>They voted to destroy their own economy
>They voted to destroy the their own country

This is too fucking funny.

Other urls found in this thread:


At least they don't have a nigger for president.

I imagine your economy wasn't looking so super after straight after Independence

>I don't understand the term "short term economic hit"

I bet you watch the big band theory.

>destroyed their own economy

Lmao I guess if you're retiring today you're kinda fucked. Every smart person should be buying index funds rn.

Nigga pls you don't think they will recover? There is a reason everyone is investing in the pound because when they bounce back the profits are gonna be huge
Tip from an American to another go invest

Not an argument though

>the pound has already recovered half of what it lost

do you even know what you are talking about or are you just trying to jump on the libcuck bandwagon?

If it's this easy to destabilize global markets, maybe there's something terribly wrong with the global economic system, hm? :^)

it's almost as if it globalism is incredibly unstable and we should follow in the UK's footsteps to get away from it

Gas the kikes and hang their allies (((you)))

You're a disgrace of an American.

Reddit is that-a-way my man, kill yourself as you leave

Savage. I'd trust Brazil on this one


They had a fucking idiot for a Prime Minister that caused biggest disaster for Unit.. I mean England. Muslim shitskin as London mayor. Not to mention their monarchy is useless.

Queen would kick the shit out of these rapefugees but she can't.

Dumb people were convinced by shitty media that UE is scary and they will be better on their own.

Short ramifications of leaving versus horrific Orwellian long term ramifications of staying. Fuck off shilly :)

>Stock market fluctuates
>hurr ur fucked
Pay more attention in school, kid.

You're going back over the wall faggot


pick one

How many years will it take to get back to full value? Or will the recession hit first?

But they didn't vote to remain though.


2.5 1 year to accept it
1 year to fix the problems
.5 to iron out the wrinkles

Anyone have the gif where she's laughing and it gets all distorted and weird? I'll upvote all of your reddit posts if you can deliver.


>and the OP was never heard from in this thread ever again

just accept the loss

this is the funny part.

after 9/11, when the us stock market panicked for no reason, warren buffet actually went public and said, "jeez, retards, now is the time to buy. I sure am"

human beings are like lab rats. it's funny if you can stand back and watch dispassionately.


shut up faggot

your making us look bad

Hail Brittania!

I will drink your tears in 2-3 years. When meme will wear off and recession&end of EU movement benefits etc. kicks in you will see and feel the sword you swang at youself.
Not to mention Scotts and Eires leaving.

I'm honestly sorry for you Anglos if your gov gonna go through with quitting.

Damn straight.

They literally torched their economy to keep you poles out. Stay mad faggot

>den Datensatz korrigieren

Seriously, who's doing all this shilling, you're about a day too late.

Of course there will be bleeding after ripping out a tumor you cock slurping faggot

you smell like a traitor to me

>An American that doesn't understand freedom ain't free

Back over the border with you Jose.

you are as stupid as delusional, 4/5 of poles are working and will stay there w/o any problems.

2-3m of Anglos are in EU. Good luck.

It's just a market panic
Same shit happened with the Fukushima nuclear incident in 2011
The power company that ran that plant had their stock fucking plummet and a short while after everyone came to their senses and it came right back up

They would rather watch their economy go down their drain then have you dirty fucking poles stinking up their country. Stay salty you dirty polack

>It's just a market panic
Yes. Real issues gonna pop up when UK will leave EU.
They are in EU and will be for I guess ~2 years?

Economic stuff doesn't happen overnight, they undermined a lot of things they worked for in last 40yrs.

you are truly stupid and delusional. You don't even make sense- salty about what?

I wish your parents knew what failure thei child will become so they could have an abortion.

On your place I would keep my cuckmouth shut.


>poles on suicidewatch

>the economy is bringing in immigrants
maybe a hundred years ago. these people aren't doing anything besides serving each other fast food and building their own shit shacks. more laborers aren't needed at all and neither is a population increase. there's no point to it whatsoever for anyone.

globalism is all about promoting elite control anyway. it's not a global community of independent local interests like dipshits believe, it's a global fucking animal farm for them to rule.

Freedom isn't free.

most media outlets only served to shame and slander the leave voters, you wouldn't know however

The best part is OP that according this this picture, people who are AGAINST multiculturalism voted leave.

Funny because the EU encouraged white, culturally compatible people (mostly from eastern Europe) to immigrate to britain.

Now that they're pretty much everyone granted a visa to the UK is going to be a non-white, indian or east asian immigrant.

They literally just made multiculturalism worse and doom their own white race thinking they were donig the opposite.

fucking idiot poms

>This is too fucking funny.

No . This is funny . And very true . And I think that other E.U. countries will leave .

If only life was so easy

>They voted to destroy their country


America fought to be its our country. YOU ARE ALREADY YOU OWN COUNTRY DIPSHIT.
All you did was negate a shitty fucking trade/border deal that benefited you, solved your shitty problem with the Irish, and gave you allies. Great job!

It's gonna be fucking Hilarious when the Irish start bombing your dumbass again.

