Gunfags BTFO
There is rarely anything that 90% of Americans can ever agree on. Except this fact: 90% of Americans Agree About Background Checks,
Yet the NRA refuses to compromise.
Gunfags BTFO
There is rarely anything that 90% of Americans can ever agree on. Except this fact: 90% of Americans Agree About Background Checks,
Yet the NRA refuses to compromise.
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We literally already have background checks.
>a fucking leaf
i thought murder was illegal?
NRA is against any compromise. People like background checks but what else will be included in the bill?
It's never "just one thing" with these gun grabbers. Their lack of respect for boundaries is why no one trusts them to have a fair compromise.
Background checks for immigrants when
I thought we already had background check.
>90% of americans agree with a system we already have
I am shocked
Should people have access to high powered assault rifles and 30 round magazines? No.
However, I cannot stand the argument that making it illegal for criminals to buy guns will fix the problem. They aren't buying them from shops, they're getting them from private dealers or overseas.
Making crime illegal doesn't stop people from committing it.
>tfw my state has decent gun laws despite being a liberal shithole
everyone is being pants on head retarded
What is a high powered assault rifle?
Fuck off leaf. They should have background checks for shitposters.
>Ebil assault rifles and 30 round mags
Gtfo faggot
I knew leafs were stupid but wow. this takes the cake
I purchased all the firearms and ammunition I'll ever need during my overly paranoid SHTF prepper phase.
What is considered an "high powered assault rifle". What should a magazine limit be?
we do, we have background checks, federal licensing for dealers and record keeping requirements for all sales.
All "common sense" measures were implemented years ago. Gun-grabbers don't even know anything about gun control at this point in addition to knowing nothing about guns.
Every gun I have purchased, I had a background check, your premis is a fallacy.
The reason this always fails is that democrats are never satisfied with just going for that. They always bundle it together with gun bans and other big restrictions then act surprised when no one supports it.
The government can't or won't enforce the existing restrictions. Meanwhile people are 3D printing full auto gauss cannons. Technology is making people libertarian whether they want it or not.
>All "common sense" measures were implemented years ago
except for the measures that stop you from fucking selling guns to terrorists.
Obviously Americans have a different interpretation of the meaning of common sense
maybe your background checks should have not let a guy on a no fly list buy a gun
is this ok?
We do stop terrorists, we just don't believe in violating due process.
>talking about the Orlando gay shooter
>"Why would he seek out an AR-15?"
>shows picture of SIG rifle that's not an AR-15
My hurts
Selling gun to terrorists is a time honored American tradition, please stop trying to prevent us from practice our culture shitlord.
we already have background checks
I've had to go through a background checks for all of the guns that I own.
Leftists are fucking retarded.
FN Fal rechambered in 20mm
nra is probably the only funding group in america that isnt completely corrupt
>Yet the NRA refuses to compromise.
More like
>Yet the bought and paid for Congress agrees to compromise
90% of statistics are made up.
Good thing 90% of Americans agree about something we already have.
also saged.
>We do stop terrorists
then why was a muslim who swore allegiance to ISIS able to get a gun and shoot up a nightclub.
weren,t able to stop him were ya?
He had a security clearance and was certified sane by a psychologist.
Just because one guy slipped through we are not going to throw away our rights.
>We interviewed a group of liberal cucks, and 9/10 of them supported background checks. The last person wanted guns banned
Also that woman's voice makes me want to kick her in the teeth
I agree with background checks, felons, illegals, and ISIS should not be able to buy guns, but law abiding citizens should be able to own whatever weapons they desire.
They have background checks dumbass, every country with gun laws have them.
The issue is bureaucrats manipulating the bc system to grab peoples guns and take away their 2nd Amendment rights through technicalities.
cocksuckers like you are the reason we have Cuckdeau as a Prime Minister
cake is unhealthy so good metaphor
But eating the whole cake by yourself means you'll get too much sugar.
That honestly doesn't sound like something a lot of people would disagree with. Would you like Tyrone to have assualt rifles right after he was done serving his 16-month sentence?
