KEK Demands USA flags be switched to state flags

There is a strong argument behind this and I've seen it brought up quite a bit recently.

States are:

>as big as countries
>have different laws
>have different cultures
>have differing opinions of other states much like other countries have differing opinions of their own
>USA is bigger than Europe

What say you?

Yes goy, split the powerbase into arbitrary differences, become weaker.

KEK wants the USA to have one strong, united flag. It is KEK's will.


Kek wills the USA remain one nation, under KEK, with liberty and memes for all

At least give southerners dixie flags.

The (((nation))) is the same as the EU.

Weaken the fed!!!!

No. We're united as one even if we disagree among eachother. The USA's strength is that we're 50 different countries united as one in a mostly homogeneous culture.

i say repeating digits

No, I would get shitposted into oblivion because I live in California.

I already get bullied enough in /k/ when I post my cucked AR.

It makes us weaker. Why should we succumb to what the commiefornia cucks decide?

Get extra flags for int plugin

No it's not gonna happen

I want the united states to go the way of rome and just split up.
Cascadia, California, Great Lakes, Texas, the Original 13 Colonies, New York city state, etc. and just let all the people who have different values govern themselves

This is a dumb idea. It makes the board less anonymous.

Although, this might not be bad.

This is an argument for strong government cucking state's rights.

Just the New York, California and Texas posters..

You know.... the relevant ones

instead Kek demands that followers of Kek be given the memetic flag of Kek praise Kek REEEEEEEE

QEK wills it

>This is a dumb idea. It makes the board less anonymous.

Stupid argument. It would allow for more camaraderie and meme magic to work to transform the USA into the image of KEK.

>Not Florida, where all the crazies live.
>Not Florida, the american Australia
>Not Florida, the home of PCP

>Kek demands
Apparently he doesn't, you misguided, heretical faggot. Don't confuse his will with your own.

Are you claiming to be a priest of KEK, you heretic?

they should be governing themselves now, federal governments job is just to manage the piggybank and the military but cunts like bobo think they have some kind of mandate to make sweeping regulation reform.

No this is stupid because it will just lead to shitposting against it's state. I'm from Louisiana so every reply to my posts will be


Nope. Do not want.

>he says as he leaves the EU

At least throw us a bone, and give us pic related.

The current US flag is the military flag, and was only supposed to be flown over military installations. It symbolizes the pentagon's forced dominion over the states.

Kek doesn't demand shit you disgusting newfag. The Memegod isn't something you can just use to get everyone on Sup Forums to hop on with your retarded ideas.

Ok here's my flag.

Also, you can hover over any of the state flags and it will show their names.

If you wanna have your state flag you should have a referendum to leave Washington :^)

Stupid idea. Lack of digits confirms KEKs displeasure.

How it is a retarded idea you faggot cuck? Afraid of posting from CA?

Our flag is ugly af.

I want this to.
>California yes will be a thing

>le kek tottally wills my idea u guise XXXDDDD

There are people on Sup Forums right now only posting with one flag

I pity them

I don't think you realize the hilarity of this, in regards to all of the states.

It would take over pol, kind of like how we took over the world :^)


Don't invoke the name of KEK (peace be upon him) for something as mundane as this.

>>yfw you don't get any food because people anne the midwest


A good portion of your food comes from central US. If you were split, how does the Venezuelan situation sound like?

I wouldn't. It's not even mundane. It will transform the USA.

kek ignores OP and is a sick cunt instead

Wisconsin bro here as long as people from ohio do not be here as much.

Fuck off.

I'm a goddamn American.
I want the stars and motherfucking stripes, bitch.

I would approve of California flags so the posts could be discarded.

>What say you?

fuck egypt but still praise the word of HOLY KEK

fuck the usa
fuck states

What about being in Wisconsin with an Illinois ip

If we had state flags. All you be hearing is how shit Michigan is because we would be able to point of Michigan posters


>Mfw I start using a Texas vpn

kek is fake

Some of us actually come here to have actual discussions about the topic, not just for shitposting and memes. We're an endangered species.

At least let there be dual flags, USA and State if the poster chooses.

Let the free market decide who adopts it or not.


We already have state flags you faggot.

Articles of confederation are all we need. State sovereignty now!

But what if we want to shame commiefornians and people from illinois away from their shameful ways and make some change?

If Hiroshimoot has any sense of humor, he will do this but only on July 4.

Don't delude yourself into just making excuses to be an asshole. You know you aren't going to do that. You're going to shitpost them no matter what words actually appear in their post, you'll fucking ignore that.


N-no homo?

>mfw I won't have to

Is it possible to geolocate IPs to states reliably?

I would vote for it just so I can make fun of all the god damn Californians.

My guess is that's where 90% of our shills come from.

Articles of confederation are for kuks.

Good point. My ISP is from a neighboring state.

civil war's a comin soon now that Britain's got some kind of plan up its sleeve for its economy to survive without the EU's networks

not saying its gonna be war, but Britain is very good at stirring the political pot without anyone having any idea who fired the first shot

Might as well prepare for it and embrace the oncoming third world war, the war that never ended in the first place...

Common countries like USA, Britain, Canada, and Germany need two flags for the regions of their country as well as the normal flag to show foreigners where they really are. Two flags.

I am against this. Everything I say will be disregarded because I am from a state full of niggers.

Oh boy, more rare flags!

>not using the plugin

I'm in for it just because I want to see how many Floridians are actually here. Because we sure do love announcing that we're from Florida.

>what is Extra Flags for Sup Forums

You can't shame the shameless.

The US should just have two flags, a country and a state. We're obviously the most important and prominent country on this board/world, so doing this as an exception makes sense.

Sup Forums is the one that needs state flags

>a sovereign nation before the EU
>compared to one nation since forever

kek does not will more flags
kek thinks we have enough flags already

>kek thinks we have too many flags already

>Not using More Flags for Sup Forums
Ameri/pol/ would be so much better if everyone did