Germany Gexit

Now that our brother in Britain have exited eurotrash when can we hope for a Germany Gexit?

2 countries can't leave without destroying the whole thing: Germany & France

I'm sure nobody would suffer if you left with the trash you call your economy sonny.


Although I don't think Germany has the ability to fund it alone without France. Its the Fourth Reich and German Bankers are the aristocracy.

>The second largest economy, the first agricultural power and the last nuclear and military power leaving the EU
>No consequences

Pls, Germany. My family is from Germany. Pls uncuck yourself so I can feel proud about my German ancestory.

>agricultural power
wow please don't leave mkay?

germans unlike brits listen to what economists say, and they say the germany is benefiting from the EU like no others.

I'm sure you could survive by only eating kebabs.
You'll be fine, just ask Turkey to join.

sure, then we'd have 2 industrial nations in.

Considering obongo just shit on the UK and hugged Germany's nuts, probably never

Because the Krauts are the ones calling the shots in Brussels.

FUCK no.

>Germany's 4th Reich just went stillborn

Merkel, pls

You guys are literally the only other country that greatly benefits from being in the EU, why would you wanna leave? Merkel would still invite mudshits into your borders even if the EU collapsed tomorrow

and I for one am happy with them, they are way more competent then the shit leaders you have in poland.

Are you fucking high, the UK is exploding as we speak.

>German TV propaganda

We will not surrender Scotland to English madness.

Maybe individual provinces
They should secede. Maybe the ones west can join The Netherlands under a special provincial title so they retain sovereignty, but from what I heard, those are the most cucked ones.


Yea just like Switzerland did since 1992, right?

Switzerland is basically in the EU at this point.

Germany will be one of the last to leave if not the last member that has to deal with all the debt and fallout since its their elite that benefit most from it.

France already calling for referendum.
It's all over.

Why would you want to leave? Brexit only gives us more power in Europe and the EU.

>Frankfurt back to uncontested financial centre of the union
>no more UK stalling projects and generally being a nuisance means the union as a whole, which we control, gets more efficient

This is going to make the Kerneuropa Schäuble talked about decades ago a reality.

Russia to join the EU and replace UK

>France leaves
>EU now has no real army or navy

I know we have had our ups and downs France but please leave, we can hate fuck each other like we used to do after. If we can do it then so can you!

>being this uninformed

If this exit nonsense goes any further, we'll bankroll Moscow to turn this shit continent into West Russia. We need to unite, outmatch the USA, at any price.

Hey, doesn't France sell the Germans much of their electricity since the krauts stupidly shut down their nuke plants?
Cut the bastards off.

>brexitard calling anyone else uninformed

go watch that pound drop some more

Why so hostile?`

True. Germany IS the EU. Do I like that? Nope. Because Germany may profit the most from it but it doesn't help when the money only gets to a few fuckers and to retarded building projects (BER e.g.) instead for example into our rotting infrastructure.

Germany can't leave Union. They are the Union. EU is Hitlers United Europe dream come true. By removing Germany, you remove whole Union...
So, when do you Gexit?

No. Germany is an exporter economy, why the fuck would they want to leave EU?

Because I'm an American!
Being hostile to the Germans is second nature to us.

Germany Gerxit

You may not believe it, but we're working in your best interest as well. With our power gone, there's nothing to keep China from becoming the world's only seat of power. Russia and Arabia will bend the knee for them sooner or later. A united Europe could prevent that.

>not knowing how economics works in short term after a big event habbens

the UK's exit was the prerequisite for a 4th reich to begin with.
Now there is no resistance against further consolidation of power.

You slapped the collective face of every important financier in the world.

You're fucked. And so is everyone who follows you into the abyss. No European nation can stop the future.

>being this spasticated when it comes in a Peruvian finger painting Forum

>USA a threat
>everyone hates USA
lol okay achmed.


bitch, it'll be come down to a wrestling match between Germany and Belgium over who has to leave first so the winner can turn the lights out


We're trying to become powerful enough to protect you, idiot. You're still the most modern nation in the world, perhaps the most important ideological ingredient for a free and prosperous future, but let's not kid ourselves, you're weakening. The world can turn on the US. It cannot turn on both the US and a truly united Europe. Are we really the only ones seeing this?

Holy fuck the krauts are buttmad.

I've seen dozens of anti-Britain shitposting circlejerks posted by Germans today

>believe me goyim
>your shekels are safe and sound with us
>we're protecting u from the ambitious chinese
>believe me goyim you can leave your shekels in our banks theyre safer there than in your own

Don't worry, America will still control you after the EU crashes and burns, they'll just have to spend a bit more on administrative costs

is germany the north korea of europe

Absolute nonsense. If this keeps up, we'll seek help from the Russians instead. We will not bend the knee for slant-eyed commies.

Hey guys what ever happened to east germany

No, that would be England.

>We will not bend the knee for slant-eyed commies

I thought you just said you'll seek help from Russia?

Anyway, you can fool yourself into thinking the EU is anything but an American project designed by Americans for American interests, but you can't fool me

Look up DAX, their economy is getting hit worse than the UKs economy by this

We're weakening because of shitlib foreign and economic policy instead of the conservative cleanup we needed after the housing bubble burst

Had mccain been elected president in 08, the world would be a lot more stable today

It's day 1 of entering unknown territory, of course shit's going to be a little weird. Let's give it some time.

>outmatch us

Why not join us you race traitor kraut?

not yet, but close enough

>Germany is playing savior
>Y-you're weakening
>T-the world can turn on the US
>T-truly united Europe
lol no, and you pose a terrible argument.
Good luck in the future, maybe the Freedom Group will have pity on you in the future,
but until now, Germany has been leading the charge at Western Civilizations destruction.

ive always held out hope that the EU could turn into an actual european union that looks out for european interests like an actual 4th reich.

lots of people say its not possible but i have to hope

>germany asking russia to help them control europe

Lmao aint that a peach

Aren't there multilateral sanctions against them for their involvement in ukraine and syria? How do you bankroll russia and not get shit on by nato?

>leaving union where youre only one

GTFO amerifatty this europolitics now.

>He thinks Merkel will let them leave

>implying I care what happens in the blue bit

> wants to be rekt by ruski untermensch again
Appatently you deserve what you get

Every Germans Favorite food is Döner kebab, no matter how much they deny it. Meanwhile France has some of the best food in the world.

Who gives poland money if germany leaves? We own it because we pay it.

When Merkel is executed in the streets.

GerKEKS, it is your duty to stay. I hear Greece, Spain and Portugal need another bailout.

Kill Merkel and it might happen. Do it!


You don't even need to kill her, just make the locals riot enough to make her shit bricks and she'll either step down or just run away. Merkel is very weak willed and will abandon ship once she faces actual angry protests.

Never. You fucks will perish to serve as a warning to never let niggers in Europe again.

Don't worry, real German men from murica will reconquer the lands and rebuild.

>Literal cancer of EU leaving the EU