Fuck universal background checks.
Fuck banning private sales.
Fuck creating a national registry.
Fuck impending confiscation.
gun grab = civil war
and we know who is behind it
and we are many veterans with PHDs in asymetrical warfare
in a hypothetical situation priority targets are
command (idealy the non nationalist traitors) and communications then financiers then idiological leaders, no one wants to kill zombies who don't know any better and that is why the bad guys win every world war and every civil war
oviously i don't advocate doing this. violence is bad mmm k.
vote trump vote peace
being governed by an amendment that is over 2 centuries old. Fucking hell you americans are retarded
Who conducted this poll?
I'm happy for you because you broke from the EU. If you keep this shit up though I'll destroy you with my knowledge on the subject.
>Their lack of respect for boundaries is why no one trusts them to have a fair compromise.
>Be me, talking with coworker
>They need more background checks!
>There's already tons of background checks, Omar Sateen went through dozens and passed.
>Well there should be a psych evaluation!
>What about psychological issues that present themselves later in life?
>Well there should be continuous psychological checks!
>Isn't that a violation of privacy rights? Not to mention it'll present an opportunity for a Fascist entity to take advantage of it.
These people are insane.
No, they're just literal sheep. There are people born with the ability to cut through emotional charge to see the truth of a situation and people that are born without it, who are pushed and pulled by the emotional stigma. It's okay, that's how the world works, but the liberal left is trying to alienate the "wolves" in lieu of supporting the "sheep".
>But eating the whole cake by yourself means you'll get too much sugar.
Fuck you asshole
We already fucking have background checks.
Why do people think we don't? Who the hell is telling people we don't do background checks?
The restrictions in place are abysmal though; it should be as difficult as getting a drivers license - a long, strenuous process to weed out potential terrorists, gang members, etc; "hi-cap, high-powered" assault rifles and the like should be allowed under more training as well, not outright banned because some r9k autists thought that their inability to socialize with others gave them a right to shoot people
I bet you think freedom of speech is just as "old" and "outdated"
im not from Britain nor do I live there, just shows the flag cos proxy probably. go ahead "destroy" me
nope, just think some of america's laws are so backward
There is nothing backward about the second amendment. It is just as relevant today as it was when it was written. The people should always have a ready means of fighting the government.
>It is just as relevant today as it was when it was written.
it is barely fucking relevant. It was written when there was a foreign occupying force present in America and when the fastest a skilled marksman could shoot a gun was at 3 rounds per minute
Didn't the NRA support one of those 4 failed gun control bills recently, but the dems shot it down because the NRA supported it?
90% of Americans didn't go to law school either.
Background checks to check if you're a felon don't infringe on the 2nd amendment because Felony Disenfranchisement is currently held as being constitutional so as long as the Supreme Court finds that process of background checks to be reasonably short and not costly then they are fine.
However, preventing those on the "terrorist watch list" or "no-fly list" to purchase guns IS unconstitutional because you are infringing the citizen's fifth amendment right of due process.
>we have background checks
>some guy who had two separate fucking FBI investigations did not trigger this check
makes you think
90% of the internet agree that 1 post by this ID is a faggot, you should go suck a sage homo then
I am totally for the Second Amendment and want to own an AR, but I don't get the fuzz about background checks
Anyone please explain?
I thought this was already implemented, as former convicts can't buy guns
Ah no. The reason we have a 2nd Amendment is if the government gets too pushy. There's plenty of regulation. Yes a terrorist shot up a night club. He could have also set it on fire or crashed a plane into it. You gun grabbers are dense. Do you not know how terrorists operate?
we agree with background checks for muslims you dumb fuck
>John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt gets on no fly list
>his name is my name too
>now when I try to buy a gun they say no
>I can't get off a shady, unacountable, no due process watchlist
>I've now been denied a constitutional right with no way out
yes, they want to expand, so that anyone on a no fly list cant buy one.
since there are people with the same name, if john alex smith from georgia gets put on the no fly list then john alex smith from florida is also on that no fly list.
