Is it true that some americans don't believe in evolution?

Is it true that some americans don't believe in evolution?

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Only ironically.

Yes, evangelicals. They are literally the most retarded group in the US of A.


There is also pretty widespread misunderstanding about how Darwin's Theory of Evolution actually works. On both sides.

Pic unrelated

But do they believe ironically or not?

Do they actually believe the world is 6000 year old?

They legitimately believe that eh world is 6000 years old. I am not fucking kidding. They also hate catholics but love the pope.

>There is also pretty widespread misunderstanding about how Darwin's Theory of Evolution actually works.

This is true. In my country most don't k now how the darwin evolution theory works, much less the revised Darwin theory. But no one here believes in creationism, maybe except some singular looneys and old people who can't read

thanks for using a trip, faggot

>ban what i don't like!!!!!

Couldn't expect anything else from a protestant christian


Your talking to one :)

Is it true that libtards believe in socialism, despite the holodomor, Tienanmen, and so forth?

Yes some right-wingers don't believe in evolution. They're largely irrelevant.

However your fucked up issues, are very front-line and center.

I believe in micro

Shit thread

Super Ultra Rare flag over here for anyone who wants it

The State and Science are your religion, cuck.

Yes, both of my parents are Southern Baptists that are fully convinced that evolution is a lie.
Compared to others in this country they would be considered very moderate.

Wait a minute. Every fucking day, Sup Forums has Christian general threads, where religion is discussed in polite tones. That's just as fucked up as anything in this thread or that DNA screencap. Either admit that, or you are as ignorant as those you are laughing at.

Believing in any religion without proof (which is as redundant as it gets) is a sign of stupidity or delusion. There are no other explanations. NONE.

I don't believe in it. It's possible, it just doesn't effect me one way or the other so it doesn't even matter

Why do you deny evolution?

>Is it true that libtards believe in socialism, despite the holodomor, Tienanmen, and so forth?

What does one has to do with another?


>Believing in any religion without proof (which is as redundant as it gets) is a sign of stupidity or delusion.

Intelligent reply. But do you believe in religion, or god, or any of those superstitions?

I believe in God and Jesus Christ, yeah. I didn't until about 2 years ago when I had a crazy experience that made me believe

>but that's not proof!!!

Proof enough for me

>no influence
>creatonists manage to put warning stickers on biology books

Would you provide details please? I've had crazy experiences where I would ask "did an angel just save my life?", but the reality is that weird things happen.

According to polls yes, but desu I've never met one in my entire life. I think the polls are a bit skewed, I'd bet that most of those who "disbelieve" evolution don't know what it is.

Unlike Catholithism which typically just ignores shit that contradicts it and has a pope who can simply say stuff to make it work in the modern world, protestants absolutely need every part of the bible to be as accurate as possible.

Remember their entire identity rides on the fact that catholics are false because the bible doesn't include all their roman influences.

In context, the belief is that Jesus was the sacrifice to end all sacrifice, sacrifice referring to the Jewish practice of sacrificing animals to YHWH to cleanse sin and pay tribute.

Jesus died to "save mankind" in the form of a sacrifice to remove the original sin. If Genesis isn't real, then original sin isn't real, and if that isn't real than even if Jesus is the son of god and all that stuff he ultimately died for nothing.

Protestants deny evolution because most sects take the bible as literally as possible and when the world doesn't match the book perfectly they go full retard.

He saw jesus in a toast

>I'd bet that most of those who "disbelieve" evolution don't know what it is.

You mean all of them?

Sup Forums has a religion fixation because it admires the cultural unification powers and reasoning against degenerate behavior.

Problem is they think it's the only means to achieve this goal, when Based Nietze said that's stupid.

All you need a centralized national and cultural identity and a balanced philosophy.

