Hey Sup Forums, I frequently travel abroad as part of the State Department. AMA
Ask an American official anything
how does it feel to be an unbelievable faggot. everyone, and i mean everyone, hates the state department, the most worthless, detrimental piece of shit in our corrupt government
How'd you get in?
yeh nah
>ol/, I frequently travel abroad as part of the State Department. AMA
HOw's Benghazi. Are you more worried about Clinton or Trump?
What do you think of Hillary?
What country will have a revolution next?
Is it a bad idea to be frequent this board if I just come here to shit on the Alt-Right? I realize these people are awful and probably seen as a threat, but I really enjoy destroying their arguments.
Should I leave this board anyway?
Care to share your list of postings?
>I really enjoy destroying their arguments
shit that never happened for $400
this, please be Canadia
How many emails do you copy on your second phone?
How does it feel knowing shillary could fuck you over at any time and get away with it?
I hope you understand that losing arguments then resorting to insults, strawmen, memes and shill accusations is not winning an argument. I've been proven wrong on this board many times, but I'm usually right.
Believe it or not Sup Forums attracts stupid, ignorant and severely irrational mentally ill people. It's not that I'm special, it's that a lot of people here are a sad excuse for thinking people.
Did OP just got Drone'd? The internal security sure works fast.
What would we revolve to?
>'official passport'
>calls himself official
We have bases in that bitch... you've been cucked for far too long to talk shit kraut.
> i mean everyone, hates the state department, the most worthless, detrimental piece of shit in our corrupt government
Its pretty necessary, as isolationist as you may want us to be.
I'm assuming your stationed in Germany as a member of the Army.
I hate Hillary honestly. She is just so damn fake. I don't give her as much shit on Benghazi as a lot of guys do. I'm not sure how much she really knew.
Trump 2016
You should probably ask the NSA.
I've been to:
Germany once
Romania once
The UK a few times.
Jordan several times.
Give me your best educated guess as to whether it's a bad idea to frequent this board even if you directly oppose the Alt-right hivemind.
>worked as a food truck delivery driver
>some neets on a few routes
>catch one surfing Sup Forums
>neck beard, BO, anime posters, hoarder clutter
>want to let him know we have stuff in common but dont want to reveal my power level
>tell him "your neko is cute"
>he musters this frightened squeak (uengh)
>ask him to sign and then leave
I imagine a lot (A LOT) of you posters are just like this guy
How does the state department feel about Hillary? Is it a little disconcerting to know that the precedent has been set for American personnel to get abandoned?
do you have an unofficial passport as well as an official one?
So all embassies are basically fronts for the CIA right? What's rhw point of having embassies in countries like Central African republic?
Why are you monitoring us? We're not up to anything. We promise.
Liar and faggot
I'll bet a check you're enlisted, got your first official passport cause you're deploying someplace you might need it(gulf states) and you stared fantasizing and put this on /pol
Tits or gtfo
>I imagine
wow, that's pretty fucking conclusive, great argument
I assume the neckbeards are much of the /r9k/ tier psychos on this board and even the more moderate alt-right guys.
I'm a good looking dude, work out 6 days a week, have a job and am in school full time and hang out all weekend with my good buddies and some pretty bad bitches.
I'm not like the people on this board, hence why I don't agree with them.
I'm coming burger chan
How long until China takes over?
So much lies
Will HIllary get indicted?
You are no better than anyone here. Go back to plebbit faggot
A higher state of Comfy
Holy fuck no way that image is real
Lol I don't care if you believe me, but there are normal people on Sup Forums. I have nothing to gain by lying to anonymous people on an imageboard.
I have two tabs open :^)
I have never left a 75 mile radius in North Alabama since I was born 34 years ago, largely by choice.
What's the rest of the world like?
Who did 9/11?
Do you have diplomatic immunity?
Do you abuse it?
Just a hunch here...better than northern Alabama. Pretty sure.
How do you personally feel about regime change in Syria, do you believe the UN's report indicating Al-Nusra as the perpetrators of the gas attacks the media blames on Assad?
Japan: Best questions
how many SCI projects have you only been a color and number for?
Also, list some alphabet soup organizations that are legally declassified yet almost never publicly mentioned, please.
Just checking.
>cicada 3301
That's you guys in conjunct with a few of those people you'd mention in question 2, yes?
No need to be snarky, just curious. I don't care, everything I own is here so I don't ever see myself leaving this area, I can see everything I need on tv or the internet.
Is the arab spring craziness over ? Are you done supporting regime change in the middle-east ?
What's your stance on the Kurds and their claim to independence ?
How fucked is Libya at the moment ? Is there any hope they get their shit together anytime soon ?
What would be the downside of normalizing relations with Iran and Assad, let them do whatever need to be done to bring stability to the region ?
What's the most stable, business friendly non white country out there to move to if shtf ?
1)You said you've been to Romania once in this post. What was your overall impression? Was it worse than you expected it to be?
2)Do you think Congress will ever lift visas for Romanians and Bulgarians?
>...Anonymous (
Advice for reporting human trafficking?
>i'm not like them so i don't agree with them
solid logic there chad
Where do you have to go most frequently and for what reasons?
Who really writes SD policy?
Does anyone ever really enforce SD policies?
Is the U.S. State Department one of those places where "just don't look or pay attention and you're not involved" is the mentality?
Why hasn't anyone been held accountable for the biggest fuck up in the letter departments?
Why the absolute fuck wild you want to work for this agency?
I'm a CPA with an MBA, a veteran, and I have a family. I'm considering taking the FSOT and applying to become a Federal Service Officer. Is it worth it? Are there enough opportunities to take assignments in Europe? General thoughts?
