>UK leaves EU
>Scotland leaves UK, joins EU. Takes oil with them.
Turn about is fair play.
>UK leaves EU
>Scotland leaves UK, joins EU. Takes oil with them.
Turn about is fair play.
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They have like no oil and isn't the prices so low it's not even worth digging up their oil?
oh boy it's another scotland hate thread with shitposting and hyperbole
What's with all this divide and conquer recently?
I don't get it.
"wow you sure showed us"
>current year
Even Arab princes are looking to diversify their investments. Even these fucking inbreds know that oil has no future.
>vassal of England
>leaving England
top laff lad!
oil wont go above 50 dollars for decades according to those predicting its fall. it costs the scots that much to extract and decommission 'their' (built and paid for by UK i.e., English exchequer).
They have windmills, thats about it.
>Your oil is worth shit
>Even if you win another referendum, Spain will VETO your application to become join EU
You aren't leaving Jock
Royal Family will not let it happen.
The dino dosh doesn't even half pay for the grannies free dental, gaelicland is screwed if they go indie.
I for one look forward to re enacting the war of three kingdoms where god-emperor Boris shall reassert unity.
>The population of Scotland is 6 Million
Lmao let them leave it will be sad but they'll be crying more than us when Scotland becomes one yuuuge Rotherham
>Spain will VETO your application to become join EU
Why would Spain do that? We need all the gib we can get.
Keep leaving in denial, jocks. Politicians virtually frightened Scottish population into staying in the UK by saying that leaving the UK would mean leaving the EU. Although Cameroon said that the independence referendum was supposed to last for a generation, the man himself that Scotland can legitimately ask for another one at this point, so the prospects of the UK dissolving are very real.
Oh look it's a "muh oil" thread post Arab oil price drop and fracking boom.
No one cares and if you think you'll get all the oil in the sea, well, I'll give you one guess as to who rules the waves.
Scotland has a population of about 6million i think.
In the independant ref 55% voted to stay in the UK but EU ref they all wanted to stay in EU.
Problem is over 1mil voted to leave the EU, 1.6mil wanted to stay so really not a massive gap between them and also turnout was lower than the rest of the UK.
Plus oil has plummeted like a rock so any budget relying on oil has just gone up shit creek which makes the SNP look economically stupid.
Plus they do not even know if the EU would let them in.
shills are pissed
>Spain will VETO your application to become join EU
Because if you don't Catalonia will leave you
So the Catalonian don't get any ideas
spain wants to set an example to catalonia and basque country
Because Cataluña
we don't know how Turkey would fit into this either, I sincerely doubt they'll arrange for Scotland to join before Turkey.
Salmond says a new referendum is certain.
The difference is that Catalonia can only unilaterally declare independence, but Scotland can do that legitimately because intra-UK agreements allow that.
The Catalonia thing is just a bunch of politician retards with delusions of grandeur, not an actual country that's part of an union.
Oh come on, Turkey's never joining. The EU officials are flirting because of the refugees thingy.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but Catalogne isn't a pushover, they do actually count for a nice part of Spain's GDP. Unlike French Corsica/Britanny, or UK Wales, they can stand for themselves.
Scotland won't leave, I'd give the SNP about a 10% chance of successfully winning an independence referendum.
The SNP were wrong about everything. All their projections were wrong, Scotland would have had to make cuts on par with Greece if they left.
Nothing has changed.
If Scotland left they would have to accept EU induced austerity, which would be much harsher than UK austerity.
They'd need to accept the Euro.
They'd need to accept freedom of movement of people & refugee quotas. Something which the SNP would gleefully accept, the Scottish people however would not be happy with that proposal.
The economy + immigration will blown the SNP out the fucking water. They won't win.
>scottish independence as a consequence of brexit is a meme
Sup Forums actually believes this.
I don't deny they will get a referendum, I doubt they will be able to join the EU. Especially as they most definitely wont be a net contributor. If they do join good for them, not holding anything against them
Turkey are definitely joining no matter what.
This. Germany may want Turkey in, but it's mostly because of their on immigrants. France is adamant for Turkey to stay out.
I think you're massively underestimating Scottish sentiment.
I voted "no" quite firmly last time. I'd probably vote "yes" in whats looking like the inevitable indy ref mk2
makes sense, but still, gib is gib...
>implying will let them keep the oil
>implying we wont just take it from them
What frenchie said, Catalonia is like 25% of GDP with 19% of population.
Still, the whole situation is like a competition of which government is more retarded and corrupt, the spanish one or the catalan one. Catalonia didn't get rich thanks to any politicians, it got rich despite them.
