>England saved Western Civilization today
Let's have a British Empire Appreciation Thread.
Anglosphere soon
>England saved Western Civilization today
Let's have a British Empire Appreciation Thread.
Anglosphere soon
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Congratulations for leaving the cuckshed, England+Wales.
You gotta admit though
Britain owned a lot of land
All those islands that now have the Union Jack on them are living proof
What is this flag you have user? It looks vaguely familiar? I seem to remember it slightly?
Is it Cuckistan?
Pretty sure it's European Cuckion.
>England saved Western Civilization today
>USA liberal
>Canada liberal
>Australia liberal
>All promote degeneracy and multiculturalism
>All founded by Britain
what did they do ?
Britain and trump will save the whote race
Scotland and NI are still clinging to the door in desperation
wish us luck trying to pry their grip away
>part Welsh part English
>wales predicted to stay
>my English county predicted to stay
>Both resounding leave votes
>they thought we were liberal socialists
>turns out we're nationalist socialists
England and its people just proved how much of a joke they are
Honestly lads I'm beginning to believe there's a God. Today is just so perfect.
Trump is unstumpable, Anglosphere and Commonwealth UNITE
Whether we end up on our arses or bounce back. We can at least say we did what we thought was right, fuck politics, fuck economics if we go down, we go down swinging.
>not believing in God
Absolutely disgusting.
Fuck off.
British National Paul Joseph Watson just put out a video
No, we proved we can't be bullied by the EU like Greece and Ireland have been in the past. We showed the beast can be wounded, now it's up to the rest of true freedom loving Europeans.
Yet we're the only ones laughing.
>Cameron actually handing us a pro-brexit tory party with enough of a term left to see the exit through in its entirety
The Romans knew we were special lad.
so happy we left, but how long till our currency stabilizes?
to celebrate Brexit, I have playing Pink Floyd all day long.
>Yet we're the only ones laughing.
We did it lads
Would you like to see Britannia rule again
White people need to start hitting back. Send the jews out into the desert and stop the usury.
They can rule the waves. But America can rule the Heavens!
Canada was founded by France and French Canadians are the only ones that have a culture here
I'm not familiar with politics, what exactly happened and why?
We have only recently overtaken France to get that 4th place anyway, so talk about a meaningless statement.
Anybody got that game of thrones skit with farage, johnson and cameron
We should've taken more from France after Waterloo
>Shills are angry as hell
>Lefties blown the fuck out
>EU blown the fuck out
>Britain is Great again
And yet they shill cause it's summer.and what are you gonna do
>Other than go to the summer cottage board
The UK just had a vote on whether or not to leave the EU and the majority choose to leave. There are many reasons why, but lack of true sovereignty is one of the biggest ones. Having a seat at the table but no real say anything, yet we're the third biggest contributor. It's madness.
Fucking delusional m8
All that's left your failed Empire is the island you reside on.
The world is watching - and laughing
Stay mad britcucks.
Coloured cousins home when?
You gotta go back Pedro.
Britain took the first step in destroying Europe.
Expect the Russians, muslims and Chinese to start picking away at the rest of the EU until an impoverished, white nationalist vs white nationalist, fractured Europe remains.
How soon they forgot the lessons of WW1 and WW2..
lol you britfags just voted to effectively give yourselves economic sanctions and a recession.
Now you need to renegotiate trade with the rest of the world, but this time without the trade leverage of 27 countries and from the desperate position of a recession in a country with very little exports. You can't say economists across the board didn't warn you. LOL, good luck!
>Country is falling apart
>We're great again!
The delusion is strong with this one
>mfw I just realised we are the inheritors of Rome.
And you're retarded. There's plenty of American investors that are absolutely delighted in a weaker pound, literally the exchange rate hasn't been this good since 1985 according to your shitty info picture.
>FTSE down 3%
>other EU markets down 8%
B-blown the fuck out britain xD
It's like you get all your news and facts from Sup Forums or something?
Is it me or is that flag missing a star?
Fuck off, retard.
It started the day at 1.50, dropped to a low of 1.32 before coming back up to 1.37.
That's not even that fucking bad, and there are already rumours of the EU giving us a non participating member status which must have some nice benefits.
To be honest a cunning trick by the EUjew now would be to give us a special status as a non-member and then claim that the only reason for our good post-EU economy is because of this special status. This would discourage further dissenters who would not be offered the same terms of agreement.
The EU are not maniacs. They've got a nuclear and economic power that wants to be independent right on their doorstep and multiple other countries in their own Union who hate them.
They are going to be very delicate about our exit. If you think sanctions or any form of hostility will happen you're delusional.
All you need to do is follow the Nige.
Truely #Blessed
Liberals, not lefties.
Most left wing parties don't want the EU as it's a trading block.
One colony is not highlighted. Sri Lanka. Island off the southern coast of India.
>doesnt read the news that america, canada and even fucking gemrany are already working on deals with the UK
y-you too, Europe...
God bless the Welsh. 24th of June will be another day to wear leeks in our hats.
which is good for Britain how?