He's so ugly.
He's so ugly
>1 post by this ID
>Only cucked Anglopshere country left
Delete your account.
show me a hot 70 year old
canadians vote on attractiveness. it's like a whole country of women.
He is beautiful.
>being this jelly of the worlds most alpha male
Don't you have a dog to blow?
Nice try faggot
Yeah I know it's almost like some people think the way the candidate looks is in anyway important. Ya know it's like people are voting based on their beliefs, what retards am i right???
I would let him fuck me till my ass bled
typical Cuckistani cockmongler.
judges people by their looks and yells, "BIGOT!"
Hello Ahmed
Females do not understand honor and noble acts.
Which is why they should NOT vote. They do not understand anything beyond how they FEEL.
>trying to explain this to fucking canada who voted by who looked better
Let em burn senpai
Your right. But at the end of the day people will take a females word over a man's. You've lost
Not an argument.
i would put beautiful white babies inside her. her bush must be magnificent.
I agree.
But it will eventually swing the other way. It always does. My good leaf cucked brother to the north.
If england goes down, yankland must too. Vote him in lads.
He isn't really ugly he's just old. He looked great when he was younger
>actually implying brits are uncucked
>He's so ugly
That's your argument? That's the best you got? When liberals are down to calling you ugly because they got nothing else you know you have won
A fat clown with a Walmart toupee.
I would fuck this guy.
Trudeau gets legit tier-1 pussy. He wouldn't even piss in these slags' mouths.
He is
He looks like a muppet with down syndrome
Hmm I couldn't follow you .. Could you be more explicit?
>this is tier1 pussy in leaf land