reiterate on it, instead he's weasling out with his dumb face.
Yeah and water is wet.
What a bastard he is, how can, Farage, the chancellor of the exchequer do this to us!?
What the fuck are you getting excited for?
lol wtf, he is not in power, he has no bearing on where the money goes
This. Shitlibs will actually believe it.
This sums up the remainers. Old people don't know what is good for Britain. We want another referendum because X wasn't Y. People fucking love democracy until they disagree with the majority.
Hillary and Trump have both shown that we live in a post-fact world where it doesn't matter that you get exposed lying to your electorate.
I no longer consider lying a bad thing for politicians as long as they get shit done my way.
>A man who is neither an MP nor a member of Vote Leave is unable to pledge millions of pounds of public funding that he has no access to or control over to the NHS
>People are acting like he broke a promise
>This can only be attributed to Hilary and Trump
Fuck off mate, everyone knows politicians are lying cunts.
Every single government back-tracks on some vital promises they made during their campaign.
That's retarded. You're retarded. Go fuck yourself. He doesn't have the power and promising it would be grandstanding for the purpose of faking a position he can't actually take. He's being real and people are shitting on him for it. Eat shit you German fuck. I hope your leader resigns and you elect someone who's not a moron.
Sums up my opinion better then I could except I hope they vote in a literal retard because of diversity.
>get lied to
>defend the person lying to you
Stop being goyim you fucking idiots
Democracy always lies, since that's the core of democracy, immunity of politicians. Nowhere it is written they have to tell the truth. But lets wait what UK will do in next 5 years before we judge them.
>don't get lied to
>media tries to spin it with a straw man
Another normal day.
Lol Nige says we could spend that money on anything we want
>Such liar
He's not the fucking chancellor, he wasn't even in vote leave
>£350m/week will be spent on the failure that is the nhs
if you thought this you're retarded
>tvslut calls it propaganda
>Farage wasn't a victim of sabotage
Also libtard propanda is 500000 times worse. Libtards want the actual destruction of our countries - it's their stated goal!