Hey this album's actually really good!

Hey this album's actually really good!

Who said it wasn't?

It was Sup Forumscore n all that.
I'm sure he just forgot that this isn't reddit and Sup Forums actually pics good albums.

It's soy numale garbage

>t. decaf dude

Especially recently everyone's been shitting on it

Everything's being shat on on Sup Forums, especially Sup Forumscore simply because everyone knows it and it is an easy target. I'm surprised how anyone can take any opinion posted here seriously.

It's almost like it's Sup Forums

It's almost like it's an anonymous website where everyone can post what they want without the fear of it being tracked to some kind of account. Of course people talk shit and lie all the time.

I'm not lying. This album sucks my shit.

There is alot more rules on here than Sup Forums
You aren't supposed to post shit, unless it relates to music

>You aren't supposed to post shit, unless it relates to music
Yeah, in which case it's okay to shitpost, as long as it's music-related. So, people will do that because there are no repercussions. On the contrary, you get rewarded with (You)s for successfully shitposting.

yeah I guess.

I listened to Stgstv last night for the first time in a couple of years.. it's grwat!

>when misgendered cuties try to defend their lifelong lie in face of upcoming liberation

I don't understand your post, but it's probably soy.

Aged like milk tho

fucking christ another one of these?

their only good album

I listened to it recently, and liked it.
Milk that old would be a nope

you dummy


Grow the fuck up

re: remix: revisited