>vote to leave EU because you think it'll make you more important
>get cucked by France
How does it feel, bongs?
>vote to leave EU because you think it'll make you more important
>get cucked by France
How does it feel, bongs?
feels good
Damn, now I'm thirsty.
Je suis uncucked, man. Feels good.
Awesome source mate.
How's Calais?
At least they are no longer bitch of the eu and this is way better than being 5th economy
>not knowing how an economy and currency works
nigger this is literally just panic, bank of england already stabilising markets, things will go back to normal calm down, the pound is already recovering.
Socialists are like the frog who inflated himself to look bigger. We have 10 millions unemployed persons.
brexit was not about being more important, it was about being free from autocratic EU rule, as an american you should know what freedom is worth.
Denmark reporting in
We're with the french.
Sorry UK had to go and mess things up
>freely joined the union
>had a vote in the union
>sold tons of shit to the union
>autocratic rule
The price of those tanks with 1 forward gear and 4 reverse gears must be selling well
Fruck off
We need to find a good name Sup Forums
Why the fuck would you torture a stroopwafel by laying it on top of a hot cup of liquid.
Are you a radical moor or something?
> things will go back to normal calm down
What makes you think things will return to pre-Brexit levels? We're moving towards a place where we simply lack the ability to make the same kinds of money. It might not be as crazy as it is today, but why the fuck would people start being confident about the UK?
you guys are one more terrorist attack from being a bartering economy
>hot cup of liquid.
how do you know its hot?
stop making assumptions idiot
on their way to you, thanks to brexit
that's good
The UK hasn't left the EU, yet. And they're not going to, referendum or not.
France wanting referendum to leave the EU as well.
>Someone's using an American proxy
>Someone taught a nigger to use the computer
>Someone made some mistakes.
Less talking more Article 50-ing, thanks. Get out.
Oh I forgot you cannot drink tap water, you don't actually put liquid out of a can or bottle into a tea cup do you filthy heathen?
>commission that you never voted for rule over your laws and thus nation
>you are forced to accept those laws and abide by them, for the better or worse
>flood of immigrants and refugees gets pushed on your nation and you can't really say no
>less and less freedom for every person in your country as new hate speech laws get introduced - hate speech that has no boundations, everything could be hate speech for the EU, they decide
>forced to pay billions to poor nation states in the union
>end goal of the union is to have an own army and being a superstate, which means you as a nation state are fucked
come again?
Don't need them, we have more nukes than you
Will an argument ever be made here that doesnt include either sarcasm or hatred?
Sup Forums used to be / was sometimes a place for reasonable discussion, now we're /b
We've only just overtaken France so no surprise that such a sudden drop will cause them to go back ahead of us. Obviously in the next few days that'll be changed again.
Damn we're blown the fuck out now, if only we had our own wines, beers, chocolates, fruit and meat.
whatever floats your boat
>Literally an antifederalist
Nobody's taken antifederalism seriously in the US in over 200 years, and for good reason.
>had a vote in the union
LMAO. Britain's vote didn't mean shit in the union. Nobody's fucking did. It was as bad as Russia with pretending they have democratic representation.
>economy bigger
>after one day
ok m8 sure it is
It used to be so for a while. UK grew out thanks to financial activities, but doing so is INCOMPATIBLE with terrible decisions.
>Nobody's taken antifederalism seriously in the US in over 200 years, and for good reason.
>What is the Civil War?
I fully support my liberated bong cousins, but Jesus this pic is 10/10.
>Nobody's fucking did
You know this is logically impossible?
>Russia launches nukes to France
>Holy shit, time to retaliate
>Send order to lauch codes. May god forgive us
>Nobody answers, The guy in the launch room is in a demonstration against the labor law.
>country with more land has a larger economy than the smaller country
Imagine that.
let me guess, voting for hillary?
These remainers only care about money, their comfort, privileges and jobs.
There's more to a country than money, our indigenous people are more important than money.
I would rather be poor and farming for food with my indigenous people rather than living rich in a huge mansion with foreigners
>What is the Civil War?
