Well that's the end of that then.
Well that's the end of that then.
So CIRA becomes active again?
>Britain telling Ireland to fuck off, "You aren't leaving"
>Implying they were leaving because Britain wanted them to
Gonna happen, lad. Maybe not very, very soon, but certainly far sooner than we thought. Unionists in NI are among the most incompetent morons in the Isles, and the idea of them being independent is laughable. They'll rejoin Ireland, Ulster Unionists will be triggered but they'll suck it up because Britain doesn't fucking care about them
Don't worry Wales is here if you need a hug.
Oh shit, IRA 2.0?
Get ready for The Troubles 2: Electric Bugaloo.
i'm not that convinced 2bh........I spoke to a couple of peoplein work today who voted Remain but they flat out refuse to vote for a united ireland
to link the 2 polls is tenuous imo
Massive amounts of Unionists are moderate, and vote Unionist because it is safe, familiar and sure.
Now that this is no longer the case at all, suddenly a United Ireland doesn't seem like such a big deal, if they keep their dual citizenship. Suddenly, with Scotland talking about leaving, England has become to us what Brussels were to England-a big scary outside force dictating shit from across the water, which we don't need nor want.
>Women State Chief Executives
its 2016 for feck's sake when will ye learn?
>potato jigaboos
I hope they have a referendum just so Sinn Féin can get btfo and go back to being irrelevant for a few more decades.
Activate Article 50 and get out.
The troubles 2.0 is coming.
Hopefully they bomb exclusively London and just hit up shitskins.
uk government just lost the voting and destroyed it's own party in the process, I doubt they'll agree to any other referendum in the next thousand years
Is this the start of the great potato wars?
If I was an arms dealer, i would be licking my chops at the potential arms sales in the region.
The 21st century is gonna look a lot like the early 20th century, except this time its Britain starting wars with everyone.
But Ireland has all legal instruments to leave if it wants to, what is the point?
Brits need to destroy EU faster if they don't want to lose subjects
>Cameron resigns
>Trump speech
>Now this
I don't know what in the bloody fuck is happening but I DO NOT want it to stop.
Markets will stabilize and people will be less butthurt after that. Then other countries will start leaving and then every sane person will realize the EU is dead. I'm sure SJW Scottish will still want to be part of the EU even if all that is left is Germany and Belgium. They are turbo cucks.
Gas the Finns, CIRA!
I could live with that
Scots and irish are portrayed as super manly almost barbarian people in all the outer world, but they are one of the biggest cucks in the EU.Funny.
The UK is finished.
Hahahaha, fuck off Sheamus. YOURE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! You'll stay and lick our English bumholes for AS LONG AS WE WANT YOU TO
Sure look the North is a cesspit and full of prods, I appreciate the UK keeping the North.
1,000 Fenian lives are not worth one shitskin fingernail tbqh
EU become balkanized, and i'm become comfy.
Spudniggers BTFO
Is it the Irish or the Scottish accent that is the UK equivalent to the redneck American accent?
Only if you sell me some artifacts, I need a bubble and an eye.
How retarded is Cameron? Once Scotland votes to leave, he will go down in history as the man who destroyed the UK.
It's sad really. I really like scottish and irish culture, and i support irish republicanism, but it's a shame that they are all cucks.
>the man who destroyed the UK.
That's the equivalent of a medal of honor over here.
Don't worry
no Irish need apply.
They have no power here.
Are you a Hun or a Taig?
theres too many desu, scottish,irish,welsh,scouse,geordie,cornwall,deep yorkshire all have redneck tier accents
wow you mean the UK isnt kicking them out over a 45-55 vote?
Sinn Fein don't speak for anyone. We don't want the north back.
Place is a shithole filled with cunts now who bow down like the bitches they are.
>Irish are cucks
>only country in Europe where abortion is banned and we deport pakis regularly
Get bent, fags.
All of Ireland is a shit hole. It's full of communist, nigger loving garbage. I'm just glad my grandparents left.
Our time will come.
>We don't want the north back.
Fuck off back to London, Seánín. It is and will remain our rightful clay.
some of these IRA songs are pretty gud
>nigger loving
t. never been to Ireland
I only know one girl who fucked a nigger, and all her friends deserted her.
How the fuck are the Irish cucks ?
>women in your country raped daily by shitskins
No. It is possible to have middle class accents in Scotland Wales and Ireland.
Leave Villiers to me.
