Is hanging another countries flag outside of your own traitorous?
Is hanging another countries flag outside of your own traitorous?
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If it's your country of origin and on a National holiday or birthday then, no. Having it up all the time yes.
If an American flag is not hanging at least the same height, then yes. That is a traitor in that home.
If they love that communist country so much, they can go back.
especially if it is your country of origin
fucking sweden
>putting up a flag because of "muh heritage"
Not sure if treasonous, but regardless it's fucking stupid.
That's stupid. Swedes would NEVER hang their flag anywhere for fear of upsetting the glorious and diverse living pieces of shit muslim immigrants.
I-is this okay?
I'm a citizen of the United States and raise a flag on the 4th of July but I bet a scenario like that never occurred to you, Bubba.
In Denmark its illegal.
>not flying both the nazi flag and the gadsden flag
do you even Great Conversation
What's the difference between you flying a Norwegian flag on the front of your house compared to a someone flying a Pakistani or Israeli flag?
Punk rock was a psi-op to get people to fly the union jack everywhere.
Of course it is :)
I have a Gadsden flag a Texas flag a Confederate flag and a union jack. Am I a traitor?
you shouldn't raise our flag in that godforsaken hell hole either
It's okay here in the US as long as it's the flag of the chosen people's land
I'm full blooded pole (dual citizen and all that), and I don't fly flags outside the house, but if I were to, the American flag would be flown higher and/or be larger than the polish flag. Out of respect, I would never fly the polish flag alone or make it the primary vision
Only faggots would do this.
Put the flag of the country you're in next to it and you're good.
brainwashed by pol much?
I dont see that as a bad thing.
Its pretty un-nationalistic.
We can fly scandi flags and the flags within the danish reich ie. Faroe Islands and Greenland but anything else is a no go unless you ask for a special permission.
Nah, the Irish flag is below the US flag, so it's okay.
Technically other nations flags should be displayed at the same height as other nations and below USA (USA, USA). So you are good to go!
if you travel to another country and plant your flag you are an invader and should be repelled by the military
It's okay if there is also an American flag. Not alone though.
My girlfriend's kooky as fuck parents are obsessed with nordic countries, I was at there place decorating the christmas tree and it was covered in little finnish, swedish, norwegian and danish flags. Not a single stars and stripes. Fuckin pinkos
Hanging a foreign flag basically shows that you don´t think you belong to your current country and your alleigance is elsewhere.
Might be ok for some certain holiday celebrating your heritage, otherwise though....
it isnt planted though. its screwed into his house. his property. having the flag of the country he was in, next to it, would be more acceptable though
What would my fellow Burgers think if i had pic related flying in front of my house?
>don't google it, just tell me your first reaction
I fly only my state flag wiyhout an American flag
Is this okay?
Is it St. Patty's Day?
Is it an Irish flag?
If the answer to either of these is no, then yes, it's shitty.
Multiculturalism doesn't work. The melting pot does. And it has to melt things.
>dont google it
fuck you i will
unless that country is civil and understands that you might have a dual citizenship and understands that you have the freedom to express pride in that country on its national holiday/ independence day or whatever it might be. Don't be a fucking hick.
I was driving through the ghetto in my town (pretty much all Mexicans and black people) and a house was flying the Finnish flag.
Most unexpected shit ever.
i like how german bro put it
>Hanging a foreign flag basically shows that you don´t think you belong to your current country and your alleigance is elsewhere.
if you must tell the world where you come from this guy is doing it right
I fly Finnish and Estonian flags on respective flag holidays of those nations much to the confusion of my neighbors.
They get really confused when I fly my Sami flag on Sami Day.
you forgot sporting events sven
I live in a muslim shithole.
Also excuse the wind.
as long as you stay in your state
Isn't this a myth?
Spics like to cling to their white side. Leads to excessive larping.
Nothing wrong with state pride.
>unless that country is weak and thus naturally understands that you would choose another land first
thank you for showing patriotism for our (ours and yours) customs. ignore the retards. you're a legal citizen and are entitled to it.
Not according to the kikes pushing spics and niggers on us.
The civil flag used to be flown over all civilian installations. Our current flag was only supposed to be flown over military installations. Flying the military flag represents the Pentagon's dominion over the states.
Yeah and you can't even slap your children. Pretty cuck country tbqh
It's like a retarded kid tried making the US flag in class as a project, and royally fucked it up
Yes, but if they are from Europe and respect the US than I find it less repulsive.