Weird things do happen, it would just be honestly stupid to try and convince yourself that things are just a coincidence or over rationalize things. It actually becomes borderline illogical to do that. I was just at really low point in my life and and in a bad situation and I cried out to Jesus to help me and I felt this really warm, calm wave of peace and happiness wash over me. It was an intense feeling, I went from the worst I had ever felt to the best I had ever felt. It wasn't like anything I had ever felt before and was definitely supernatural. Other people who don't believe would just say it's a hallucination but I haven't experienced anything like that before or after that. I had also been getting closer to believing in God before that happened but that sealed the deal

I agree that Protestants tend to have less formal education than Catholics, but in a way that excuses their beliefs. On the other hand, university educated Catholics who claim that they believe that the Pope has a hotline to god, and that priests can actually make holy water, is beyond fucktarded.

Educated people who claim to be devoutly religious are either liars, insane, or delusional. There is no other possibility.

Will we in our lifetime see a president who honestly admits that he or she does not believe in god and jesus? NO. They are professional liars.

Nope, never seen Jesus in toast before. Epic meme though

There are people in the US that don't believe in evolution because they are under the false impression (given to them by loud and insulting anti-theists) that evolution is incompatible with theism. If one explained in depth the myriad ways in which one could be religious and believe in Darwin's theory of natural selection, and showed them the scientists of the day who believed in theistic evolution (e.g. Asa Gray, 19th century American botanist, Protestant, and personal friend of Darwin), it is very likely that they could be persuaded to accept evolution as well. That however takes a level head and reasoned discourse, which takes effort. It's much easier to just call them stupid inbred hick retard fat bible thumping Americans than it is to engage them like human beings.

thank you for the sincere reply.

I cannot respond without being mean, so I'm leaving this thread.

thanks again, and bye.

So you were miserable at some point and crawled to religion to ease the pain of existance

Couldn't give a fuck if you're mean or not lol


Fairly certain the Americans in that thread were pulling a jape. There are plenty of times where I've joined threads pretending to not know the difference between Austria and Australia, or Italy and Ireland etc.

If you're competent enough to use Sup Forums, you're competent to understand 7th grade biology.

I didn't crawl to anything. Just read my post it's all explained there. I believe whether I want to or not, there's nothing I can do about it. It was just a last resort type thing and it just happened. I didn't plan on it. Don't believe it, that's fine. You have no reason to I guess, you don't know me

>that evolution is incompatible with theism.
It kinda is bro. It surely is imcompatible with the bible as a literal book

>dont blame people too stupid to understand simple things
>blame people I disagree with, because I blame them for everything already

>If you're competent enough to use Sup Forums, you're competent to understand 7th grade biology.
Not exactly. There are ancaps and lolbertarians in Sup Forums bro.

And worst of all there are hitleraboos here too

>Is it true that some americans don't believe in evolution?
Yes, there's still a lot of people that pretend that niggers are the same as humans and that we are equally capable and behaved, despite thousands of years in vastly different environments.
wew lads I know this is a bait thread but come on

It's mostly a meme.
If there's anyone who doesnt its going to be mostly south american christians and other freaks

I don't know why you linked my post. That has nothing to do with it.

So what does this means? That god created the universe and then fucked off?

Or that shitty theories of guided evolution?

I don't think so

>There is also pretty widespread misunderstanding about how Darwin's Theory of Evolution actually works.
Yeah, that's not exclusive to the US. I'd say a majority thinks that individual organisms mutate in real time according to enviromental pressure, rather than the fit surviving and thus being able to pass on their special strand of genes, which in turn might mutate in their progeny.

The whole idea that we're souls that randomly got assigned to a human body on earth is also very common one, and is completely at odds with the idea of evolution. I'm not born to who I am because I was lucky or unlucky, but because who my parents were, who their parents were, and so on. This common misconception is a major cause for globalistic sympathies, as it leads to viewing less well off people as "unfortunate to have been born poor", rather than their relative disparity being a product of their ancestry and the ancestry of their peers.

