For me, It's Diego Costa

For me, It's Diego Costa

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t. karl pilkington

Is that a shop?

>Hue doesn't know about John Merrick

no, it's an anglo

t. never been to England

thats how real british look like


thats carlos tevez though

Is this Ribéry?

nice try morata el patapalo

to me, what makes John Merrik more sad and terrifying is that left eye, as well as his left arm too, reminders of his humanity and extreme suffering

Diego Costa is absolute human garbage, and you should reconsider many things before comparing that rotten excrement to a human being like Mr Merrick

>you now remember the guy who was willing to undergo a head transplant
>someone who was willing to probably die so there was a slight possibility he could live a few months in a proper body just to die due to body rejection

>you now remember the guy who was willing to undergo a head transplant
link me to that story, Mr hue. I'm boredom

Quickest of rundowns, with the overcome.

That shit left me thinking about my life is so shit.

That's John Hurt you dolt.


never offer yourself to experimental surgeries, seen a few go really bad and ending in maim or death of the patient, sometimes even rot

experimental meds tend to be a different thing, by the time they roll out the trial treatments they've gone through quite a lot of testing for years, though they can fuck up really bad too

He probably knew he'd die if he did it. It's just so miserable to know you know you have a last day in your life, and your last moment will be on a surgery table, while a bunch of freak doctors literally remove your head from your body. You'll cease to exist. Nothing else "is" anymore, just so a doctor can try his dream of doing some avantgarde surgery shit. And even if you wake up, you'll have a shorted lifespan and probably a non functioning body and even more miserable existence, because nothing will work properly and your body will kill you anyway.


god bless you with countless shemales and many kgs of coke

Rob "Sevastopol" Holding

No, that's actually Diego Costa.

Do Anglos live rent free inside your minds?