Wallstreet fag here
Ya blew it
Wallstreet fag here
Ya blew it
I wonder who's behind this post.
Aye, fuck off jew.
Get rekt twat. lol.
>((((wall street))))
I >
I ^
You will vote for Trump, don't worry. We are starting to emerge as a political force.
>kikes blown the fuck out
I'm literally so happy right now.
I got mails today from several british countries towards their EU clients, saying they will move their busniess to the EU in the interim time.
I am not worried at all. Brits can trade do all their trading with the comonwealth again for I care. The US will move into poland as their EU spokes person and then the brits are finally what Churchill never wanted that it is a tiny economically isolated island in front of a unified europe. The only hope of the brits is that France will leave the EU now as well. If that happens good, well done. The only nations benefiting from this will be Russia and the US in the end.
Sorry you lost some money you fat nonce.
Nah just kidding go fuck yourself. :)
Kike off, hook-nose
Radar readings are off the charts
>Oh my god! The sky didn't open up and magically start raining gold down from above the moment the vote passed! How can this be!?
Obviously there was going to be a response to Brexit. It's just a panic reaction. Shit will start to balance out in a few days.
>unified Europe
Please, don't stop, make me laugh even harder.
This shift to nationalism will hurt but not as bad as not shifting
>Wallstreet fag
Half true I guess
Sorry you have the stereotypical longnose, beard, sweaty, ugly, bad teeth. Looks like you've just gone full sheckles, oy vey shut it down.
Actual wallstfag here (marketing conference for a commercial drone company. 63 Wall st.). They didn't blow it. I had a lot of buddies make fucking bank today by selecting "put" on the GBP/USD As a person whose been trading on the Forex market for 8 years now, we're seeing the GBP get closer to non-artifically inflated level. It's just (almost completely) normalized at what it always should've been, then it'll rally back depending on England's economic progress these next two quarters.
This vote would've never been a thing if EU was actually an honourable institution
the britcucks just committed national suicide due to irrational racism and xenophobia and I can't stop laughing. they cut off their nose just to spite their face on a national level hahahaha
City of London fag here.
We didn't.
Revealing your true power level over hating refugees destroyed your aristocratic face, on top of making it exponentially vastly difficult to trade with your bread and butter which is the entirety EU.
You think Berger's, Russia or China cares for British imports?
>Making bank off of Britain's demise the post.
Yeah no shit. Too bad Britain lacks the natural resources to make a recovery after losing their credit rating built by hundreds of years of shilling colonized goods, which they cease to have today.
Mkay m8
just so you burgers understand: nobody in the EU or Europe wants to stop trade with you or anyone else
what we dont want anymore is unelected ghost politicians calling the shots from an untouchable office in Brussels
we want all the trade EU had to offer but it must be controlled from within each country so we can hold someone responsible
shadow spooks like Soros and the likes must go
This guy gets it.
Good to know Sup Forums isnt completely retarded
Kike on suicide watch.
You couldn't possibly be more stupid. Please get your whole head in front of the shotgun before you pull the trigger.
Shills believe there is only one path to money. Kek.
Stop using Sup Forums to tell people you want to tongue punch their fart box.
> Why hasn't Sup Forums implemented an IQ requirement to keep literal retards like this from posting?
>wall street kike here
So? You'll be never be European, just a boring kike.
Sounds like YOU blew it. If you were smart you would have anticipated the temporary knee jerk reaction from Brexit and profited from it. I guess you're not so good with the stocks, eh?