Tens of Thousands of Ravens Fans Ask For Ray Lewis Statue To Be Torn Down


>Extra security has been added near the statue of retired Ravens star Ray Lewis at M&T Bank Stadium after he joined current players Sunday in kneeling during the national anthem, provoking calls to remove the likeness.

>As of mid-afternoon Wednesday, more than 36,000 people had signed an online petition on change.org that advocates for the removal of the Lewis statue “because of his refusal to stand during the National Anthem.

>“That song honors our country and our veterans who fought for it,” the petition reads. “To kneel during it is disrespectful, regardless of what you are protesting.”

>Given recent statue-related protests and vandalism, the Maryland Stadium Authority didn't wait until this Sunday's game against the Pittsburgh Steelers to take precautions.

>“There is additional security at the statue plaza at this time," said Rachelina Bonacci, a spokesperson for the authority, which is the team’s stadium landlord.

>On Sunday, Lewis — who retired from the NFL after the 2012 season — knelt on both knees alongside a group of current Ravens as the anthem was played before the team’s game against the Jacksonville Jaguars in London.

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Is America the most uptight place on earth?

for the love of god, please let this happen.

I hope the great american 2nd civil war begins there underneath that nigs statue.

Nah, we just have a bunch of pussies who figured out they could get lots of attention on social media by acting offended over everything and now its getting out of control.

Who would have thought that the internet would ruin democracy?

This whole anthem thing is starting to border on the absurd

The petition is over 43,000 now and the guy who started it is being interviewed on Baltimore news tomorrow.


Democracy was ruined long before the internet

Yeah it's been a farce for decades. All were doing is tearing apart the charade.

Lets not remove it cuz he's a muderer but because he isn't Patriotic. People are fuckin stupid

Yeah but he killed two black people so it doesn't really count in America

Democracy is a deeply flawed system. You elect someone who makes promises and can't keep them.
Patrician political system is fascism.

B-but if you take down the statue of a famous person, you're rewriting history!

Go back to being dead De Gaulle.

In regards to the statue, the internet warriors behind this petition wouldn't have the balls to try and tear down or deface the statue themselves. Also it would also blow up the false narrative that was just created that this isn't about race if you go attacking a statue of a black man.

This nigger stabbed a guy, why the hell did they give him a statue in the first place

>the internet warriors behind this petition wouldn't have the balls to try and tear down or deface the statue themselves
maybe they are civilised individuals instead of animals belonging to a national geographic documentary

representative democracy is the way to go, but election by voting is rigged, sortition is the way to choose officials

Nigs and Cuck Whites getting a taste of their own medicine.

Ought to replace it with a ref making a DPI call

allegedly stabbed

and two guys

truly the mvp of Flacco era.

only good post

>10,000 Old Bays
>tearing anything down
o im laffin

t. Old Bay

Good, the ravens aren’t old enough to have a real statue depicted a real legend

>commits murder
>gets a statue
>takes a knee
>the city wants to tear the statue down

Oh go fuck yourselves

Ravens fans or Sup Forums posters trying to provoke a reaction?

>To kneel during it is disrespectful, regardless of what you are protesting.”

The height of ignorance.

Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

Democracy was ruined when non landowners voted

>team is called ravens
>group of ravens is murder
>be surprised with the murders

>Canadians talking politics
Don't you some more dope to smoke you delusional, sheltered faggots.

That's the point, half-wit.
The niggers tearing down white monuments received no penalty, let's see how they handle it.

Ignorance is ignoring what the flag stands for, and the fact that they're working for the NATIONAL Football League making millions from American citizens.

Gonna find every player who ever sat and try to whipe him from the history books?
Because the USA actually finds being a murderer (or rapist, or anything) as acceptable if you're a good athlete, but not kneeling during the anthem. Hurricane Charles killed a bunch of people, was proved guilty twice and got a Bob Dylan song which resulted in his "heroic" release before the end of his life anyway. Why? He was a good athlete and the system is supposedly racist.

