What is it about black culture that's so...alluring?
What is it about black culture that's so...alluring?
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It's """dangerous""" and """foreign""" and if you don't like it you're racist.
Literally nothing. It's just young people in western society that have no real cultural identity of their own and no pride in themselves fruitlessly striving for "authenticity".
More primal and essential to the human spirit than buzzfeed articles.
Yeeesssssss... It's so... exotic, isn't it goy- errr... guy?
Dunno. Ask the Americuck 62%ers
hihg-rank jewesses love to be part of something so feral.
There's nothing particularly alluring about black culture, it's just that westerners have been alienated from their own culture and so seek a surrogate.
Makes me wonder, would I rather be a fuccboi or Sup Forumstard?
Black music has been pushed into the mainstream media in the US and western / northern Europe since the late 90's early 00's with relentless force.
it's youth music so a lot of kids are drawn to it fucking them up and giving them a distorted view of the world at an early age.
Parents just see niggers playing tunes so they aren't going to criticize it out of the fear of being called racist.
it's masculine. look at white music, it's either emo or feminine
10 sheckles to any non-Ameribro who can tell us what she's doing with her hands.
Didn't Snoop Dawg say way back something like "When the rap movement got the white middle class scene, you suddenly had all these white kids idolizing the ghetto culture and acting like it has a freedom in it that just does not exist in real life."
Also Jew money printers promote it heavily so that's going to brainwash a bunch of people into the lifestyle.
she did it wrong
the fact that (((pop media))) pushes it down children's and youngsters throats from the day they are born probably has something to do with it
it's cheap, easy and the jews spend billions pushing it
It just shows that you're a faggot
It's destructive and baseless so white people like flirting with it as a way to degrade themselves.
Crip sign.
Oh, those are letters. I always thought those nigger signs were just them being retarded.
Well, they're still retarded...
Nothing when you grow up.
10 sheckles deducted for wrong answer
Its fucking retarded. I like mexican narco culture better.
You are a god damn autist
Insecurity. We legitimized their insecurity. Lots of whites have been made insecure by the apex elite agenda.
Their cocks.
Only faggots like you find it alluring.
its proud and unapologizing, while white males in mainstream media are always fat sexually ambiguous slackers with eyeliner
if anything it shows that given a choice people prefer not identifying themselves with cucks
Sign language translation:
"I have crabs"
It's the opposite really. Black culture is highly feminine, mainly due to lack of male role models and rappers seem to act more like cunts than anything else.
It encourages impulsive driven degeneracy and shames hard work and self discipline which your racist ass hole parents force on you. It's cancer and I'll bet it's what started the collapse of Rome.
Bloods, I take paypal.
Music is meant to be fun and entertaining. I've never met anyone who doesn't even remotely enjoy it. And those that do tend to be the outcasts.
This is the most bullshit argument. Kill yourself.
It's been marketed well.
Look at African culture. It's all shit.
It's more exotic than boring wasp culture
>awful music
>late 90s
What is blues, funk, R&B, jazz, rock n roll?
Nothing really. It's been forced down the throats of the West since the early 90s. The explosion of rap really changed everything. You didn't see white kids doing that shit in the 80s.
Don't tell me you wouldn't trade places with this white boy in a heartbeat who lives pretty much life as a black
it's the (((television)))
Except I said "non-Ameribro"
American education everybody :(
This. It's funny watching American blacks act all hard and gangster. If shit hit the fan, I have a feeling that the American negreo would be the most cowardly and pusillanimous of all racial groups.
I miss early 2000's internet so fucking much. I'd rather spend the rest of my life wading through the cancer on Newgrounds or Deviantart then hear my little sister spout one more black twitter hashtag.
metal, punk, and (most) country music doesn't seem very feminine to me
Why the fuck do people think its cool to throw """gang""" """""signs"""""? First, that sign hasn't been used since before the 90s, and that would be a great way to get shot or jumped if you threw that up in a public place that wasn't a pure blood territory. Why do rich people think its cool to act like poor people while telling poor people how to live?
100% this
By the heavy saturation of it via music, tv and movies. The Jews really know how to make money even from a pile of shit. Truly envy the way of the merchant.
I did good?
What culture?
Black music and culture is disgusting, cacophonous trash; and so are you.
Ya did good.
Forget those, gangster rap took over and the formula was emulated soon after, by late 90's early 2000's most black music videos wasn't RNB or jazz, funk whatever but negro thugs in baggy clothing singing about drugs, whores and killing their neighbor.
amen. newgrounds, deviantart faggotry is practically the model of internet cibility compared to the degenerate, baseless cess that is tumblr, twitter, facebook and the like
It's the hollywood media jews who push the "black is cool" meme.
It started with the musical acts. Music is the forefront of pop culture. Young, impressionable white girls see niggas like Drake, Tyga, Wiz Khalifa, or whoever the fuck and think "wow I really want a lightskined mulatto baby so he could grow up to be like them!". So they fuck black guys.
Now it's seeping into film/tv with the forced black lead roles. I'm not saying there should be no black artists/actors. I'm saying if you're going to force diversity then make it be actually diverse. Why is it every time a role is forced to be given to a minority it's ALWAYS a black male? To the hollywood jews diversity = "lol just add more black men".
That is why we're living in an age where black is cool, white is lame.
Aggressive, signals power. It's alluring because it cannot be shamed, bullied and henpecked into submission the way white people can. Instead it is violent and self-interested.
Chicks dig that. A man who caves before her will surely cave before his enemies, but a man who puts her in her place will surely do the same to those who would harm her.
