How come a lot of Chinese people, when they come to canada, they never talk to whites or anyone else who isn't asian? They just ignore white canadians. Why is that? Language barrier?
A question to Chinese people
My parents are kind of autistic when speaking in English, same with a lot of my other relatives and my parents friends around their age. I think they're just conscientious about their strong accent, in Hong Kong (where we're from) we're taught English, so we can read signs and instructions etc, but we don't actually speak it. So their conversational English is awful. Basic colloquialisms completely fly over their heads, even my dad had to ask me what the word "nope" meant. They're also especially uncomfortable when English speakers joke around.
Yeah I figured it was the language barrier. It's kind of weird, because you go to places like vancouver, where it's like 1/3 chinese, and the people barely socialize with canadians.
Yeah I have a chinese sister and and she's friends with a girl who's parents are from the mainland. They just don't get jokes a lot because if our slang, tones and references
I notice and explain it out usually but it must be tough.
In group preference, if you've ever seen Japanese on vacation you'll notice the majority of them travel in groups
and usually just take snapshots of everything on their brief stay.
Because there is strength in numbers and they are in a foreign and possibly hostile environment.
How do you feel about Canada becoming Asian?
Canada is only 7% asian. 7% Indian/Arab/Iranian. You're stupid norway. Canada's probably the whitest country outside of europe.
hvordan foler du deg om stinkende gamle Norge å være en fjert?
Chinese people are rude in my experience. They have absolutely no manners or respect for anybody but themselves. They must have forgotten these basic human qualities during communism
Chinese people don't even talk to white people. So how would you know they're rude?
Canada is 14% Asian, but a much higher percentage in places like Vancouver and the GTA. I've been here 20 years, but I've been noticing a lot of newer immigrants are less inclined to assimilate or even learn the language.
Rude chinese detected
No that 14% asian figure includes arabs, indians, etc.
Moron, who's never even met an asian detected.
>Canada is only 7% asian.
Not really. It's closer to 13%, if you count south Asians.
Chinese people are pouring into Canada, and make up a significant part of the population of Canadian cities. Rural areas might remain white, but the cities sure as hell aren't.
South asian means indian/pakistani, stuff like that.
But Chinese talk to white people in China all the time. I even come up to strangers to chat. Basically Chinese only talk to others when it comes to benefiting them. The ones that have made it to Canada don't need you anymore. So they won't talk to you.
They not I
figures from our last census. (we also did only in 2016, results should come out soon)
The chinese are extremely racist.
More racist than plantation owner.
All that propaganda.
They lady that makes my fried rice explained it to me. She was from Shanghai.
They're told how superior China is to every country
and how nationalism and the chinese people are blahblahblah.
Yeah, but how do you feel about it? I'm not saying this to shame you. I just want the perspective of an Asian person, and how you feel about minorities, Asian or otherwise, replacing the white population in major Canadian cities.
Norway you guys are just total autistic fags. Just no fucking manners. The only cool norwegian i know is varg.
but shes in the US now
Why is this acceptable? I wouldn't go to Shanghai and say the US is superior
fucking subhumans
Indifferent, mostly because most people my age are already white-washed enough. It is nice how it's a lot easier to find work since I speak Chinese.
My problem is the old Chinese people who ride public transit. They're so goddamn pushy. No respect for line ups, letting people off trains/buses before getting on, etc.
Go suck a dick.
gå suge en fjert
Canada is only 4% chinks. the rest are filipinos, koreans, vietnamese. Totalling up to 7% for oriental asians. The other 7% of minorities are south asians (indians, pakis, etc.), iranians and arabs. There's more middle eastern people than chinks in canada, you idiot.
>asks legitimate questions
>gets vitriol in response
>wonders why asians keep to themselves
Why do you have this thread, then?
Maybe they just hate jews?
Because whites are snowchimps
>socialize with Canadains
Chinese are the only true Canadains
Better, whites are scum and lazy and stupid
LOL dumbass
Whites are rude and scummy
dumbass Chinese people are the future of Canada.
Just kill yourself, jew.
Not really. I counted all the Asian (non-middle eastern) immigrants, and it came out to 13%. Granted, those numbers were from 2011.
>this bait
Are you jewish?
The ones that are first generation immigrants is blatantly obvious, language barrier.