If you dont think the founding fathers didn't anticipate the advancement of technology then you are delusional
>we agree
fuck off bootlicker
>since there are people with the same name, if john alex smith from georgia gets put on the no fly list then john alex smith from florida is also on that no fly list.
Oh, I understand
But isn't there just around 200 people on the nofly list?
Wouldn't it be better to fix this no-flight list first?
>wants hundreds of thousands of achmeds walking around unchecked in the US
The constitution contains provisions for issuing letters of marque.
Meaning they intended for private citizens to be able to become privateers.
Meaning they meant for private citizens to be able to own warships armed with multiple cannons.
Fuck off.
i dont want muslims in the US whatsoever
but im also not a retard that wants to infringe on the bill of rights like (you) bootlicker
It involved a 3 day block to people on watchlists and then they either have to remove you or bring charges. They voted that down because due process is silly and not needed in a modern society.
>>There's already tons of background checks, Omar Sateen went through dozens and passed.
we need better enforced background checks is what he may be saying
Americans im a little dissapointed. Where is the liberal freedumbs?
if you want to change it, repeal the amendment
(p.s. thats never gonna happen)
its easy to land on that no fly list as well as another list they have, i cant remember the name of it atm. it's also very difficult to get off the no fly list.
what conservatives want is for there to be a due process put in place, so if someone is wrongly placed on one of the two lists they can appeal it. liberals dont have this in mind.
makes me think that the FBI is fucking incompetent
Well it's really stupid that the no-fly list applies to names, and not specific persons
How did they fuck up this hard?
>bill of rights applies to noncitizens
fuck off you wannabe Rand Paul
don't most states have them anyway?
The President of the United States for one. It's really disheartening.
The FBI has its hands tied whenever Muslims are involved. They had over 60 investigations involving radical Islamists shut down by the Obama's administration. Both the San Bernardino shooter and Orlando shooter had investigations ongoing that were shut down.
That's because an FBI watch means fucking nothing, why shoild they be able to deny your God given right because you seem a little suspicious. Please leave you fucking communist faggot.
i never said it applied to non-citizens....
there are muslims in this country that are citizens you retard
The FBI found that he had committed no crimes. So blame the FBI.
You can't punish someone for having been investigated and found not guilty.
Because he committed no crime you autistic fuck. Should we have fucking mind readers at gun counters to know if you're gonna kill people
>should the statistically least likely subset of firearms to actually be used in a crime be legal?
The answer is yes, faggot.
There already are background checks.
that's why the NRA is great and leafs suck dog dicks.
It's a freedom thing. The Englander would not understand.
>1 post by OP
>y'all faggots posting in a troll thread
>background checks of muslims """"""refugees"""""
>FBI investigations happen
>watched very closely.
>goes to work, buys groceries, goes home for 3 months
>then shoots up a bar
Oh the humanity!
source pls
>How did they fuck up this hard?
Because our government is fucking incompetent. And our government is HUGE. They make new offices and committees and subcommittees and bureaus every fucking year.
You want to know how these bureaucrats get to where they are?
>be born up north to upper-middle class or old money family
>get sent to private school
>join Model UN, Youth Legislature, and the school government
>be Chad so youre attractive, speak well + your parents push you real hard to get good grades and succeed
>Daddy gets you internship at Congressman's office
CONGRATS you now work in the government. Good job! Now fuck all the women in the office and don't snitch on anyone and you'll be at the top in no time kid.
If you want to see how incompetent our government is watch videos on youtube or CSPAN of our "Full House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform" and watch them put these bureaucrats on full blast for all their corruption.
THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE BILL OF RIGHTS AND SPECIFICALLY DUE PROCESS. because these fucking retards are the ones in charge. They're not the elite of the elite. They're fucking incompetent retards.
it will never happen, CIA = natizi = how else can there criminal aspect buy guns on they fly during a volatile spec op against American's in our back yards?
We shouldn't be letting muslim refugees in the country in the first place or even let them buy guns from us.
If you're not a citizen, the bill of rights doesn't apply to you.