I wanna be gay

>I wanna be gay

What did he mean by this

That he wants to be gay

'Cause his target is fucked, and if he was gay, he would enjoy it to the fullest. It's a very deep lyric desu.

virgin idubbz vs chad riceg-pfft who am i kidding
asians can't be chad lmao

haha bro epic, ill drink to that. cheers!

Wait, I know I'm not incredibly in touch with 12-year-old Internet culture, but isn't he gay? Why would he want to be gay if he is gay? I was confused by that line too, OP.

I miss him ripping Kickstarters apart.
His regular humor gets old pretty quick, he's at his best when he has something to actively rail against.

He's not gay, it's just some absurd humour.

*********some unfunny humour

also work haha

Let's face it, iDubbbz only struck gold because of the influx of YouTube drama permeating and completely ruining the website. People may be fooled by the illusion that he's infallible, but really, he's just a piece of bronze in a mountain of shit. Literally all of his Content Cop videos are just glorified rants akin to TheArchfiend, Undertakerfreak1127, PMRants, and NateTalkstoYou, sprinkle with Filthy Frank-esque humor that only appeals to edgy high schoolers. Hell, if PMRants made a Top 10 Worst YouTubers List, every single person iDubbbz made a Content Cop on would be on it. It's ironic how he called out other YouTubers for making lazy reaction videos, yet his content is essentially him reacting to different products and videos. Kickstarter Crap is just taking other people's stupid fundraiser ideas and reenacting them, and his mail series has not a single redeeming quality about them. He just got lucky because of how terrible YouTube has been these last few years, and now he's taking advantage of it. Good thing Filthy Frank is done now. The kids need their daily share of porcupine razorblades to get through their mothers not allowing them to go to the skate park.


It's funny because no sane person would want to be gay.

Great rebuttal.

He is already gay, and also a douchebag.

Maxmoefoe is the real chad

joji was the chad until he started performing, realized he couldn't really sing and put out that ep that was generic and gay

No need to reply to all your bullshit post point by point, with just calling you a faggot, which is what you are, is enough

frikken owned dude!


>Max gives Ian a lot of attention and accelerates his career
>George gives h3h3 attention and accelerates their career
Both joji and h3h3 have defiled their reputation, while Idubbbz remains pure

epic music related post my man
fuck off to pol

Except Idubbbz makes lake 3 vids a year and max is unable to function due to drug addiction.

There's nothing music related in this thread though

Don’t believe until I see some sauce

Which is what makes Max the massive legend he exclaims to be, he doesn't give a fuck anymore. A true chad

Except the lyric in OP is from a song. Are you policing every post that isn't music related? No? Oh, you're just a hypocrite then.

I habe de crippling depression b0ss

I've enjoyed most of his videos, but really this is more or less correct. The squirrel videos and the short lived comedians in Cars getting coffee parody series were pretty good and outliers I'm either just plain boring or feeding the drama machine.

I wanna be gay

based PMRants