I'm from Northern Ireland, I hope to be travelling to America and staying over Christmas and New Year there. What do I need to make sure I have done/ready so I'm not turned away?
I've been here for years and nothing has happened to me yet.
Most seem pretty indifferent. Many are however, uncertain about Trump.
Embassies have always had intelligence agency's working out of them. This is not new and is well known.
42 days
Despite all the popular anti-american propaganda saying the rest of the world is a paradise and the US is backwards; its honestly the opposite.
Diplomatic immunity is a meme. Its only given to high level staff and Ambassadors.
Yeah, environment, mood and personality strongly influence thoughts feelings and behaviors.
If you spend all your free time inside alone on the internet, you're not going to think like me.
You're full of shit.
I had a red passport as enlisted military in the fucking Air Force.
Fuck off.
Yeah but lets be real man, you're probably paid to be here, Jake from the State Department
What's the difference between official passport and diplomatic passport?
are you a PVT?
also, they don't buttfinger you
cool passports
So you're officially American.
>is the arab spring craziness over ?
For the most part.
>Are you done supporting regime change in the middle-east ?
I HIGHLY doubt it.
>How fucked is Libya at the moment ? Is there any hope they get their shit together anytime soon ?
Its pretty fucked right now. If Hillary gets the Presidency she may try to interfere more in Libya to try to fix one or hide of their largest failures.
>What's your stance on the Kurds and their claim to independence ?
>What's your stance on the Kurds and their claim to independence ?
Kurds are bros and have been abused for a long time. However, I Don't see them gaining their own state anytime soon.
>What would be the downside of normalizing relations with Iran and Assad, let them do whatever need to be done to bring stability to the region ?
That cant really happen. Saud wants to be the only regional power.
It felt like i was back in 80s USSR but people had smart phones. Also, it's foggy as fuck like 40% of the time.
There is always uncertainty leading up to a presidential election due to possible sweeping changes in foreign policy. This election is especially volatile due to having the Neo-con Hillary and Nationalist Trump.
So I cant say how posting will be in a few months.
Typically diplomatic passport are only given to embassy staff. Official can be given to anybody for official travel on part of the US.
>Diplomatic immunity is a meme. Its only given to high level staff and Ambassadors.
how many foreigners in the US have it? I heard it was thousands
What kind of burgers do you eat?
Is there a war coming?
Fuck off Jew
How long till Tsipras quits?
Many people have it her due to the UN being in NY. You probably hear a lot about some rag head prince abusing it.
have you read civil war II?
one of the points it makes is that Whites are now on the lowest tier of society, unless they are celebs, as all celebs are virtually above the law, including most politicians. it also talks abou the demographic changes and has a list of "signposts" that will occur on the way to the next american civil war. several have already come true, like Japan launching its first aircraft carrier. not bad for being written in 1992
it also mentions how there are thousands of immune people now
what do you worry about the most?
The threat of terrorism is growing. There has always been plots being made but it never really got past the piloting point. at this point you will start to see more and more attacks.
Look forward to seeing a gas attack some time in the future, even if its just a chlorine bomb the effect will be massive.
hello shillary
oy vey.... shiksa can i buy that
How come so many of you are freemasons?
I travel frequently too, what's the worse place that you've traveled to?
>Sup Forums attracts stupid, ignorant and severely irrational mentally ill people
guess that makes you one too
Is there actually any credence to Trump's temporary Muslim ban?
How does this video make you feel
Thanks. One more question :
Is it crazy to suspect some foul play behind last year's sudden refugee crisis ? Could it be shenanigans to get something from us or simply try to destabilize Europe ?
whats a chlorine bomb?
>Could it be shenanigans
do you even have to ask?
Chlorine gas bomb
Worth it for an Ex-SF guy to go for aN FSO job or should I just do contracting for the dosh?
Iraq, but that was for a different reason.
Yes and no.
Far more effective would be a ban on individuals coming from whole country's alongside of encouraging the EU to stop taking in the "refugees".
Build wall.
"Never blame on malice what can be explained by incompetence"
Honestly those in power in the EU were to blinded by their ideals to see the reality of the situation.
If you feel you have fulfilled your duty to the country you can just keep contracting for that sweet sweet green. It honestly depends on what you really want to do. it can be good money if you get in with the right people.
A simple bomb with Chlorine added so that when it goes off it will spread as vapor.
It would devastating in some crowded metros that dont have great ventilation.
>it's foggy as fuck like 40% of the time.
thoughts on the jews?
anyone redpilled on the inside?
>thoughts on the jews?
The Israelis are some scheming bastards.
Who wouldn't be after what happened to them, and im not talking about the 6000000.
>checks flag
American passports are blue retard.
>and im not talking about the 6000000
then what are you talking about?
Which country has the best women besides USA?
What do you feel is in store for the immediate future for the middle east? Ex: Will Syria get much worse before it gets better? Will the Saudis stay as powerful? Iran gaining more power? Israel getting even more US support?
Sorry for such a broad question, just wanna hear what you feel you should add to the discussion
Will USA get rid of Erdoğan? You papers seem to be crying out anger (case in point foreignpolicy.com
Are you trying to make a deal with him? I know USA ousted some turkish governments before, just curious about what will happen to Erdoğan.
Six-Day War (1967)
War of Attrition (1967–1970)
Yom Kippur War (1973)
What is the largest amount of drugs you have taken across a border?
Thought on Russia ? Do you believe that Trump will make friend with Russia ?
They have been scheming bastards for like 2000 years.