Does he get an erection throwing the UK out?
Guys, why does Schulz hate the UK so much?
I guess the globalists are planning to crash the UK and make an example of them. Seeing how divided the population is on the issue they can easily succeed
You generally don't want to have someone who wants to leave a group stay in the group for long, right?
the faster they leave the better chance the eu has of not falling appart
Uk is out
Hearing Farage laughing at his face on a weekly basis
I understand the rush
>Oy vey this is a complete holocauast, we have to make an example of those Anglo monsters before they get the gas chambers ready
German inferiority complex towards English
>the faster they leave the better chance the eu has of not falling appart
Fast or slow the EU.S.S.R. is going down .
As a globalist myself, I'd say it has more to do with "lets just get this over with" so they can get to other matters.
I'm sad the UK left the EU, but the EU has shown some serious fundamental weaknesses lately. We might need a better union than the EU for Europe.
They're scared of a domino effect and other countries leaving
>I'd say it has more to do with "lets just get this over with" so they can get to other matters.
But it is not in the interest of the UK for triggering Article 50 soon. It is better to wait until plans are set and it is clear how the timeline will work to negotiate shit and what to negotiate. Then, if the UK is certain everything can be done in 2 years, you hand in the notice.
>other matters.
Like more countries leaving the E.U. in the next five years .
That graphic is complete BS, sorry to say. In Germany about 14% want to leave the EU. In Greece it is about 20%.
let me see...
UK doesn't participate in Schengen
UK doesn't participate in the Euro
UK get a special snowflake discount on their payments
UK has been blocking any chance at resolving the asylum crisis stalemate
UK has pulled the Brexit gun on the EU three years ago when Cameron thretened a referendum
UK used that gun to get further special rules when it comes to benefits for EU citizens
UK still fucking voted to leave but now for some reason wants to delay invoking Article 50 so they can skim more benefits? honestly - i totally fucking get why he's sick of their shit and wants them out the door as quickly as possible. they were hardly real members to begin with and always acted like entitled assholes. good riddance!
also, i don't get why this even is an issue. the brits want out as soon as possible. the EU wants them out as soon as possible. the problem (again) are the UK politicians who delay the process...
I'm proud for us.
>As a globalist myself
>American flag
>In Greece it is about 20%.
So say the polls that have always been dead wrong about everything.
I can safely say that the chart is wrong because the people who want out, are more than the 71% there.
You'll crash yourselves quicker than them. Have fun supporting the rest of the failed mainland Eurozone by yourselves!
>I can safely say that the chart is wrong because the people who want out, are more than the 71% there.
then why the fuck don't you leave but vote idiots into power which stay?
murka is a globalist state since its inception
well said
The guy is a Jew. The EU exists so that Jews can rule Europe and we're stuck in the middle of it due to losing the war. You know, the one we fought to prevent that exact thing. If anything, people should be glad Germany managed to take control of it. This way we can make it crash and burn so that the other countries have a chance to wake up and escape.
Who is your most hated eurocrat Sup Forums?
>UK used that gun to get further special rules when it comes to benefits for EU citizens
If you actually followed the referendum properly you would know that the "special rules" you call them were essentially nothing worthwhile. Cameron went there to pretend to get a renegotiation so he can come back and say "look guys i got this great deal for you all!" when in fact it was shit with no substance. Why would we want to join Schengen or the Euro either, both shit ideas.
Because Martin "Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people" Shulz is a neoliberal schill.
>MFW France and the Netherlands have a chance.
We didn't vote for them actually.
In last elections, over 60% if I recall correctly, didn't go to vote because we realized voting for any one of them, will not make our problems go away.
Another solutions has to be found.
Only the Yes Camp of the referendum went to vote in the next national elections, and the followers of GD and KKE who are faithful to their parties, regardless.
Besides, you were the ones threatening us to kick us out if we voted NO. Well, we did vote NO despite your threats, you should kick us out. Feel free to do so whenever. You'll be doing us a favor.
What the fuck do any of these countries want the EU for? It's un-democratic, they get no choice of the leaders, they get punished if they elect leaders that the EU leaders don't like, and the EU flat out brags about how it will punish democracy if it comes out to be democracy the EU leaders don't like.
Why the fuck do any countries like the way it is set up?
This is Communism pure and simple: "Elect a conservative? We will punish you. Vote for who we want or else" (This is democracy to the EU).
Schultz. That fag hasn't even graduated high school.
The super kike wants to crash Britain and prevent anyone else from leaving the EU. This just makes it all the more vital that Trump gets elected because he will stand up for Britain and help her economy.
Schulz is a globalist kike. Any kind of nationalism triggers his shit together with the rotting bones of his ancestorsion the non-existing mass graves at auschwitz.
Britain could negotiate gentler terms after the upcoming French and German elections.
If the discussion were to start now it would feature heavily in the election campaigns.
Schulz is standing up for the voters. Why shold the British be the only ones to have their say?
