Up next is Upstate New York leaving the New York Union. Those fucking downstaters have fucked over upstate for too long and we always get turned blue in elections because of them. It's time for them to live on their own away from Upstate.
Upstate to Leave New York Union
shut the fuck up you uneducated hick. you probably wore camouflage to your high school prom.
we'd be overjoyed to leave you retarded fuckers
I would actually consider moving back to NY if this happened. There is so much decent, cheap rural land available from all the people that have fled this shithole.
>uneducated hick
Upstate has some of the best schools in the USA.
i support this.
fuck the faggots in manhattan
I recently visited Syracuse and it's suburbs
as a southerner, how does any yankee have the gall to give us guff with the amount of white trash I saw up there
That would be amazing. I hate all my tax money going to support the retards and hippies upstate.
If the entire east coast could just walk hand in hand into the Atlantic that would be great.
Sincerely, the west.
Yeah. It's gotten pretty bad, even in the nice parts.
Just a few decades ago, it was glorious, but the state of NY is controlled by NYC who serves itself.
It might be cool to revive the City State. Let's give it a go and see what happens
That would be the downstaters, direct your hate to them.
U mad M9?
845 master race reporting in.
South California is more likely to leave than upstate jew york
>this and state of Jefferson happens
I'm excited
Listen asshole, Discrediting someone and calling them a hick based on coming from upstate NY is retarded. Yes there are many farmers there, but we aren't just a bunch of retarded hillbillys. Everything on the lake is just as civilized as you, if not moreso. We are not brainwashed by the liberal agenda they are pushing on you so hard. Indocrinating your children from the age of 5 to push their agenda further. So before you assume what you know about the rest of the state take a second to see what exactly has been done to you to make you think that way. The rest of the state votes red, why dont you?
Good. leave my fucking island.
Would totally support
Just wait until we go back to a confederacy and fuck over all the libtards of blues states
from socal myself. this is sort of accurate. LA is looking more and more like Norcal's stupid younger brother.
Hicks are the ones who supply and grow your food, stupid idiot. Get fucked and see how life would be without hicks.
>South California
Nice try Paco.
there are more jews in NY than in Israel
please sink into the ocean, both up and downstate
Downstater reporting in.
Literally who are you guys? I visit New England all the time and love it there, but....
As a true New Yorker who grew up in the same neighborhood as the God Emperor, I agree.
I live north of Syracuse and can confirm its the third shittiest area in the state of New York behind NYC and Buffalo. So many brain dead retards live in that shit hole its unfathomable
God, I can only hope this actually happens. Maybe we'll actually have some decent gun laws if we do.
Also from SoCal, kinda wish they'd split, but we need the (albeit rediculously priced) water.
Also, fucking moonbeams man. Fuck that dude.
Fuck that shit, you better lop off Albany as well.
Fuck all of you plebs.
Long Island should be a separate state.
>have los angeles and jewlywood
>totally uncucked guys
agreed, your liberal nature is not consistent with the rest of the state.
OP is a fuckwit. Doing this would do the same thing to us as what's happening to Britain after they managed to cuck their own economy, except there's no way for us to rebound economically. What does does upstate export beyond agricultural products? Good luck getting the money to fix your roads after Lake Ontario rapes them every winter.
Syracuse better than Buffalo? That's hilarious that you think that
Good Luck
You do know upstate has a huge high tech manufacturing market right? What does downstate produce?
Having been to the sticks I agree and don't agree. Upstate NY cities like bathpsge, rome, and every city with its name ending in -kill shouldn't be anchored to the island of Manhattan, but it shouldn't be it's own fucking state either.
There should be changes though.
Take LI while you're at it. Only NYC proper is truly NY, the rest of you are parasites who feed off of our success.
>but you have jews and niggers!!!
We also have racist italians, Slavs, potato niggers, germans you fuckibg name it. The only real racial intermixing is in the admittedly mediocre public schools.
So yeah, leave and fend for yourselves, faggots.
>New York
Banking and stripping the rest of the state of their rights
the State of Jefferson and lord Kek wish you godspeed
Fuck ithaca
fuck off nu male eyeliner wearing deviant lowcard bitch nigger
Maybe they will overdose in their supervised heroin dens.
Ulster county here
Lots of Trump signs and stickers, the only Hillary ones are Hillary for prison. Theres a few Bernie strongholds like New Paltz, and the ghettos of Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Kingston are democrat because of the blacks, but we're 98% white and hate the city influencing our politics.
Almost no one complied with the SAFE act here, especially ex cops and ex millitary. Who are you gonna send to arrest them?
The city is packed full of fucking niggers this state could be wonderful
Orange is full of libcucks from what I've seen not many trump signs
This is why we need a collapse so desperately. A huge solar flair. An EMP attack. Any type of disruption to the supply chain so that cityfags might suffer in full proportion to their ingratitude.
>New York secedes
>New York is annexed by Israel
>a yuge wall is built around New York
>every jew in the world moves there
>kvetching is so loud it's heard on the moon
Upstate, Manhattan, and LI each separately secede when?
Please take Suffolk with you
Upstater. Would love to see a proposition for this on the ballot. Wonder if NYC would even give a fuk.
Of course they would oppose, who else would they leach off of?
>Welfare queens voting to leave.
Lol nope. This is why the South will never secede, either.
fuck off california.
I'm from westchester and it's a jewish commie shithole here where they are importing more and more beaners for the sake of muh diversity. I'd move upstate in a heartbeat.
But Soros lives here, as does the Clintons and there's no way they'd let NY turn red
leave them and rename something cool
New Eyjafjallajökul after the icelandic volcano
then after you all agree on the pronunciation get violently upset at people who mispronounce it.
especially icelanders if their pronunciation is wrong.
Why can't they just do things on a fucking county level for fucks sake?
I swear I'd be happy to see this country make laws on guns, abortion, gays, pot etc. on a county level. Strip the power monopoly from liberal dominated cities.