The South getting forcibly fucked because they were dumbshit antifederalists who decided to throw away their economic and political power in a temper tantrum over the loss of their slaves.
>Ha! My chains are made of gold.
>I bet you wish you had chains.
UK will still have to obey Brussels if they want to trade with em, or with Ireland, or soon Scotland. Protip: since they are out of EU, they have no word to say on regulations they need to follow.
Checkmate Britbongs.
For the immigrants, I agree they are a plague, but it's not something laws can address. UK needs to *enforce* his own laws and chase migrants in his homeland. Bongs never wanted to do so so far...
A cunt who jeopardized national security in an attempt to evade FOIA laws? Hell no.
That's why rappers wear bling? Who would have guessed.
Says a guys who does not even have an army in his country. And no country in his country.
Accept it fag: your country counts to potato.
You mean I should
>California's GDP just surpassed France just weeks ago after posting the biggest (over 3%) GDP growth of any state in the US
>was the 6th largest economy in the world in those articles, between the UK and France
>now UK sudoku'd and California is bigger than the UK
>1 US state is bigger than the whole of the British """""empire"""""
1. Not an argument
2. You're wrong and trying to cover up the anti-federalist sentiment that is a constant in the US.
3. Summerfag detected
I accept it. Fortunelly the EU will accept me there. See eu soon.
there is hope at least
but anyway, the EU is the worst that can and is happening to europe
so the brits did well to dodge that bullet and leave
UK can simply get trade agreements outside of the EU, being that the EU is the only economy that didn't grow in the last years - makes you think
some things are more important than money
don't let shitty france bully you, chile, prussia has not forgotten you!
stand proudly!
Here's a thought, it may not "stabilize".
They have bilateral agreements. It's not automatic and it can change.
UK had very good treaties with EU, implementing a special membership. Now they're small and foreign, things will change.
Because getting rid of EU regulations will only make the UK more productive.
>Right b-but we won't be allowed to trade!
The EU was actually blocking us from having trade agreements with China, India and the rest of the world.
Now we can have bilateral agreements with any country. Switzerland has never been in Europe and is fucking landlocked and has never had any problem exporting massively to the US and East Asia.
That's what the EU is made for.
Sometimes I understand Britbongs, but once again, simple solutions are the most terrible.
>At least they are no longer bitch of the eu and this is way better than being 5th economy
They wont feel like that when unemployment hits 15%+ and the union dissolves as a result.
Had nothing to do with slavery, It did have to do with electing a tyrant into power that none of the southern states wanted to permit. Lincoln was a huge crook. The emancipation proclamation was passed to get the french on board to stop buying southern goods, and with the sea-blockades in place the south did get royally fucked by a tyranical president who suspended Habeus corpus and incarcerated any one who opposed him. With that in mind More union soldiers died than confederates. Also Sic Semper Tyranis
We could take over your shit in hours.
Oh, maybe some days after all: ur highways are so terrible...
>we're with the french
>has already demanded a referendum
The FTSE alone had almost recovered from the start of the day.
It's higher than where it started on Monday morning for christ sake.
Once the currency stabalises, the French will be re-cucked.
Thanks based Deutschland, we haven't forgotten you either. Prussian marching songs are still largely used in the army here.
the second your army marches into germanistan, the islamic forces already inside your country would take over.
face it, the "diversity" is keeping us both down and it ain't getting better inside the EU.
It is funny how absolutely every argument they can muster comes down to having some brown person serve them for considerably less than a white would.
But they're not racist at all.
If only Lincoln successfully deported all the niggers
>Had nothing to do with slavery
OK, let's ask the states themselves by looking at their secession documents
>For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.
>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.
South Carolina?
>But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution.
>Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated Union to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.
>having declared that the powers granted under the said Constitution were derived from the people of the United States, and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression; and the Federal Government, having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern Slaveholding States.
Oh boy... your little talking point's not looking so good.
Yeah, there has been some "South america" EU ideas here, but thankfully everyone hates each other to much to make it posible. Else we would be filled with drugs.
The markets in the UK at least have already began to stabilise.
Now they're small and foreign.