Definitely Schultz. He is the George Soros of politics
>What the fuck do any of these countries want the EU for?
because gibsmedat muhfugga
also decades of pro-EU propaganda on all channels. millennials literally think the EU is some valiant defender of peace and the sole reason europe hasnt gone down in WW3 yet.
oh, i'm aware they didn't get anything worthwhile. but this only further shows that Cameron just fucked everyone over purely to win the last election and that his actions shouldn't be trusted anymore. he should have resigned immediately, not in three months.
Someone needs to oven this cunt
>I don't know what "globalist" means
That's okay, most of Sup Forums doesn't either.
He symbolizes all that is wrong with the EU.
He turned the great idea of an free market and free movement into an dangerous ideology.
If this sociopath has its way britain will bleed.
He will want to turn britain into an example so no other country will think of leaving his little nazi-communist union.
Saving face
Pretending the EU dumped Britain instead of vice versa
In other words, Communism.
When can we have our next counter-pinko revolution?
>pays more then France
Also why the fuck is Ireland a net receiver
By what I hear about Greece they really want out because they blame EU for putting them in a hell amount of debt.
Gib me your money Hans.
The referendum shouldn't have been Remain or Leave, but "Full EU-membership" or Leave.
I guess we'd be seeing a landslide victory for Leave.
how about right now?
fuel those b-52 and be liberating the fuck out of us
Don't worry hans your wife and merkel will eventually let you out of your cuckshed soon. Don't forget to fix up your cuckmobile for work over the weekend!
Gotta keep ahmed and your wife happy!
so that's why there just HAD to be an immediate emergency-summit in January to give UK MORE benefits while the rest of the EU was working on a plan to handle the rapefugee-influx?
Yeah, nice, thanks. Fuck off.
Cameron is a pussy he won't push the poison chalice. He studied PPE and did marketing he knows that he doesn't want this following him around.
no I think the kraut is right, a referendum in france is brewing as we speak. if a globalist conspiracy exists then they will want to BTFO britian as soon as possible to show what its like.
i didn't see any benefits tho? X)
maybe if the eu wasnt so shit you wouldnt have to be having emergency summits about how to deal with securing your borders
It's almost like words change meanings. 'Liberal' doesn't mean 'classical liberal' anymore either. Shocking, I know.
>because they blame EU for putting them in a hell amount of debt.
Schäuble told them to get out last year and then a majority voted in a 100% pro-Euro pro-EU government.
If they wanted out of the EU, they would have voted a EU-skeptic government into power.
god i hope my country grows the balls those cheeky crookedteeth tea wankers have
have you forgot their economic meltdown due to being a tax-shelter, financed by the rest of the EU?
doesn't need a globalist conspiracy to want's normal, if they don't btfo them then everybody would want to leve EU.
>why does Schulz hate the UK so much?
He hasn't forgiven us for the last two times we beat the shit out of his country.
>I guess the globalists are planning to crash the UK
Since 2008, the UK has added more jobs to the payroll than the rest of the EU combined. Think about that for a minute.
We are the second-largest contributor to the EU budget and receive the least amount of money in return.
The question is not how we survive outside your shitty customs union. The question is how you survive now that you don't have us to prop you up.
Ficke ficke, Fritz.
aww, poor babby is just upset that someone doesn't want to play in his club no moore
I disagree, article 50 should be invoked immidiately before any shenanigans can occur
>so they can skim more benefits?
are you stupid? the UK is a net contributor
>UK used that gun to get further special rules when it comes to benefits for EU citizens
what? have to work for 4 years before you can spend the next 60 getting benefits that everyone else paid for? how disgustingly unfair!
>Be a German
>Driving tank
>suddenly elite floating Brit approaches
did he really say that?!
The question that I've never heard answered is, Why do we need a large and clumsy bureaucratic organization or thousands of pages of secret trade deals (see: TPP) to promote free trade? Isn't free trade relatively simple and straightforward? You don't put a tariff on me, I won't put a tariff on me. Could it be because it isn't about free trade at all, but cronyism?
>Spain out
please be real
Schulz doesn't hate the UK, he's actually sad for it leaving. Doesn't mean he doesn't also want them to go through with it as soon as possible to get out of the negotiation limbo and let them reap what they voted for.
I feel sorry for the young Bongs and the 49% who wished to remain.
>are you stupid? the UK is a net contributor
right, so the sensible thing would be to sever ties as soon as possible, right? then why aren't they doing it? it would save them a lot of money by your logic.
and it's not about the amount of benefit, but the fact that they - against the very pricinples of the union - yet again held everyone else hostage to change rules.
>I disagree, article 50 should be invoked immidiately before any shenanigans can occur
But it will not. Cameron already has said he will not provide notice under Article 50 to the EC. He said it is up to his successor to decide whether such a notice is provided to the EC or not.
My bet is that no official Article 50 notice will be provided at all this year or next year.
*You don't put a tariff on me, I won't put a tariff on you.
Maybe a sentence more complicated than I thought!
This guy made a fatal miscalculation in his philosophical ramblings. This calculation can best be summed up with a military/police term:
>Escalation of force
Essentially, if you have two sides, and one side gains a new advantage, then it is in the interest of the disadvantaged side to begin utilizing their resources to acquire that advantage also.