>Catholics who believe the pope is a hotline to god are retarded

Christianity implies god can directly speak to anyone at any given point, catholics believe he now mainly does this through the Pope. Wouldn't the disbelief that he could do so but mainly does it within the highest member of the church imply a sort of doubt in his existence?

Just a passing thought I had, but why is it that people accept that god performed all these miracles and directly interacted with people(or through angels, with speaking being "translated" through metatron, I forget if that's just jew stuff or if christians also accept the angel hierarchies) with ancient peoples and then stopped all of a sudden so that whenever someone claims to have directly interacted with god it is scene as heretical or a trick by Satan?

you can find 10 pictures of fish eating other fish in 10 seconds on google images, which died in the process, and got fossilized, yet not a single fossil of a transitional species, despite the need to have tens of billions of humanoids alone to produce the linkage between early homonids and modern

the global flood is a vastly better explanation of the empirical evidence than this phrenology-tier pseudoscience

Oh, because it's a lot more effective to educate people without telling them they're so fucking stupid they're not worth wasting the time trying to educate them. You know, the opposite of what I did with my previous post to you two.

>political affiliation is a determining factor of competency

The lefty shows his contempt of the common man once again.

>Problem is they think it's the only means to achieve this goal

It is though, and you need to expand your definition of religion. For example progressivism is a religion, complete with dogmatic rules and an entire ideology of doublethink trying to make sense of nonsense.

9/10 troll, almost had me

Oh I see. You just assumed, because I called you an idiot, that I'm too stupid to understand simple concepts. How very convenient for you.

>he probably +posted this unironically

>can't handle some banter

Truly a american

>For example progressivism is a religion
wat? What deity do "progressives" have? Do you even know what a religion his?

There's naturalistic evolution (no design, no intelligence, only natural law etc) and there is theistic evolution. Many deny NE but accept TE. Relatively few believe in special creation (God creates and no evolution at all). Idiots ask theists "do you believe that God created the world?" and if they say yes they say "oh you must think evolution isn't true!l" but that's bullshit.

The idea from souls stems from the very difficult, conflicting logic within the mind that states "why am I me and not someone else"

if you think of your mind as being merely an observer, you'll start to question why you as an observer have been assigned to the point which is you.

Why am I me and not you? Why when the biological construct of consciousness formed am I in this exact position of observation?

The idea that such and observation point is an indivisible point of observation that can be moves around after death is a popular idea even among secularists.

And what role does god have, and how o you prove it was God doing?


USA is 60% white now. Like I said, things only nutty 3rd worlders think.

You assume Christians don't believe in evolution. They coexist if you look hard enough.

Wow, this is very deep. Really makes you think

The line between philosophy and religion isn't exactly thick user. I'd say religion is distinct from philosophy in that while it offers good morale backbone in how to run a society, it has dogma, it interprets a kind of fantasy world that humanity sits in and has to regulate through a manner of symbolic rituals and worship, all of which have nothing to do with systems in which we can live, thrive, protect ourselves and get a long.

We can do good with morals, but we don't need to sprinkle magic water on each other in the belief we're removing an untraceable mark of metaphysical "bad".

Don't meme on me, it's something that bothers a lot of people and leads them to accepting unscientific ideas.

So religion is purely methaphysical and speculative

So why do you fags try to mess around in science?

>can't handle some banter
Says the guy who unironically posted

>Nearly all scientists (97%) say humans and other living things have evolved over time

Frankly it's a little concerning that there is such a wide consensus of absolute faith in a theory. The correct answer is we can't be sure, anything else is no different than any other religious belief.

Yes, many people in this country are severely diseased. They believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old or something and ignore all irrefutable evidence that they are brain dead ham beasts.

Anti-burger thread?

Where is the science that proves your idea

>wide consensus of absolute faith in a theory.

Look at this fucking faggot who doesn't know the definition of theory.