We aint going anywhere lads, I voted leave twice in the past 2 years.
But I fancy remain this time if the SNP tries
Yeah, and Brexit was a cold decision taken by sane people who can guess the future with pinpoint accuracy. As much as i agree with you on the impact of scottish independence, don't ever think voters are sane people.
It would take a couple of years, by then the hysteria of last night will have died down, & nothing has changed on the economical front of joining the EU as in independent country.
Add in immigration, a subject that was almost completely ignored during the referendum.
Most scottish people don't know the SNP immigration policies, inform them, show proof & watch many change their tune.
As far as I remember, Germans were reluctant to impose sanctions on Russia and the dust's gonna settle at some point for sure. Nobody in their right mind could think that Russia is trying to revive the USSR, they are just adding buffer zones against NATO.
In fact, as long as there is the EU in its current shape and form (with Finland, the Baltic states, Poland and Romania in it) the balance of power is guaranteed and the EU and Russia will have to work their differences out and cooperate because no one will be in the position to harm anyone else.
Sure, but 30% of their income comes from trade with the rest of the country and they also have a huge debt, and in fact they owe the central government 43 thousand millions, so they're not going anywhere.
Half the oil belongs to the Orkney and Shetland Isles who have expressed a wish to remain a part of the UK.
I don't get the whole hate for Scotland either. Is it because they are the first nation to openly accept transsexuals walking around in public. I mean, men have have been walking around in skirts for years there way before being trans was popular.
They can't expect themselves to go independant without being hurt, but think those 30% matters to Spain too. The main country can't go full embargo just to punish them, it will hurt a lot too. And a 43 billon debt isn't that much. For example, Wallonie would get 113 billion, and they're on par with Catalogne (Wallon GDP per capita:€24,600, Catalogne €26,996) Granted, Wallonie would be outright annexed by France, but still.
Of course int matters to Spain. Nobody here wants Catalonia to go away, hell, not even Catalonian people themselves. Only like a third of them would want that, it's mainly politicians that want to take advantage of nationalism to stay in power and to demand more power.
43 billion is a ton when your economy depends on trade with your country and Europe. UK still can do things with USA and other countries, not to mention the have their own currency that is still worth quite a lot, it's not the end of the world, but leaving Europe is completely preposterous for any local region.
>UK leaves EU
>Scotland leaves UK
>Ireland unifies with UK
>UK and Scotland declare war on each other
>UK wins and Scotland unifies with the UK
we all know it's gonna happen.
Why are americans so fucking stupid?
>Scotland leaves UK and joins EU
>if they thought they were "marginalized" by their representation within the UK, they have a rude awakening when the 28-member EU doesn't treat them like a special snowflake
If Scotland wants independence, go for it. But if Scots think they're somehow going to get something from the EU that they can't get from the UK, they are in for a huge disappointment
>Nobody here wants Catalonia to go away, hell, not even Catalonian people themselves.
>Only like a third of them would want that, it's mainly politicians that want to take advantage of nationalism to stay in power and to demand more power
>only one third
>it's mainly politicians
top keks stop lying, francisco, catalexit is coming
they dont have to learn or understand anything because they have a very high standard of living so its ez life for them
>it's mainly politicians that want to take advantage of nationalism to stay in power and to demand more power.
Same in france. Corsican leader made his first speech in their language to provoke the state, but it won't go far, they're too dependant of us to go full independence. If they do, they would have to do the one thing they don't want, aka make the island a full blown touristic location, covering it with concrete.
>leaving Europe is completely preposterous for any local region
Yes, if they can't replicate their ex--country institutions. The biggest problem is the money, as far as I know they don't have any Central bank, and I don't know how it works if they want to use euro without bieng a part of the EU.
>43 billion is a ton when your economy depends on trade with your country and Europe.
It's tied to the money problem. If EU help them into tue euro, it won't be a problem. Otherwise... Catalogne is tied to one fundamental question: is EU going to outright accept them as a member state or not?
north sea oil has been a joke for the last 20 years lol. who cares if they take their oil to the eu
They don't have it.
>Scotland leaves UK, joins EU. Takes oil with them.
More like "Germany discovers huge debt and grabs their oil from them"
will you Scots ever learn
The population is less than that of London alone. North Sea oil generates more than enough to spread around.
Also, the west coast is untapped because of trident.
This. The oil in the North Sea is even high quality enough to make petrol from, it's basically axle grease. Why do you think we sell it straight onto the world market only to buy Saudi crude for our refineries?