Honest Question Lads

>be me
>i voted leave
>two of my best friends voted remain
>both crying on twitter about brexit

Are they still my friends?

Other urls found in this thread:


No, because if you are that kind of friend, you deserve to die alone

Friendship should be able to overcome political disagreements.

Except if they become full cuck white-guilt race traitors.


Back to the refugee camp, Ahmed.
It'll be your turn soon.

this is what i feel but i haven't gotten a reply from them all day..

I'm not a salty cuck like some lefties that cry over "populism" every time they disagree with a democratic vote.

But the amount of butthurt I'm witnessed today was too much. There are people that came out as legitimately hating on patriots, that when confronted explicitly said they preferred to live under the regulations EU bureaucrats than under the common law of our ancestors.

There are one girl I genuinely consider dropping entirely out of my life.

Sounds like they're fundamentally disloyal and likely to sell you out in pressing circumstances. By all means remain friends, but do not trust them or ever give them an opportunity to fuck you over.

Anyone seen this, remainers think making a petition that invalidates referendum results with under 60% one way and less than 75% turn out will get them another referendum:


Do they want to just waste tax payers money doing referendums for eternity.

Probably still friends. i have family who voted opposite to me but I still see them as family as well as being friendly towards them. Your mates might kick your face in though so be cautious.

who is she to you user?

yeah in exactly the same position

biggest fucker out of him so i doubt it but thanks for the heads up fella

>revealing your power level

>implying refugees have looked beyond the "facebook/google/youtube surface" and are on Sup Forums
> implying refugees can speak english

You are giving them way to much credit

>explicitly said they preferred to live under the regulations EU bureaucrats

I actually know people who believe the UK to be selfish asshats for wanting to rule themselves how they used to, instead of being ruled by oligarchs. Not sure what to make of it all anymore.

yeh i got tricked into it how do i lower my power level now, or is it to late

I've seen it but won't lecture them that it's over 50% & sometimes with low turnouts is how it's done democratically, not 60% to win with a 75% turnout needed it's just silly, If they want a lack of genuine democracy they might as well move to Brussels. Or China. They are most welcome to do that.

i got tricked into it how do i lower my power level now, or is it to late

The trickster way: say you were just fucking around.
The cuck way: say you regret it.
The gentleman way: refrain from talking politics.
The Sup Forumsack way: shove that redpill down their throats.

There won't be another referendum, even if a significant number of MPs wanted it. The Fixed Terms Parliament act ensures that Labour can't get in before we fully leave. Even then, Labour won't get in using a platform that includes a second referendum, and the Conservatives won't fall on their collective sword to give us another one either, they would be wiped out at the next election.

Brexit is locked in no matter what

You don't get to bring friends

Don't take anything back, but tone down how vocal you are about politics.

Why would he want them?

>tfw politics have started to leak out because other people are talking about it

They voted for the marxist
The childless woman

Only if they`ll convert to Orthodox Christianity and repent their sins after Great Lent.

Eeeh you shouldn't chose your friends based on their political beliefs in theory.
But you know how lefties are.
Every time mines state their political beliefs I get shat on if I even remotely try to reason with them by being called heartless and bigoted.
Every time I voice my opinion I get shat on by them by being called the same things.
So in practise it's very hard to tolerate them, I know.
But I just remind myself that they don't know better and have been brainwashed into being cucks by ((((((a specific elite clique)))))), and you should do the same user, that is also OP.

Serious question from Canada.

What's the big deal with immigration in the UK? Is it strictly overpopulation or is there a deep resentment visible immigration.

If they speak english or pass as white, are they considered immigrants by the general public?

I understand what you mean, lefties can't help but pull the race card. It also doesn't help that I'm white and they are second generation immigrants

I read a fair bit of Sup Forums today, then I asked myself, for fucks sake, is this the first time you cumslurpers hold a national referendum on something important? Then i had to chuckle and realized, yes it is your first time.
>we do shit like that every 3 months
>still we stay friends and never joined the EU

In case anyone can into masterrace speak: nzz.ch/international/brexit/brexit-und-europa-zeit-fuer-reflexion-und-demut-ld.91471
>bit of intelligent information besides the usual mainstream media disinformation

you're a bad friend my friend
kill yourself

It's because of the whole globalism euphoria they have been shoving down their throats for the last four decades that they get like that.

appreciated my friend

I voted leave, my wife voted remain.
She already doesn't even care anymore and realises the doom and gloom predictions were false and it will all be okay.

When they pull the race card, they don't want to hear your side of the argument. Here it gets sad. They think they do. But they don't. They are not ready. Not everyone of us are Stefan Mollies.
I'd tell you to switch topic when they do start that shit, but you'd get called out.
It's just best altogether to avoid discussing things like this, at least until more shit hits the fan and even they start to wake up.
Political discussion is not a great way to strengthen friendships, unless you are on the same side with them.

It's mostly a case of visible immigration, small/medium sized immigrant communities popping up all over the UK, and not integrating with the wider community; causing resentment and breeding a real sense of us vs them.

Thanks user for the advice. Probably just gonna head to the Winchester and have pint while this all blows over and then I'll speak to them.

Why is London part of the UK in that map!?

No, they just want to do them until their side wins. Then they stop.

Jewish tricks 101, goyim.

Yes. Friends are above politics. Infact, I find it healthy to have friends who think different than you, becouse it allows you to have a wider view of the world.
I have some extremelly leftist friends, and it's actually nice when we get into a civil discussion. If we don't, then it's top quality keks.

heheh i like it!

I see your point. It's just they aren't well informed and it can make for a pretty dull and one sided discussion.

become a tranny

muslim population in V4:
>Czech Republic - 3,500
>Hungary - 5,500
>Poland - 31,000
>Slovakia - 10,600
>total - 50,600

>muslim in United Kingdom - 2,706,000
>607,083 shitskins just in London alone
(data from 2011)

quite a bad photoshop chap

Same thing is happening in Canada. The rising cost of living and housing in booming Canadian markets is used as a reason to dislike immigrants for causing the demand of real estate to boom.

tl;dr, immigrants used as scapegoats for wider, unresolved, issues

do you know why you voted leave ?

No I don't. I just voted for the meme.

shocker there

Only lefty cunts decide who their friends are based on politics