Remember, it doesn't have to make sense in the world of practicality. That's your world, and the allure is primarily for women and those who subscribe to women's agitations and manipulations. It resonates dominance, real or imagined, and that is what women will flock to and defend. It is why, while men are invading, women will always be inviting.
You would take a hand out you uneducated shit.
White actually is lame though.
it's an act of rebellion
the smart ones will grow out of it
Go back to school, filthy chicano mobileposter.
yeah white culture sucks
Fuck niggers culture
Redneck culture is where the fun is at
>monster truck rallies
>loud ass guitars
>open water swimming
>Anvil Blasting
>improvised vehicles created in garages
>guns guns and more guns
people are programmed from the time they are old enough to speak to hate themselves for being white and to love what is niggardly. this, they call progress.
Im a texas white boy you stupid beaner. I like the crocodile cowboy boots and custom bling out weapons.
the fact that kikes are willing to spend billions marketing it at children.
>tfw easterner
>tfw no qt3.14 redneck gf
oh god why live? i want to be a redneck =(
anyone else like how one aspect of white culture in the US is seen as "backwards" and "redneck"? racist as fuck desu. rednecks can be ridiculously intelligent anyways, usually more mechanically intelligent than a "liberal arts" sort of intelligence but still.
Gang culture is so cool when you're a sheltered white bitch who doesn't have to live near it.
You can say that again
>Wannabe east coast redneck
Everyone hates you and thinks you're a joke. You're not convincing anyone with your camo hat and big truck.
>I'm a Texas edgy underage white boy who likes cartel "culture" unironically
Oh shit, we actually are invading Texas. Burgers, you'd better build that wall ASAP before we claim it back. In all seriousness, you should be beheaded for your shit taste
Implying you dont walk across the street when you see a black person coming your way
How hard is it to get a southern bell gf?
anyhow if you talk about rap, I guess its because lack of parential care. I for one been taught that its degenerate and it stuck with me.
>you will never be a 13 year old on new grounds in the late 90s/early 00s again
It allows you to act like a complete out of control savage and hide behind the cover of "Black Culture".
Most redneck as also own property, multiple recreation vehicles, spend time teaching their children sports, fishing, hunting etc.
Compared to city folk living in an apartment, children being raised by baby sitters and video games.
I'll take my sunflower and caterpillar fed free range chickens over their hormone and anti-biotic injected poison any day.
>rednecks can be ridiculously intelligent anyways, usually more mechanically intelligent than a "liberal arts" sort of intelligence but still.
I've known plenty of rednecks that we're into hard sciences. Hell, they have to be if they want to make homemade rockets with any competence. and any day of the week, I'd take a girl who can play in my poker tournament in the garage over some whiskey and hookah (Yes, rednecks fucking love hookah) over some dry bitch who wants to drag me to starbucks so she can bore me to death with talks of her favorite music, working at a spa, some racist thing she heard somebody at work say and all the drivel she reads on her facebook
All the thug/gun-violence/gang/rap shit is an edgy interest for white people. It's also used in a light-hearted ironic way by a lot of white folks as well.
The nigger-speak (often found on memes) is genuinely how blacks talk & type - and when white people do it, it's almost always done ironically. It sounds so stupid that it's funny to a lot of people.
Then there's twerking which is also done ironically more often than not by white girls.
Also, if you're opposed to any of the above, you're pretty much viewed as "racist". So that's why a lot of people get along with it through the use of irony.
>two extremes
I grew up in the country but moved into a sizable city for work. And honestly, I just want to save up enough to buy a cheap weekends house out in the country again.
There's so many great things about the city I can't do in the country.
And so many great things about the country that I can't do in the city.
You live once, learn to embrace both.*
*dont embrace the niggers of city life or the meth heads of rural life
Exactly, I was raised in a small mexican town plagued by crime where evey kid pretended to be narco. Bless my mother and father for raising me as an actual human being.
It's about stealing power without any responsibility. It has a powerful attraction to weak people (most of them poor, many women).
Not hard at all, provided you're not Hideous, uptight and have zero social skills.
I'm not trying to put anybody down. Really you should be able to do just fine if all of your skill in the aforementioned is adequate.
Mind you, long term relationships can be a bit difficult due to how very unique southern culture is.
The south also has GOAT food and some of the finest literature in America (pic related) but now I'm just getting lost in my dixieboo daydreams
No, Luis. I just remembered one time my school organized a costume party, pretty much everyone went as a narco or reggetonero.
people only do the blood gang sign because it's easy enough to read. They don't know shit about the bloods/crips nor do they care.
I'm from Nevada, man. Living here is just such an odd disposition. You're too city to be country and too country to be city
I think girls are attracted to black men because of their confidence and attitude, they live in places where they can get killed every day, you think they're scared to talk to a bitch when they have to look over their shoulder every day worrying about getting a cap popped in their ass? Black people just dont give a fuck, and people are attracted to that.
Meanwhile white bois are male feminists
Violence? Broken family units? Shitty rap music?
these redneck girls sound interesting. Seems to me rednecks are a bit like slavs, crazy and doesent afraid of anything but can be highly intelligent
The redneck stereotype is a standard jewish strategy, turning city people and country people against each other.
They did the same thing in Soviet.
>This is the most bullshit argument.
What a brilliant refutation.
>Kill yourself.
Only after you you sanctimonious prick. Your death alone would probably result in a noticeable uptick in the overall intelligence of your little island.
>The south also has GOAT food
Dixie is a shithole that Sup Forums pretends otherwise, but I can not refute the food statement
jazz rock etc
There are flips in America that act ghetto. Don't act like you're not one of them
One of the last places you can be an actual man and they can't complain about your "Toxic masulinity"