The ones born here usually are enrolled in some high achievement school courses starting from grade school until university that separates contact with literally every other race so there comes the perception that Asians only talk to themselves.
t. literally was the only white, and by definition the only non Asian, in advanced curriculum
chinks make up 4% of the population in canada. You guys must all live in hongcouver or something. There's more indians and natives than there are chinks.
You're not even a convincing troll, you're just shitting up the board.
du allerede drepe meg med baken luft, norsk fitte
you're stupid, learn math. it's not 13%. the total or middle eastern AND east asian immigrants is 14.2%. Canada is white you dumbfuck. stay cucked norway.
This, and
As a good, tolerant (i.e. culturally cucked white)
Canadian I was absolutely gobsmacked by the level of bigotry I encountered in dealing with the mainland Chinese. If it's so great in the motherland, why are they invading in droves?
We tend to think it's a specifically Chinese thing because white countries are more or less the only multicultural first world countries.
Truth is, if you get any sizeable population of foreigners anywhere, they tend to be too busy and lazy to properly learn the native language. believe it or not, the large majority of foreigners in Japan don't speak a word of Japanese, and converse only within the expat community and exclusively in English. Even if they have a Japanese girlfriend.
It's not a Chinese thing.
t. White guy who studies Asian history
I don't think you know any chinks. Because i've never seen a chink speak to any white people. outside of business transactions. The question is, why don't they speak to whitey?
true canadians
You answered your question you stupid fuck.
I was forced to work with a large number in a federal government facility thanks to affirmative action type staffing. Tamade laowei.
>wanting to talk to faggy canadians
If I were asian and living in canada I wouldn't want to talk to you faggots either
We are taking over. We view white Canadians as inferior, lazy and weak.
Because, fuckface, it has been explained. Chinks are extremely xenophobic and look down on others. They think you a shit.
Do you talk to strangers that you look down on, like the homeless or niggers? No. So why would you expect a chink to give you butterfly kisses, you special snowflake?
Your dreams of an Asian qt 3.14 are best sought elsewhere in the slant eye world, you fucking weeb.
Because deep down they know they aren't great. They just have a mixture of gov't school brainwashing and low self esteem.
Get out troll
get out troll
Propaganda How would the Solutereeans get to Canada?
REally? Why is our culture superior then? Why did Hitler admire our culture and then Goebbels wrote "it maddens one to think a Canadain boar who can't find Europe on a globe can bomb Germany"
76% white in 2011, down from 86% white in 1996.
You're closing in on America.
Language barrier.
Even if English educated, accents and slangs may be hard.
>knowledge of Mandarin is a common job requirement
Fuck this city. They should all be deported.
maybe, maybe not, im not pulling up the numbers, but vancouver and toronto.... they aren't canadian cities.
Learn it or move east. We've been sold out, so don't expect anything to be done about it. Vote with your wallet and vote with your feet.
ching chong mah ding dong.
Dunno, how did they get to Europe, N africa and Anatolia is the better question.
The truth is their English is shit, tehy're embarrased to talk. They consider whites like lesser chinese basically, they dont hate us, they think we're slightly inferior and stupid.
If you want to see true racism get a Japanese/chinese friend and ask them what they truly think of blacks though
>pride in having an accent/having shitty English
>insulated in Chinese communities with no need to learn English *cough* Richmond *cough*
>difference in culture discourages older Chinese people from even attempting to learn English
>related to above, being haughty and ignorant red communist Chinese fuckheads
Mainly the first two, though
A lot of Asians I've talked to seem to have an inferiority complex when it comes to whites. The rest seem to wonder what the fuck we're doing, letting millions of shitskins into our country.
haha. I lived in China. It isn't. Go have some delicious di gou you.
they're just here so their wealthy dads can take advantage of tax loopholes and own the canadian real estate market, they aren't here because they want to be in canada.
They have a noticeable accent and struggle with the language. They will probably respond if you use basic conversational language. I am a second generation and I pretty much have to help them do anything that needs English skills like translating and reading documents.
Also they are very resistant to assimilation. My grandma has lived in Canada for like 15-20 years and has never had a western meal. The cultural enclaves are strong enough that they can survive in the western world without English.
meh, they died out
Its not just Chinese its just an immigrant thing
I see you've never met a black or arab person.