You peasant inbred Irish retards should be graceful for the Lordship of the United Kingdom !!! The Irish would be nothing but a mere hair above Sand nigger civilization if not for her Majesty.
All the black people here have adopted Irish culture (In cork anyway)
Aww did someone come to Ireland going "My grandparents were Irish!" and get called a cunt?
You've literally made all of that up, NI is nothing like Scotland, whether you like it or not divisions here are more heavily ingrained, it will take more than some silly EU vote to create the desire for a united Ireland here.
>hungerstrike one word
>every word is capitalized
>no question mark
man, the fucking Irish never bothered to learn the language, did they?
The vote was 45-55
There is not enough support for a NI referendum
Are you guys still in the EU or what? Call the Referendum if you are..Its time to leave that sinking ship
I've seen unionists today that are going full Tiocfaidh ár lá.
A united Ireland within the European Union is now the more logical setup for our island. :^)
So basically North Ireland and Scotland want to vote to not be governed by officials they have a say in electing in London, so they can be ruled over by beauracrats they have no say in electing in Brussels?
I think Longshanks was on to something laddos.
It's not up to UK govt to decide if there is a poll on United Ireland.
>communist, nigger loving garbage
ruling parties are centre - right and there is rampant racism in a lot of the country.
cry some more lad
>Mics give sand niggers a taste of their own medicine
>England has become to us what Brussels were to England-a big scary outside force dictating shit from across the water,
How is that any different from a week ago?
Except it literally fucking is, it's in the good Friday agreement, there has to be a widespread change of opinion indicating that there is sufficient desire for a united Ireland. Which, right now, there is not. Pretty sure it's like 65%+ for staying in the UK consistently.
If you want your time to come you can get off your mick arse and clean up your shitty country.
You display your flags everywhere but you can't be bothered putting your trash in a bin or getting a fucking job or, God forbid, not beating your wife and kids daily.
How about showing your country some actual respect instead of just spouting shitty slogans?
>The Irish would be nothing but a mere hair above Sand nigger civilization if not for her Majesty.
famines created and genocides committed by the english in Ireland. Oh yes thank you so much GB for the greatness you have brought us.
some of you americans are so fucking clueless about everything
Why not just reunite Ireland as part of the UK again?
Whenever I visit, it feels different and the same in the sense that visiting England also does feel different and British at the same time, so it's not like it would be like making a United Europe.
I am so fucking ready for this
>Be Potatonigger
>Upset with British rule
>Bomb the shit out of non-british people
>Even have the Nazi's come in and say "M8 what the fuck why aren't you fighting the british?"
Fucking Irishmen
I see you have studied Irish history in great detail lad. Again an other brilliant display of how great the American education system is.
>There is not enough support for a NI referendum
what number does it need to be?
Scotland isn't going anywhere. There will be no EU to run to by the time a referendum got cooking.
Just give it time - when the EU funding dries up, and it becomes clear than London doesn't give a shit about NI and is heavily cutting all their funding, the thought of rejoining Ireland and being able to suck at the EUs teat again will seem like a very appealing prospect.
If Scotland votes for independence, this will all happen sooner.
Nope. It's the EU that's dead. That's why their markets tanked far, far more than the UK
Ireland doesn't even want Ulster though on account that it's an economic wasteland.
IRA if you need guns or bombs i know a guy that knows a guy.
The EU will be a dessicsted husk in 5 years. The markets know it.
This wasn't a deathblow to the UK, it was the deathblow to the EU project. Farage actually summed this up in his speech. No flag, no anthem, no Brussels. This was done to end the EU and it's a certainty now it will happen.
>the thought of rejoining Ireland and being able to suck at the EUs teat again will seem like a very appealing prospect.
i'm not even sure the EU will exist at that point...
>Listening to things Farage says
This is why people think you're stupid.
IRA will only form under a muzzie attack. You underestimate how much an Irish person likes to moan and do nothing about a problem.
ISIS should bomb the fucking spire so whole country goes all out IRA again. It's a win win.
Ulster =/= NI.
Please can you Ameritards get something right?
(gif unreleated)
Oh now you want to keep your union because you are the boss of that union.
What hypocrites
>doesn't want Ulster
>american education
Not a surprise considering you niggers don't know anything outside of the North America.
Neck yourself already.
Even if they had one it wouldn't pass.
Villiers is right in that there's no evidence presented to suggest that one ay be necessary