>evolution is belief

You know we actually already seen it happen with our own eyes?

Of course I know it's popular among secularists, after all Sweden is mostly secular and the belief that we are observers in a randomly assigned body is commonplace here.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm not religious.

>Faith in a theory
Scientific theory is not "theory", a scientific theory is backed by a large body of evidence.

Theory does not equal a hunch.

It's not an idea, it's a question. I don't believe in souls.

Yes, as most intelligent people don't.
Macro Evolution is so full of holes it might as well be called swiss cheese.

>tfw (paleo)conservative and evolutionist in christcuck country

I'm the only atheist I know of period.

>on both sides

I'm not understanding how the pro-evolution side is misunderstanding Darwinism save for dumbfuck leftists who worship the false myth of universal egalitarianism -- which obviously goes against the theory of evolution.

To be fair, contrary to social darwinism, evolution is not about supremacy but rather adaptation to ones environment.

name me 2 of them

good for you

> save for dumbfuck leftists who worship the false myth of universal egalitarianism

You answered yourself mate

Please ignore Jerónimo de Sousa, he just discovered the Internet and this is how he's using it

Most Americans don't, most of the religious crowd and minotities don't (then again most of the minorities don't know much of anything)

But there's a sizeable chunck that do. It's not against the law or anything

It would be more like if all wolves had interbred with dogs at some point in their history, and all pure-blooded wolves are extinct.

Yes, most them are mathematicians and physicists.
Among the lay, there are a few who don't accept it.
Most Christians (evangelicals included) accept evolutionary theory and Darwinian theory.

Though it is entirely unscientific, the adherents of this "theory" which by the way isn't a scientific theory, almost never speak to biologists about it. Most biologists speaking off the cuff say we have no clue what's going on.
It's important to ask ourselves what does this theory give us?
To the sciences, it gives them access to wealth and power, I can sympathize with that.

But really, people claim that evolutionary theory has proven a hundred times over, look, things change, sure, but this isn't enough to support a doctrine of time and change creating complex life forms.

I've heard people cite entropy, the problem with entropy is they either concede the impossibility of the universe just existing or they concede the possibility of evolution occurring.
Anyways this is a minor point.
The more salient issues are for instance the sheer lack of lab evidence, there seem to be inherent species barriers that can't be crossed no matter how many changes take place.
The sheer ignorance of us to biology, now we've a rich body of descriptive literature, but we have little else.

We don't know how many changes it would take to make a cow into a whale, if we knew evolutionary theory well enough then we would know. (Citation, Berlinski, the deniable Darwin)

Another issue is the fossil record, the Cambrian, all of sudden one set of fossils become another set, radically different and over a short period.
We have no clue how to reconcile this evolutionary theory.
Another, the Darwinian tautology, how do we measure it's fitness, by its survival and we judge it's survival on its fitness.

Total lack of any sort of coherent proofs or anything of that nature is as well unhelpful, another piece of info.
In physics we have no go theorems, biology is rife with them.

I don't "believe" in evolution, as it isn't a faith-based religious philosophy. Rather, as the theory of evolution is well-supported with numerous scientific studies, I think that it is the best explanation for the diversity of life on the planet today.

Well, you say a cow to a whale. This wouldn't happen and an evolutionist shouldn't claim it would. Cows amd whales came from creatures that were similar to cows and whales going back millions of years. The further back, tbe less they resemble the modern day creature and eventually, they would be traced back to a common ancestor. Also evolution isn't related to the universe or big bang. Nor is it connected to the origins of life. Evolution only has to do with changing organisms over time, no matter if a god started the process or we were products of abiogenesis.

Go back to 8reddit shill.

Correction, i say not related to, butI mostly mean evolution doesn't try to explain it. Those are other theories/hypothesis.

