Can anyone explain to me why everyone is so against this brexit thing? I understand the whole process, but why is everyone acting like the sky is falling?
Can anyone explain to me why everyone is so against this brexit thing? I understand the whole process...
the ((())) are losing control
only racists want brexit you shitlord
Not the sky, just the economy.
Every sane human bean is happy on behalf of the UK.
All the drones however fear for their control center.
>but why is everyone acting like the sky is falling?
Because the people on TV said that would happen.
No...really...that's it.
BREXIT is bad but they are overreacting. Simple as that. Shit will sort itself out
Basically just fucked up trade and diplomatic relations with our biggest trading partner, potentially broke up the UK and made ourselves less attractive to foreign investors to keep a few poles out and take back control we already had.
it does seem a bit stupid to flush their economy over migrants when theyre being flooded by Commonwealth pakis
Brainwashed by sjw islam apologists. Note that only rich elites, wellfare imigrants, bankers and actors bitched about brexit.
And to those who blame it on racism against "refugees"
This is the first step to fight political corectness and radical Islam apologists
>Post yfw Trump wins and sjw's commit suicide
I mean, last time I checked, some 1400 girls were used as sex slaves by sandbaggers in Britain, right?
Why wouldn't you want to stop that from getting worse?
angry liberals and moron kids
Those men were "asian" and "an isolated incident" so all the libcucks have completely forgotten about it.
>Commonwealth pakis
It was probably them voting leave to get rid of the poles. I checked some of the more 'multicultural' areas of london (including my own) and they seemed more pro leave than the white areas.
At this point if you don't support all brown people especially ISIS you're a racist inbred retard, is the left's general "educated" view.
Look, I'm going to say something that is going to sound hurtful and cruel... Sup Forums right now reminds me of Menéame, a retarded left-wing Spanish news aggregator, celebrating the victory of Syriza in Greece as "the end of the rule of the elites" while the markets crashed all around Europe. "Dignity and sovereignty are priceless", "fuck the neo-liberal EU!"... I hope I'm wrong, but deep down I don't think I am.
Any pro-nationalism policies passing over globalism is perceived as the rise of the fourth Reich to everyone brainwashed by their merchant overlords to think Hitler is the most evil man to ever live.
you'll see that the only people complaining are the other europoor countries
and the only reason they're complaining is because their jew propaganda news told them to
the pound will come back in time
I actually would see this as a compliment if I were british.
They were dead on arrival because they were privilege checkers who could be bullied into silence by screaming "racist" and "nazi" at them until they did what they were told.
Seriously, they voted Tsispras back fucking dickless, useless and clueless can those people be.
They shirked when they realized they'd have to work.
>why is everyone acting like the sky is falling?
Don't fall for the psyops user, this is literally just [shilling intensifies]
I will trade you my personal autistic sonic for your britescape jpg ?
The best, if not the only way to save the West is conglomeration and free trade. The US and EU must become a common market with no tariffs and no legal barriers. If we do not do this, the rest of the world will use the first chance it gets to fuck us over.
Nationalist romantic bullshit like Brexit is the exact opposite of what we need. That buffoon Boris Johnson is too obsessed with his island to realize whose hands he's playing into.
Fearmongering. The Stay camp didn't argue with how much better the future will be if the UK stuck with the EU, but instead simply fearmongered. Says a lot about how much the EU would've improved Britain's future. :^) "We know Britain is a shithole, but if you don't remain, there will be even more shit! ... What? We could easily persuade you to stay by helping to clean up the shithole? Nah, we're gonna put more shit in, even more so if you leave."
it hurts globalization and the merchant
What the fuck are you talking about? How can their be free trade if it's all mudslimes?
Reading reactions in some places, you'd think that Britain is some oppressive shithole that only has human rights because of the glorious EU. It's pretty crazy
Ahmed might have a point.
You do realize Brexit proposes
a.) more immigration from the Commonwealth, and most Commonwealth migration originates from Pakistan and India, countries with lots and lots and lots of Muslims
b.) a stop to immigration from EU countries such as Poland, a country that could not be any less Muslim
Your argumentation is flawed
It becomes ever more apparent that you pro-Brexit cunts are the shills in this
Project fear was very effective on the blue-pilled
>majority votes for brexit
>"why everyone is so against this brexit thing?"
It's just disconnect between the media/SJW front (aka the merchants) and the actual population. You usually just don't notice it, with their social media noise and fake polls and biased reporting.
Because our working rights and public services are going to mirror yours and yours are shit.
Only if trade is seen as a law, which is unlikely to be done right every time, because greater countries would pass laws to force others get fucked.
If every coutry closes itself, the West will be good.
what is partition
ignorant as all fuck german, disregard.
>Britbongs voted to fuck over their own economy and destroy their nation
Yeah, I wonder why everyone thinks this is bad.