That is unless they are american-born and are flying the flag of "muh heritage" than I just think they are fucking autistic faggots that need death.
in france almost nobody puts a flag outside. Many reasons to that
1. It is associated with nationalism and with the third republic, which rayciss, for having colonized Dindudom.
2. Having a flag outside of your home is the best way for it to be stolen or burned by the local dindues.
3. Nationalists don't actually like the flag because it comes from the 1789 faggolution
4. Nobody has flags anyway. Stores don't sell them.
this is the first time i have ever used this word
it seems like almost every single person that lives near me has only and American flag then a smaller POW/MIA flag under it
No if you are Jewish
Pride in one's state is an American virtue. My state's flag is the most important to me. I also have the confederate battle flag hanging from my wall indoors to go along with the Lone Star flag.
The South is my country.
Fuck the Union.
i do mate
In Norway, we only raise the flag on national holidays or if you're celebrating someone's birthday.
On other days, we use something called a "vimpel", which is up 24/7.
Reminder that Russian and Irish slaves were cheap and plenty. Southerners paid extra for niggers, for fetish reasons.
>dicks exit
Sounds like a feminist slogan.
Yes. Fucking Puerto Rican trash do it here.
i found a frenchman who still flies the flag
I have my Great Great Grandfathers flag from when he left Norway. I would never display it. I would definitely not display a flag that isn't of American origin outside of my home.
Although on certain Norwegian holidays in Minnesota it is not uncommon to see Norwegian flags here and there.
>3. Nationalists don't actually like the flag because it comes from the 1789 faggolution
can you fly the royal flag instead
Russians and Irishmen wouldn't make for good slaves in the Southern heat.
I can fly this in America, yes?
I have my family's flag, neighbors might think Swedish immigrants moved in.
from a distance the POW MIA flag looks like an ISIS flag
we get it you voted for bernie sandes...
Legally you are entitled to, yes, but don't be surprised when you have a brick land pitched through your living room window.
Should be Confedexit.
Whatever helps you sleep at night cuck.
but it is technically ilegal here for a private person
and that is actually pretty fucking great
>plastic paddy detected
But I Don't. Or I wouldn't have a dual citizenship. The way I see it it's more normal to have a secondary country in The US than not to. In my family it's mostly Ireland and Norway.
as long as it is lower than the flag of your country you are ok
Fuck you needs to get kebabs out an leave Next Brave France ..I doubt you will bro as tooooooooo many niggers now
70% are sand kebabs now right ..?
Kek, God no. Trump or Bust.
Would this one be better?
>Stores don't sell them.
What is Amazon? Fly the imperial flag, antifucks and dindus won't have any idea what it is. just like here in the states with the stars and bars so you're safe.
fuck off you plastic cunt
maybe in eurocuck nation it is. but in the u.s. only other flags allowed are state flags and confederate flag
I hope you die in a mysterious house fire. Commie faggot.
>have 5 foot albanian flag hanging in living american
Stars and bars is just too cheesy imo
I don't know that that means but ok
only thing wrong with that is that the Louisiana flag looks fucking stupid
>of all the things in our culture what do we chose to put on our flag?
>a bleeding fucking pelican
>i dont have the legal right to hurt my own life and blood with no actual legitemate good end to that treatment as shown by studdies done since the fucking fifties
oh noes how bad!
if you even have the slightest urge to hit a child, you were likely hit as a child, or, you have a power fantasy
>he displays flags for no other purpose other than how pretty they are
Literal autism.
I have two out of three Confederate flag variants (didn't feel like spending another $50 on the Second National), A Gadsen flag, a UN flag (souvenir from visiting the UN Headquarters in New York in 7th Grade), a Rhodesian flag, and considering purchasing a Boer Republic flag (pre-1994 South African flag is a little too recognizable). Would post timestamped pic, but they're all currently in a box in my attic and I don't feel like taking them out.
Rate my flag.
Ahem, remember yesterday?
The pelican is cool imo
It does make for a lackluster flag but then again >80% of all the flags in the US look like shit anyway.
It means you're larping cancer.
Yes, very very traitorous.
>have 5 foot albanian flag hanging in living american
Let him go, Albanian organ thief! Get your flag out of that living American!
Not him, but I've been to Sweden and the Capital is a multi-culti fun house.
The rural areas are still bretty gud tho.