>Europe and France isn't heading this way.
At least we(UK) will be able to damage control, meanwhile you'll be crippled by the Euro and EU milking assest and cash from you.
Butthurt hick detected
Don't feed the summerfags.
His interpretation of history is at a high school level.
It will. It's not a coup, so it's not a drastic change. Companies will realize they have more than enough time to adapt. Then, some people will realize it's a damn good time to buy punds cheap and sell them for more, so things will go back to normal.
>tfw I shilled brexit just to watch the UK implode
Get fucked rosbeefs
That's not even the same place.
This is really good word play, I for one approve.
All those nignog rapefugees in Calais will now be put onto boats so they can paddle the 20 miles to England across the channel
Europe now has a vehicle they can use to drain the rapefugee flood, drain it right into the british toilet
Hell, should give them some guns so they can defend themself properly from british racist cops when they arrive
>muh nationalism
top kek
You think that's a high school level? Where's the high school, Georgia?
Now, now, no need to be upset Europe - you can have some of our baked beans, but you'll need to pay a bit more tax. You never know, we might even let you have a Cumberland sausage and a black pudding or two so you can stop eating all that muck.
>Lives in an ultranationalistic country that walls off a large portion of its population into ghettos
>attacks Germans for their nationalism
Count a state as a country, and there you go. The USA is a somewhat functional union, the EU is not.
>Post picture inferring himself as an idiot
okay, moving on
>If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.
-Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley
Abraham Lincoln was a facist, and you really don't want to lose this argument and look like a total idiot.
doesn't really matter if it is the same place in paris or not, try to find some white persons, or do white people not belong into a diverse society?
the picture sure shows the endgame.
>muh multicultural diverse society that would break apart or be ruled by the stronger cultures inside them i.e. most likely islam
is this how we want to lead a conversation?
FTSE100 is currently higher than it was a week ago.
>can't read IDs
okay, moving on
>thinks Abraham Lincoln alone decided to declare war
>doesn't realize that Congress did it
Abraham Lincoln didn't declare war on the South, and you really don't want to lose this argument and look like a total idiot.
I know the point of the picture I'm just saying it being different places bothers autism
We need another Sherman to finish what he started.
Since its over 17 years till offical brexit, by which time it will be over turned and we will be in a united states of europe at war with russia.
Yes it will be very stable
>mfw country's broken from fucking everywhere but ya still look good on paper
Because UK being able to push its market alone is better than one that gets limited by the European Union because of laws that do not favour Britain.
What you currently see is that the people who bet mainly on remain at the stocks are now in a panic and it drives the British economy down temporarily.
Admit your Counselor is involved in this shit.
There is nothing wrong with most migrants now, but look back on our history. 1st or 2nd generation children will become a plague.
USA has the true recipe for migrants integration. When you get there, you swear full and definitive loyalty to your new home. You are forever thankful and proud to become american, even when live is tough (and it often is).
Fucking sand niggers here burn flags because they are not top dogs, and don't even want to listen when we try to explain them the rules. They are here to exploit, not to be part of. This can't work in France, in Germany or anywhere else, and thanks god, even the US don't have any patience for such fuckers.
well, i hope it didn't bother you to much then, have some karen to soothe it
>ultranationalistic country
We've always been the foremost proponents of Central American integration. We were the Germany of the Central American Federation before everyone exited (;_;).
>walls off a large portion of its population into ghettos
That's inaccurate, and has little to do with nationalism. Poor people live in "marginalized" areas because they can't afford the alternative, not because there's a sentiment against them. There's also no walls, stop bullshitting.
>muh multicultural diverse society that would break apart or be ruled by the stronger cultures inside them i.e. most likely islam
There was a problem with immigration policy in the EU, so you fix the policy, not leave the EU. Thinking that your culture can't survive on a "super state" is ridiculous, and removing the EU won't change the politicians' love for easy immigration.
All the "problems" you have with a united Europe are problems you'd have with your own governments.
The city is gone , was the only thing that put the UK's economy slightly above ours.
>kikes already hopped the Channel
I guess that's good for England, no?