Jajajaja oh wait, the pound is back up, all trade deals are still in place and going nowhere, we have opened new trade windows which have been snapped up by Canada, USA and Germany, etc, etc.
Point and laugh in a mirror dummy, then remember the importance of independence on the 4th of July.

As Nietzsche said... what looks like to a step back to some is preparing to take a giant leap forward

>Obama destroyed the U.S. economy by adding more debt than all U.S. presidents combined.
>Obama's debt failed. No U.S. president ever presided over more than two years of less than 3% GDP growth. Obama has had seven consecutive years of under 2% GDP growth
>No attack within the U.S. after 9/11 during the Bush presidency. The U.S. has been attack within the U.S. by radical islamic terrorism 18 times in seven years of Obama. Obama destroyed the United States.

That is too fucking unforgivable. Hillary is going to lose in a landslide because of it. And you know it, libtard.

>huge nosedive straight into recession territory

Yeah it wasn't. We were in heavy debts to France and a whole bunch of other sources. It was pretty hard, but we managed.

When you point, 4 fingers point right back at you.

They voted to destroy the EU. They knew the price.

I beg you stop baiting, it's pathetic

Do you think the Irish rebels in 1916 in Dublin gathered at the steps of the general post office and said "actually lads, we've run the numbers and we're better off economically if we just stay instead"? No. It was a question of whether or not they ran their own affairs. Self-determination comes first.

Racism led to another disaster.Enjoy your powerty UK.And by the way, FUCK OF WE ARE FULL.

>Self-determination comes first

Cool story. What new magical powers of
self-determination did you get by leaving the EU? Be specific.

You got played kiddo.

Whats it like having shit skin???

what are you talking about leave won

>They voted to destroy their own economy
>They voted to destroy the their own country

>everyone who disagrees with me is a shitskin

Cool story mudblood. I bet I'm purer than you are.

How do sheep fare alone in the wilderness without a dog protecting them from wolves?

the extent of these butthurt shills is so delicious.

You lost! fucking lol.

The power of maintaining a white majority while EU is swamped with rapefugees:)

Every time.

not a chance

Only bydło gets butthurt after brexit.

So proud of BASED Brexit actually happening. We love you, Dad.

I want you anti-racists to die

Refugees has got nothing to do with the EU though. How did these two things get conflated?


>a wild nigger appears


Muh economy. Muh immigration. Both of these are only to control you stupid fucks.

100% this guy is NOT white

>Brazil calling anyone a nigger.

Why are leftists crying so much about this? Surely this is exactly what they were trying to create when they were baiting the British public by giving minorities such protected status that they could kidnap and rape our daughters. Turning everyone right wing by calling anyone who questioned the extremist liberal agenda a "racist Nazi." By refusing to give a single inch to those who raised concerns about immigration and the future of the country, and by being so obnoxiously self-righteous, arrogant and condescending in all things political, the left helped create this situation.

Alienating 52% of the country from the political process by labeling them all racists for daring to speak up against a single leftist policy and ignoring the growing voices calling for them to put the brakes on the immigration train, the left made drastic action the only way for the growing silent majority to change anything.

The left were so confident this would be an easy win for remain. What they forgot was the tens of millions of people they'd been hiding from in their progressive bubble for a decade.

Take note American leftists, if you won't find a compromise, if you insist on dismissing every political opponent as a bigoted monster then those people will vote against anything you want in massive numbers. When you shout people down, censor them or hide from them, they don't stop existing and they don't change their views. What they do is vote.

>What new magical powers of
self-determination did you get by leaving the EU?

The fact that parliament is now finally in complete control of this countries affairs as opposed to Brussels being able to impose laws or override UK laws. That's a pretty big deal.

Better than they do in the slaughterhouse.

Lamb chop, anyone?

>They voted to destroy their own economy
>They voted to destroy the their own country

That is almost exactly what Hitler said when we declared war on Germany.

The UK was shitting it a bit, then we are shitting it a bit now, but this is what makes us great we are aloud to have this vote, we set the narratives for our future, and we are united for it.

They still don't have the power though. Getting out of the EU doesn't magically turn the whole nation white, nor does it mean the England won't import shitskins. It just means you're not in the EU.

holy shit fuck off stupid libtard

Because millions of shit skins are walking into Europe every year and once EU gives them citizenship they would have been able to live in the UK..

>How did these things get conflated?

Right-wing fear mongering and the gullibility of dumb asses.

Are you implying Obama isn't a nigger

>Refugees has got nothing to do with the EU though



Idioto powiedz to ojcu jak wróci ze zmywaka.


Everyone ignore this faggot he has been making these threads all day. The next one will be another thread about that worthless petition going on. Probably some butt hurt german on a vpn. Just because you worship muslim cock doesn't mean everyone else has to hans

It's just you Brazilians are implying you all don't live in a shithole.


Dips are normal in times of change, the uk is doing exactly the same as it was a week ago.

The only child here is you, Go educate yourself.

>that pic
Jolly good show old boy!


The UK was already outside the Schengen Area. So no, shitskins from the EU can't just magically move there. Do you even know anything about the UK?