You mean the confederate monuments? The confederacy being the enemy of the US

the confederacy is as much as us as the north

Now, after they rejoined the Union; not when they were the Confederacy, a separate country.
And yet they can't make a good argument for it, despite Ray Lewis being human trash they're still on the kneeling thing their news masters demand.


the north was also a separate country than the us

The Confederate states were not the enemy, the Union needed the agricultural benefits at the time, and still do.
The tearing down of Confederate monuments wasn't about erasing the past, they wanted to (and still do) erase western culture.

>news masters
I was at my 75 year-old grandmother's house last night, and she was watching the NBC Nightly News segments.
I saw no mention of the NFL.

NFL fans are pissed because the players refuse to respect the people that pay their salaries, and make it about race, instead of about nationalism. The players are poorly educated and I imagine know very little about basic economics in this country.


America is a Republic you mongrel



Not mutually exclusive my friend

Right wingers don't actually tear anything down or protest effectively, Baltimore has nothing to worry about.

All the statues being taken down recently were done by the left. Right doesn't have the balls.

>niggers tear down Jefferson Davis
>tear down Stonewall Jackson
>tear down Robert E Lee
>tear down Thomas Jefferson
>tear down George Washington
>tear down Abraham Lincoln

>continue to eat fried chicken made by a white guy who cosplayed as a Confederate colonel


>erase western culture
>muh culture of cheaply made bronze statues erected during the 1910's and civil rights movements to intimidate negroes

fuck off back to your containment board, faggot.

real meal for five bucks
real meal for five bucks
real meal for five bucks
real meal for five bucks
real meal for five bucks

He's right. You're nothing more than an ISIS nigger.

>intimidate 10% of the population
>memorialize the people who died so that 100% of future generations will remember them
So is the purpose of the MLK memorial to intimidate white people?

Yeah what the flag stands for is freedom you dope. Freedom to stand or sit or do whatever the fuck you want. Forced nationalism is just fascism, move to fucking North Korea if you want the country to be forced to participate in nationalist displays.

You're right, they're more into burning shit like books or Beatles records.

If you want people to remember this stuff, put it in a fucking museum. There was never any call to erect hundreds of cheaply made statues all over the south until Jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement.

>the flag stands for freedom
No it doesn't. It stands for America. In 1798 we passed the Alien and Sedition Act under John Adams, who was THE lawyer among the Founding Fathers.



The two aren't comparable you alt right fuck wit.

If Ray Lewis ever writes a book then we'll have trouble. For now they're just going to douse lighter fluid on their Ravens jerseys and whine on youtube about how the mean man wasn't forced to stand up for our magical song.

Which they only started doing in 2009 after the military paid the NFL millions of dollars for patriotic displays.

In 2017, you think monuments are meant to intimidate.

Explain how it's different. Explain how Barack Obama wasn't trying to intimidate white people with this shit. Just look at the scowl and posture: it's meant to be a display of power, like the Colossus.

You're a liar and a hypocrite.

Didn't they have to modify the text on some MLK statues because the blacks had lost the ability to understand his beautiful use of language?

>civil rights movement to further the education and standing in society of an oppressed class
>50 years later have to change the plaques into ooga booga speak so the people he fought to advance can read it

Poor MLK, Malcom X was right all along.

is this what one of the statues that was torn down actually looked like?

embarassing tbqh

You mean rebellious anti-american monuments?

Who was president at the time? Oh yeah, the nigger.

That's what this is all about. Niggers realized they were not going to have a nigger in the White House anymore, with Hillary and Trump running. So in Obama's year, they turned to BLM and kneeling for the anthem. But from 2009 to 2014, niggers were all about patriotism, so long as you mentioned Obama to them first.

So America ISNT about freedom? Is that what you're saying? Lmao the mental gymnastics you fuckers have to pull just to be counter culture. It must get exhausting

Congratulations on
>getting both btfo
>resorting to ad homs
>reddit spacing
I hope you enjoy your stay here on spee, and hope that the upcoming race war crushes your baboon skull underfoot

My fellow burgers are triggered by absolutely everything these days. I blame the internet.


KFC is food eaten by white people. Only the sides are tolerable. Black people eat popeyes or make their own.

>land of the free

tearing down statues is becoming more American than baseball

>hurr hurr i'm the alt right, watch me be purposefully obtuse!

It stopped being clever a year ago guys.

If I had to guess, I would say you are 19 years old.