>Though it is entirely unscientific, the adherents of this "theory" which by the way isn't a scientific theory, almost never speak to biologists about it. Most biologists speaking off the cuff say we have no clue what's going on. It's important to ask ourselves what does this theory give us?
>To the sciences, it gives them access to wealth and power, I can sympathize with that.

>But really, people claim that evolutionary theory has proven a hundred times over, look, things change, sure, but this isn't enough to support a doctrine of time and change creating complex life forms.
Consider this, if a population of lifeforms can change during a period of centuries, who says during the next two million years they don't aquire enough changes to become (to the eyes of someone who just sees the beggining and the end of the process) a new specie?

>I've heard people cite entropy
Bullshit argument proven wrong thousands of times. Universe is an isolated system. Earth is just closed, as it recieves energy from the Sun. Surprise surprise, enthropy applies to isolated systems.

>The more salient issues are for instance the sheer lack of lab evidence, there seem to be inherent species barriers that can't be crossed no matter how many changes take place.
The species barrier is so difusse noone in Biology seems to define what is exactly a specie. Also, you cannot test plate tectonics and yet it is accepted worldwide.
And you know what is the best lab to prove evolution? Islands, more exactly oceanic ones. You have an almost controlled environment where you can watch evolution (the past and the present).

>Another issue is the fossil record, the Cambrian, all of sudden one set of fossils become another set, radically different and over a short period.
>We have no clue how to reconcile this evolutionary theory.

Evolutionary radiation is a thing, but the Cambrian explosion is way more complex than that.

Mostly the aouth, but yes. I am the only person at my company who trusts natural science

Furthermore, the cambrian explosion was only short in an evolutionary sense. The period lasted 20 million years if not a little longer.

>Lefty Sup Forums

In the old days, guys like you were banned for shits and giggles.


Respek dem dubs boy

Shut the heck up


>Another, the Darwinian tautology, how do we measure it's fitness, by its survival and we judge it's survival on its fitness.
Fitness is based on the survival and the offspring an individual leaves before he dies. Survival is not based on fitness.

>Total lack of any sort of coherent proofs or anything of that nature is as well unhelpful, another piece of info.
It isn't coherent if you only read the title.

>In physics we have no go theorems, biology is rife with them.
You don't need theorems to describe the growth of bacteria or to describe the pathway of a protein. Just sayin.

t. a graduate in Biology

Evangelical technally means any Christian who is willing to talk about it. Most of them are not that obstinate about evolution.

I think when most people say it, they mean the modern day evangelical movement

That's a whole lot of nothing you just said there user.

>Which by the way isn't a scientific theory
But that's wrong

>They say evolution has been proven a hundred times over
>Things change I admit
>But that doesn't prove evolution

What did he mean by this?

>There are species barriers that can't be crossed
Not sure where you are going with this There are eight barriers of defining a species, the only issue with this is life doesn't easily fall into rigorous categories the way we want it too, it's more like a blend of differences going all the way down to an individual, so not all the barriers match up (I.E two different closely related urchins can no longer reproduce due to a chemical change that prevents ones sperm from fertilizing another's eggs, Meanwhile Camals and Lamas can produce fertile offspring that can also produce offspring but are separate species due to geographic barriers and behavior differences

>If evolution was right we'd know how many changes it would take to make a cow into a whale.

Rate of things evolving depends on too many factors to make such a prediction. Reproduction rates obviously increase the speed, hence why bacteria, who reproduce every 20 minutes and have 3 ways to exchange genetic material with other bacteria go through evolution very quickly.

Isolation is another factor, if you have a small population separate from the main species with different conditions, you'll start to speciate. A good example is humanity, look at all our diverse ethnic groups with staunchly different features, all response to environmental change (I.E light skin is better for a European climate than dark skin). If we kept that course, many humans would probably reach the official status as being separate species.

>Another issue is the Cambrian

The Precambrian fossils are rarer and warped, The Cambrian explosion could very well be a misconception caused by how well Precambrian fossils were preserved in the Burgess shall.