My local UKIP MP candidate is a Paki. Can confirm.
They'll have as much or as little immigration as they self-determine, and Brussels will have fuck-all to say about it.
A lot of powerful people had a lot invested in this not taking place, so the economy is going to slump while everyone tries to figure out how to make shit happen now.
because theyre fucking pussies. i bet they would have done the same thing with the original americans... and america would have never been a super power. fuck pussies. i got Britain's back.
ignorant people that know nothing of economics and history.
There are excemptional rules for immigration from the eastern EU nations. Brits were free to throttle migration from the eastern EU nations and didn't. As for immigration from outside of the EU, that's every nation's own business. As you can see, Westminster was in control of immigration all along and Brexit will change fuck all about immigration, except for one meticulous detail, France will no longer hold back illegals who want to cross the channel. England done goofed, no matter which way you put it, m8.
No idea really, everyone's crying that the pound is losing value, but like what did you expect? It's only been what, less then 24 hours?
Everyone expected this would result in a short term economic hit. It did, now they're acting like it's Armageddon.
TLDR: People are retarded,
A lot of people seem to think they're no longer allow to travel or move to other countries
Socialists, cuckservatives, the (((nose))) and the brainwashed pleb are agaisnt it. Let them cry.
Stocks have fallen by like 500 points in the US. People treat this like a bad thing, but it's only a bad thing if you've invested. If you have yet to invest (i.e. you're under 35), its a GOOD thing, because you are seeing a lower cost of entry.
You've unleashed an avalanche. Remember all that talk about an upcoming financial crisis that would completely outclass 2008? Remember when George Soros, Sup Forums's favorite evil Jew, started buying up entire fucking gold mines a few weeks back? This is it. You've started it. Everything is going to hell now.
EU is pipe dream leftist don't want to wake from, and Brexit is the alarm clock, that's it.
European Federation
It's either this, or bending the knee to the Asians.
>Free trade
Heinz, you know unbridled capitalism is the killer of culture, right? The way to preserve the west is NOT laying it at the mercy of companies motivated by greed.
I'm betting its really just a confidence thing and will bounce back in less than 2 weeks. It'll only become a full depression if people continue being fucking stupid and panic like with the Great Depression.
It's almost like nobody likes to be threatened! And gets pissed if you do! What a fucking revelation!
globalists losing control
Get cancer and die, communist.
> Be heavy on import/export
> Fuck up trade deals
> No alternatives prepared
> Negotiate new ones, now while being at the short end of the stick
> Expecting people won't exploit brits now
> Get shocked if shit gets more expensive due to worse trade deals
Prepare for protests
Ah, and the destabalizing doesn't stop here. Scotland called. They might want a Brexit, too
Contrarian assholes and worry warts or shills.
Short term ramifications of leaving vs horrible long term ramifications of staying
Wow you really have to ask why this is bad? Just shows how uneducated you blue collar bigotted xylophones are.
What? Explain why brexit is bad? I'm not going to spoon feed you.
>B-but why would a rich Jew ever lie to the public????
Yeah, fuck protecting local and domestic business with sensible tariffs, lets go all mexico in this shit.
Because the anti-brexit upper middle class liberals that do not live among shit immigrants are going to be more inconvenienced when trying to visit Ibiza on holiday.
>He values low-price wares from Tallahassee, US over his own nation.
>literal destruction of the EU the whitest organization known to man
the "right" is actualy the left
anti white liberals has been calling for the destruction of the EU for decades.
>>literal destruction of the EU the whitest organization known to man
>the organization that is hell bent on destroying white culture by taking in limitless amounts of immigrants from across the world.
It was strange atmosphere sitting on the train this morning in London during rush hour. It was eerily quiet. The whole of London practically voting to remain, there was definitely an air of defeat, and severe disappointment. I saw a woman crying on the bus. This truly is evil triumphing over good. And there is definetely a very obvious divide in the country, with the voting ratio almost 50:50. I expect a lot of tension in the next coming years.
>>Pride in London is tomorrow, so a bit of positivity in such a shocking time. Though, as a volunteer, I am slightly afraid of tensions. But we will stand in solidarity, we will not go down without a fight.
>tfw the whitest organization known to man has a few members that let themselves get cucked by backwards shitskins that rape everything literally and metaphorically
Good job UK. Separate yourself from those losers.
>not overkid.jpg
poland and spain are part of the EU yet has the ability to limit immigration to their countries.
big chance UK will be shoving in a lot more immigrants after brexit
BREXIT is just a catalyst for the muslims win
As a Welshman. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Sorry, but we've just voted for isolation, economic regression and falling prospects. Coming from the area I do I've seen the massive benefits of EU funding, it has literally saved South Wales from becoming a desolate wasteland by propping up it's poorest towns and villages, yet each and every one of those areas voted to leave.