I visited Germany 2 weeks ago. They have shit culture yet Sup Forums loves em.
i see you never met one.
you've never talk to an asian. the only norwegian chinks and japs know is varg vikernes. And let's face it, you're not varg vikernes.
>Tldr; my parents are dumb subhumans like me
Yea, a little bit of both. Its refreshing to talk to them though, because even the ones who like attending gaypride parades and are super liberals etc which they cant have in their home countries will be completely baffled as to why we import shitskins and allow gypsies to beg on the streets
How is Varg a chink?
Cause they're niggers wanting to fuck or fuck with whites
Hispanics keep to themselves too
>The cultural enclaves are strong enough that they can survive in the western world without English.
Fucking this. It's incredible that no one bats an eye. Don't people realise this is a national security issue in case of a long-due visible military tension between the West and China? These people have absolutely no ties to this country. Hell, some have pretty strong negative sentiments about it and its people and culture.
I have white friends, they can be very stubborn and outspoken to a fault. T B H some are really lazy too, or rather, dont understand how we chinks and gooks can enjoy working like 80 hours weeks. Asians kinda understand each other, even if they are from different countries/cultures that normally bicker with one another. If you gave me a choice between hanging out with a korean group and a gwailo group I would -probably?- choose the former. At least we all eat rice and pork every day.
that said, white people are more generally fun to party with. And to get weed from I guess...?
I never said varg is a chink. i said the ONLY NORWEGIAN chinks and japs know is varg vikernes. Jesus you're dumb, what are you native?
This was made after that dumb bitch walked through New York and was "harrassed" by men. It was shot in Oslo and was supposed to show how Norwegian men are sexist monsters who harrass women, but it turned out every single person who approached the woman was black or brown.
Of course, they didn't mention that, but just blamed it on white men.
They're better than you and they know it. You white devils had your chance, it's our century now.
Lol I live in richmond and the Chinese are super racist. I go into some hole in the wall Chinese place and I get looks all the time. A woman actually was shocked that I was eating Chinese food and that I could use chopsticks, a lot of them are fine but fuck the racist snobs
birds of a feather
Some Asian countries have better work ethics than whites, and I applaud you for it, but thats not all thats needed, you need souls as well, and very few Asians have that
Idiot, read what he said again
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! -Carl The Cuck voice.
As if Canadians have any SHRED of a culture, fucking barbarians compared to the rest of the world.
Are you autistic or something? What's with your bizarre obsession with that cuck Varg, and what does that have to do with me meeting Asians?
you mean, "why don't immigrants assimilate?"
it's because there aer so many of them, they have no social/economic obligation to intermingle with their new countrymen.
they're burdens the way they exist now.
>go to an other country for better for better living conditions
>barely socialize and learn the local culture
>don't built the country like the most of the whites did in the colonization are where the steppes turned into cities ,just using the things that others built
>LOL whrite deviluu iz scrumm
>azian masterraze
You really are stupid, Varg isn't Chinese so how does knowing him mean they know a Chinese?
DAm you're dumb
Shit responded to the wrong post, ignore
Canada doesn't have culture. CHINA has culture.
learn more stupid. Whites didn't build this country Irish/Italian/Polish immigrants did.
Also better living conditions? KEK this place is a shithole.
Asians are robot NEETs who universally understand this amongst eachother.
>Not Canadian
Toronto is pretty fucking white man, I seriously hope you're not counting
>North York
when you talk about "Toronto", are you?
t. downtown torontonian
Well, I've been to China.
The older generation is rude, noisy, extremely disrespectful. But the younger are more and more civilized. Except children. Their parents dont teach them basic manners, I saw one defecating sidewalks, and his mother proudly took a picture of it in Tianjin. Even here, older the parents (and newly rich people, who got money just recently and forgot money cannot buy respect), more uncivilized their children tend to be.
I think it is because of the history. Those born in poverty stricken closed communist era, who lived mostly in rural areas and had got no education, tend to be idiots. You can see them as tourists who jump to open buffet in hotels and eat till their guts burst out (unfortunately I have seen that kind of Chinese tourists in Thailand a lot).
But younger ones are nice.
All non-Vancouverians aren't Canadain
The only norwegian asians care about is varg. the only norwegian that's cool is varg. you are not varg, which makes you a fag.
That's true autism right there, even for a chink.