We need to talk about America


america here. what do you want?

This woman wearing the American flag, MFW. You know?

She's most likely had a few black boyfriends. US is shit.

America has your back britbongs

Day of the Rope when?

m8 don't spoil it pls she is perfect here

Thank you, I hope we can have your back also. Trumps support for Brexit is much appreciated.

Do you think she looks as good in this pic?

It's the best. What more is there to talk about?

Young lady, you are in violation of the flag code of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

If we don't elect Trump after Brexit, I'm gonna kill myself.

WHen I see pics like this it bums me out. This is what America should look like. Instead we are a bunch of fat retards.


Definitely not man, the hair etc, still ok though, just quite subtle.

The America we need

Yall gonna make me cry.

Britts and Americans actually have hope for the future now. Feels damn good.

What can you do, it's non-white manifest destiny.

Doubt, it. Coal burners usually look much trashier.

I tend to agree, truly a remarkable country. But all the spics etc make me upset desu.


Pictures like these have literally given me a fetish for girls wearing the flag

why is her right hand so god damn big

I know you guys aren't really into immigration but... If Trump loses, I'm going to embrace my white ancestry and return to the motherland, I can assimilate and become English once again...

Would be a shame, we are all fighting on the same general side though. If Trump is not elected there will still be victories in other white countries.

would consider becoming a kangaroo if hillary is elected

Just move to Texas. There's no fucking way that they would go down with the rest of the states.

If she's a wigger type of slut then she'd probably look trashy. She's most likely lived the life of a complete whore and now she's got a man to show off as her husband.

What's up, user?

Tell me about it, we are no longer hitting our head against a brick wall. All of a sudden everything seems to be there to play for.

Perfect family. I love the 50's.

dude only the south and midwest has fat retards, if you live on the coasts everyone is gorgeous and you just have to deal with SJW shit but even that is coming to a close

>We need to talk about America.

i love my country

i'm going to eat a burger right now


Coal burners don't love America.

More than welcome. Hard to say where will be safe though if the happening does occur, we are an Island at least so we do have that on our side.

I hate to sound like a faggy millennial, but it's genuinely awful knowing that we are stuck in a time of the regressive left and whiny liberals. The 50's were such a simpler and better time. I play games like LA Noire and just drive around and daydream.


those women would welcome arab dick just like the euro ones. women are designed to crave he conqueror and submit.


n-nothing whats up with u

>i love my country
>i'm going to eat a burger right now

am jely

Not here lately man, they've been getting swamped with Californians because they've fucked up their state so hard that they can't even live their SWPL lifestyles there anymore. They're trying to do the same thing to Texas, and in the major cities, they're starting to succeed.

contrary to popular memes, most American women are non-degenerate Christians who only date within their race

nice cans

That's fucking awful. I'm trapped in Commiefonia, for the time being, and would like to apologize for that.

I'll probably just move out to our family's indian reservation in Nevada sometime.

Not much. Just hangin' out.

I'm taken, thanks, but I have some friends you might be interested in? Here, let me introduce you.

those times will never come back if we don't secure a strong white majority.

Yeah, you just had to rub it in, didn't you...

I would feel like shit to be German seeing Ang do that

>, but I have some friends you might be interested in?

r they your twins?

I love Julianne Hough, she has Swedish ancestry.

If by twins you mean lovers of America and Freedom? Then yes.

Honestly, I'll probably just move somewhere that's incredibly white, like Maine or Utah. I'll end up retiring to Montana or South Dakota, but right now I need to actually have a job, so living in the middle of nowhere isn't exactly ideal.

That said, with Trump, maybe Texas could get turned back around somehow.


your women are the same as all the others on the planet, genes are genes, nigger.

At least some one gets it.


shes part shitskin?


okay, fuck you mate.

Lol sure thing bucko. you left coast fucks have just as many rednecks and diabeetus as the south.

as long as it was Grade A Muhrican Bull cock she was taking is all Okay

trump will win

Kek wills it


Milo, trump girl, and sh0e are coal burners.

Embarrassing post.


I know, I said that in a follow-up post.

just fucking with you. i like Robbaz. is your country like him?

Knew that about Milo, but the others hurt.

What a ridiculous shirt. Did his mother pick that out for him?



i like the original girl more desu, stil lover of america and freedom tho wew

Oh no, another America hate thread. I may have to bail out.

>What a ridiculous shirt. Did his mother pick that out for him?

not sure desu, maybe his wife?


God bless. Wew.

>we lived in a time where this was considered extremely sexy and good looking

Britney back then was hot, don't get me wrong, but what the FUCK is she wearing?


Did you actually try reading through this thread?

t. cuck connoisseur

>hate thread.



Kek shall bless us with a greater America

Whenever there's an American thread, hate will usually be dished out. I see it all the time.

Oh, I didn't know Amy Schumer did another photo shoot! Cool...


Who would have thought that she actually loved America!

Seriously? You might want to go to the doctor and get your gay checked out.

Well not from me

Why are American nationalists so attractive?

Idk why they leave considering the economy is great here. I live near Cuckeley, in the bay area and make six figures as a chemist. Oh well, they're probably losers.

She's like 14, dude...

Damn, that .webm really spangled my stars! Trump is the hero we need, but not what we deserve

you're making all of us look bad you fucking burger

Is that SS camo?


if that's what 14 yo girls look like where you come from, I need a plane ticket.

They have too much to live for to just become a grievance monger cat lady.

I support shoes

>12 inches of luxurious blond hair gone