It seriously frightens me to think what would have happened if the past 35 years worth of EU money hadn't been there, yet people have deluded themselves that we will get the same if not more from a west minister government (Tory AND Labour) who has never and will never give a fuck about us and has actively killed off our mining and manufacturing industries since the 1970s.
Now on top of that I am faced with the prospect of a man who's principles I despise resigning as PM only to be replaced by an even worse person in the form of Johnson, Gove, Osbourne or May, without an election of any kind due to our "fixed term" system brought in by Cameron and Clegg during their devil's pact.
Our currency is in the toilet, which according to Leavers is great for exports, (WHAT FUCKING EXPORTS? WE DON'T MAKE ANYTHING ANYMORE!) our stock market is crashing wiping out 6 months worth of slow steady growth in one hour, we are faced with a leadership campaign that will mean nothing important can happen in the next 4 months and the prospect of another Scottish referendum because they want to stay in the EU (If they leave then us Welsh, and any other area nor South-East/Middle England is even more fucked).
Reddit rant cont.
Our EU students will likely piss off back home once their courses have finished, meaning we will lose a fair portion of our future skilled workforce (yay more jobs for the lazy uneducated locals to do nowhere near as well), families will likely be split up (as has happened with non-EU peoples already) and we will have a massive shortfall in the NHS (where a high percentage of new recruits are EU, not UK).
It's not even like we can ever change our mind now either, if we do we have to apply and sign up to ALL the criteria, so that means Schengen, Euro, no exceptional veto etc.
I want to be calm about this, I want to take it on the chin and make jokes about EU footballers and comparisons to the BR, but I just can't, I honestly can't find it in me. I've never felt this hurt, this let down and this powerless, I feel like a passenger on the titanic watching the iceberg and knowing it's too late to turn. This whole thing is a power grab by twats who are too old and too rich to really be hurt by any of this and we have allowed ourselves to be fucked over for the sake of it.
I don't even know how to end this rant, I'm sat here at work, in one of our few manufacturing companies left, a company that is truly a European concern, sharing customers, technology and expertise between our sites int he UK and Europe, maybe 2 of the 30-odd in our department voted out, the rest of us are just stumbling around in shock and from lack of sleep, I can't work, I can't think, All I can do is worry about our future. My future, my pension, my nephew's entire life altered by a vote he wasn't even allowed to take part in, the lives of entire communities that I have seen decimated once before potentially dragged over the coals again when the funding dries up. all because some dickheads wanted to "Take Britain back for the British" without ever knowing what the fuck that meant.
Rant taken directly from Reddit, not mine
fear mongering from the left
commonly used tactic when things don't go their way
It doesn't matter if it's white if it's just cucked people and stupid old women anyway
Just wait UK. Big Daddy Trump and the U-S of A gonna give ya economy a tuneup.
That was germany's idea with a lot of support from sweden. Members of the EU can choose not to take them in.
Rewrite contracts. If parties were unhappy with original agreements then good riddance and get rid of them. If both parties were happy, new contract and agreement will be signed and things continue as normal.
Whats the problem?
immigrants don't want to go to Spain ( i'm talking about muslims , not latinos) because the welfare is better in other EU countries.
Poland values its own nation and proves it by not letting 6gorillon immigrants in
High quality bait
Obvious troll. Go back to int fucktard.
Because leftists.
We're being brigaded by reddit.
See all the anti-brexit, "what did you do??" and "you're fucked" threads? All shills.
You dont understand because youre low IQ conservative. Watch and learn.
Holy shit someone with both my name and we have a Sonic OC.
> (((everyone))) in the (((media)))
The globalists are trying to punish brits for making the right movement, so they created this bubble of panic regarding a simple change of seats... just calm down, brits did a very brave thing and they are legends.
Swedish Welsh.
nope. the spanish gov simply refused the immigrants in.
cool fact, the uk is the only relevant anglo nation in the EU, if ireland fucks off, EU will have 0 anglo nations
1) It will destroy the economy - with no access to open markets.
2) It will lead to the dissolution of the union.
3) WIll restart violence in Northern Ireland
4) Cements UK's status as a third rate global power, with little influence.
5) Scotland leaving likely means the reduction fo the UK armed forces and the loss of their sub bases.
Do you really think Germany is going to cut off when of their largest trading partners? Germany exports shit tons to the UK.
It would be like cutting off their own foot with a butter knife.
sure is newfag in here
1) UK can trade with anyone just like 'murica does.
2) Not sure why it even matters
3) ok
4) How? We have exactly no idea how successful the UK will be as independent. But if history is any indication, they'll be fine.
5) implying US dosent have a few hundred military installations everywhere - You dont need a real army when you have nukes, unless you intend to be the agressor against people who dont have nukes.