>Two sides fight with one-shot muskets in a war.
>Side 1 develops a new self-contained cartridge that allows reloading of the single-shot rifle in 3 seconds. Side 2 is now disadvantaged.
>Side 2, realizing their disadvantage, eventually also develops the self-contained cartridge. However, in their efforts, they also develop a way to store multiple rounds in one gun with a mechanism that also auto-reloads each round for repeating fire.
>Side 1 is now disadvantaged, so they also develop repeating weapons with multiple round capacities.... and also develop a new piece of motorized artillery....
This goes on and on ad-infinitum.
This fuck based most of his ideas on the fact that the members of the Right were bound to a rigid moral code which they could not violate, because they would lose all credibility. So, Marcuse though, all he had to do was exploit this weakness with a "total war" strategy that would keep the Left always on the attack.
Unfortunately for the Marcuse-inspired assholes of today, "escalation of force" has forced the Right to adapt to survive. This has lead to the Right abandoning many of its moral principles (religiosity, dislike for gays, etc.) while also adopting the tactics of the Left (hit back twice as hard, criticize, call out, shame, attack attack attack). This, combined with the fact that the core people of the Right (Western-minded nationalists) never died out as predicted, and you end up with things like the recent Brexit.
Marcuse had some brilliant ideas, but he was shortsighted, having GREATLY underestimated just how deeply entrenched ideas of freedom are in the West.
Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about and how the EU works.
>right, so the sensible thing would be to sever ties as soon as possible, right? then why aren't they doing it? it would save them a lot of money by your logic.
I agree, I think the three months is so they can try some shenanigans, such as electing a new PM who hasn't promised to accept the referendum, you know, like the way the dutch and french referenda were ignored, and the Irish one, and the Norwegian ones
>against the very pricinples of the union
you make it sound like the EU had workable, even saintly, policies. what principles? the free movement of poor people to claim in rich ones, or to undercut the rich countries workers and drive down wages?
>He said it is up to his successor to decide whether such a notice is provided to the EC or not.
>My bet is that no official Article 50 notice will be provided at all this year or next year.
I noticed this too, it's not like there is no track record of ignoring referenda, huh? "democratic", my arse!
Anybody got the comic where the fat Polish guy begs to be let into the EU then throws a fit when he has to contribute to it?
>We might need a better union than the EU for Europe.
i know right
what we need is a single governing body to run the whole world, none of these silly """countries""", to much red tape when we want to sell each other stuff we don't need
and since most people are kind of dumb, these officials don't even need to be elected, lawyers and bankers are smart, they could do it I guess
and what's with all these silly different religions? they just cause silly fights, I mean come on, it's 2016, we only need one belief system, it's not like gods real anyways!
also what's with all the different race's? if we're truly going to be """one people""" we need to blanda up, that way we won't fight over silly things like race, culture and tradition
except we'll need someone to watch over us, because we're just silly people I guess, maybe the jews could do it, they're smart and always have everyone's best interest at heart, plus they tend to be lawyers and bankers, so that ties in with the running things stuff
but I guess that means they won't be able to mix with the """humans""" otherwise they'd end up like us! so I guess they have to stay (((pure)))
you mean something like that?
Because his nemesis Nige finally got the last laugh on him and the rest of the EU parliament shits
He is beyond butthurt.
>tfw Farage is going to return to the EU parliament one more time
>in the middle of crisis talks
>to gloat
>the smuggest person ever captured on film
>then his speech comes
>then he blows the EU the fuck out once more
What makes it even more beautiful is that Nigel is just some under-dog nationalist who did this for love of king, queen, and country.
The man single-handedly wiped the floor with multinational corporations, took a giant shit on the largest banks in the world, buttfucked the economic powerhouse nations of the mainland, and defeated all of the entrenched powers that be whom are in charge of the UK government.
Long live Nigel!
the Brits called, they want their commonwealth back.
the US called, they want their Five Eyes data back
the Abos called, they want their land back
aaah, Australia, truly a model country when it comes to staying out of silly unions and respecting different cultures, races and religions...
that will be ebin
>aaah, Australia, truly a model country
no, it's fullscale
Haha, what a totally incoherent answer to what he said. Even the UN recognizes the right to self-determination. It's kind of hard to do that when there's only one option to choose from to govern over you.
It isn't freedom if you have only one choice, in other words.
murka actually since it's inception insisted on being very careful and for a long time did not involve itself with world politics.
allegedly, a member of the knesset spoke with him and this member reported he said that in a private conversation with him. Just google the quote.
I think he wants to organise the exit immediately to minimise uncertainty in the eurozone economy. And to perhaps restore confidence in the EU political project for investors.
Just asking but is Schulz a Jew?
This will be amazing. Do you know when it will be???
Does he not understand WE WANT OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Fucks sake we just had a referendum and the majority told them loud and clear.
That based motherfucker busted his ass and BTFO of globalists for 20 years. I like Boris a lot but you'd better make Nigel PM.
No. It's rumours. Ubercuck nonetheless, the quote attributed to him is legit and can be read in haaretz.
If not by lineage then by de novo genetic mutation.