The earth is a bowl

The earth is a bowl.

Prove me wrong.
>Protip: You can't.


>only the south part of america exists

What a nightmare

We live on the outside of the bowl and the gravity is directed to the middle of the bowl

It's more like a hand. It's DEFINITELY not a bowl.

The other part is on the other side of the bowl

I don't mean that . Gravity has the habit of forming spheres out of large objects over long periods of time

That's a lie told by the government.

Who will win the Earth bowl?

Governments lies are a lie perpetuated by the government

>A bowl
>not concave
wake up sheeple

> prove me wrong
Burden of proof is on the logical positive claim. You're burdened with the obligation to prove that you're claim is true, not the other way around.

> 6/10
> you made me respond

You mean God has the habit of making planets spheres.

You can still prove him wrong by finding a contradiction you faggot. It is possible to prove a negative claim.

the earth is a cube prove me wrong

pic related proof

I can't... I'm now a bowlearther.

With if it's more of a square casket?

Unifying the square and bowl earth...


>implying earth isn't a dildo
Fucking normies

Some Nuclear explosion created soundwaves that traveled arround the earth several times.

where's the top, and why can't we see it?

We can see the moon?

jewish holograms

optical illusion

>We can see the moon?
I dont' know about you, but it's daytime right now so I can't

the horizon

Fair enough

Optical illusion caused by relativity

If it wasn't for the moon the Earth would not have a solid rotational axis. It would wobble and life never would have been able to develop.

If the moon is fake why does it influece humans?

the earth is a parallelogram.
prove me wrong
>protip: you can't

truthfully, it's more of a tesseract.

user does not understand how quantum physics work.jpg

This is the ultimate redpill, thanks mate.

Gravity is a social construct

time is a social construct.

Space-time is based.

WTF stupid germanon... how do you even make a bowl fly? No wonder you have lost two wars...

i have flown over both poles and around the equaiter.

pic semi related

they're working on a trans-dermal patch for that.

>implying we don't live on a donut

Fucking sheeple.

>The earth is flat
>0 curvature accounted for on all continents
>stars never change
>no REAL pictures of earth
>copy pasta
>Richard E. Byrd
>why nuke the sky??
>do some research
>do some tests

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>ITT: People actually taking this seriously
Fucks sake m8s, we all know the earth in in the shape of a husk of corn

the grand unifying theory is meme magic
got close with that realisation about observed mesurements.

praise KEK
kek is loki is tzsench
he gives us the power to change
but like a good linux distro we can craft an unbreakable boot loop of doom WITH NO OUTPUTS!

i guess unless there is a second computer around

>German being so assblasted about Brexit that they resort to shitposting with slide threads

makes sense

lol bowls were only invented 200 years ago but teh earth is at least 3000. Easy, next.

I am not a claim sir, neither am I true

>quantum physics

You mean astrophysics you stupid Argentinian fuck.