>The second civil war will start over football
It's meant to be

america is literally coming apart at the seams

I believe this is one of the statues that is still up... for now.

But yeah, these things were cheaply made for a few hundred bucks and put up everywhere. In that most recent video of one of these statues being taken down by counter protesters you'll notice it crumples on impact like a paper cup. These things are mass produced garbage that our government tricked idiot rednecks into assigning value and meaning to.

this is wrong though... clearly you're just using anecdotal evidence of the one in your mostly white city. If i go to the KFC that's close to black neighborhoods there is very rarely a white person in there

>or make their own
lol no. they certainly won't go to the effort to make their own

their pants aren't the only thing bursting out at the seams

>Honor muh soldiers who protect our freedom

Name ONE war or conflict post-WWII that truly put the freedom of the American people in jeopardy

It really isnt. Most people genuinely don't give a fuck and it's a very vocal minority on either side. Most everyone here is just going to school or work and keeping it moving day to day because making sure we can pay our rent or mortgage this month is honestly 100x more important than whatever either side of this issue is mouthing off about.
If you go to a KFC in a black neighborhood you'll also see the shit is damn near empty and everyone is at the Popeyes.
And if you think blacks don't fry their own chicken, you've clearly never been to the south.

no, i havent been to the south. there is a difference between a southern nigger and a northern nigger though

the war on the american family

>reminder that this is 4chins
>reminder to not take insults personally
>reminder to insult everybody else using whatever you can, as offensive as possible
please continue

Cold War. Your proxy wars (Vietnam, Korea) were fought in order to keep the American hegemony. If you hadn't been willing to display your power then the Soviet Union would have gained more influence.

So ready for a fucking race war. Bring it on niggers

By corporations and lobbyists? I’d agree with that one
>implying a stalemate and a loss won us influence with anyone
>implying either country would’ve launched the nukes

And you clearly haven't spent any time around either if you legitimately believe people from either group either would actually enjoy eating KFC when Popeyes is an option, or that they don't fry their own chicken.

You literally are trying to make fun of a group of people and can't even get the shit straight you are making fun of them for. Your dumb ass might as well start making jokes about the Irish Sweet Potato famine or or that Indians Pee on the sidewalks.

It wasn't about the nukes obviously. America clearly won the Cold War, look at what happened to the former Soviet Union, it disintegrated and imploded. The Soviets could have won the Cold War, and I don't know what would have happened but it wouldn't have been nice for the US


Capitalists ruined that chance a long time ago, now they got the idiot sheep populace they wanted.

How did any military member’s service influence us “winning” the Cold War?

>These same faggots complain about statues of actual confirmed traitorous rebels being torn down
>But a retired football player has to have his statue torn down because of a completely voluntary ritual that doesn't do anything for anyone

Wonderful well done

Sure you are, tiger. We all know of anything like that were to happen, the only result would be martial law. There will never be another civil war in this country with how armed our military is.

That's exactly what I'm saying. America is about America: a new nation of white supremacy. You do not have freedom of speech. The Fist Amendment just says Congress cannot limit speech. But courts always limit speech (you can't commit perjury or obstruct justice or tell lies and half-truths). And companies can limit speech. And the executive branch can limit speech too.

It was a display of power and proof of America's willingness to go into war. It doesn't even have to be a victory as clear as Desert Storm, even a stalemate was enough to show that the US were willing to fight.
Obviously your military didn't win the Cold War alone, it was also pressure on the Soviet's economy and political influence in Europe. But you're retarded if you don't realize how your military played a major role in ensuring your victory over the Soviet Union

>America clearly won the Cold War
Wrong. Marxist ideology and subversion infected America. Thinking that America actually won the Cold War is one of the big blue pills you need to vomit out.

>tear down all the statues I don't like
>be angry when someone tears down one I like
fuck off, jamarquandoise

Alex shouldn’t you be selling some water filters?

congrats you outed a lifelong t_d user

>implying blacks don't prefer Popeyes or Church's (which are both better than KFC anyways)

Nobody eats kfc, hah.

Enjoying your cultural marxism there, amerilards? Time is running out to stop it.

That's like saying "the UK isn't a democracy, it's a monarchy"