Now that the dust has setled, Is "Brexit" racist?
Now that the dust has setled, Is "Brexit" racist?
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Being a patriotic white person is always racist.
Yes because nationalism is wrong
fuck sandniggers can't barage the farage
Not black LGBTQ+ supporter? It's racist. And sexist.
but who says racism is a bad thing? racism will save britain.
It's logical
its actually racist to remain in the EU.
The EU is basically a group of rich white folk looking to do prop up a shitty supra federal market and insulate it against the outside world.
The commonwealth however is far more diverse and contains people who would not need to learn our culture or learn english before coming to work.
much this
But economically beyond stupid. Especially since noone was prepared for fucked up trade deals and now have to re-negotiate under worse circumstances.
And the average joe will scream "What the foock", when shit in retail gets more expensive
pick one
Considering one of the main concerns driving the Brexit is refugees and immigrants?
Now... ask if that's a bad thing. [spoiler]It isn't[/spoiler]
No. Wanting to protect your culture is not racist. Wanting to protect your culture from real racists (mudslimes) is not racism.
Who is happy about Brexit:
Who is unhappy about Brexit
-Jude Law
You tell me
the only thing we buy from you which is going to go up slightly is cars.
you are a cuck.
It was conveided by poor, racist rednecks in the UK. So, yes.
Raccism and faccism, "never thought it was my country to pull this". Brexit literally made this woman cry
A panel of Mexican intellectuals has concluded that it is indeed racist
No, it's just fucking stupid
>If you vote for something that benefits muslims and foreigners you're a cuck
>If you vote for something that benefits Boris Johnson and virtually no-one else you're somehow not a cucl
This is cognitive dissonance on the level of the left's Islamaphobia vs. Homophobia debate. Incredible.
Britain will have average Joe
Germany will have average Mahmud
No. And people don't seem to understand this.
I have been called a racist multiple times today due to my support of Brexit, some people can't get their heads round the fact that opposing mass uncontrolled immigration and replacing it with a points based system which applies to everyone regardless of where they are from is racist.
And these same people are the ones who think people only vote Brexit because of immigration where as in actual fact it is a much smaller park to the reason most of us voted - because we are being governed by people we didn't elect, tied by their rules, and paying a fortune to prop up everyone else where our national debt is already £1.5 trillion.
But hey, any form of immigration control is racist, right?
No, but you could say that in order to trig people into voting remain.
>in actual fact it is a much smaller park to the reason most of us voted
citation needed
yes because the zeitgeist says so
Sure buddy. Of course it's so simple. Nothing is complicated or convoluted. Have fun
Patriotism and nationalism will always = racism to jews and globalists.
Sage for probable "1 post by this user".
british are racist cold islander rats
hahahahahaahahaha fuckin gold.
>wanting to be a sovereign, independent country isn't nationalism
It's not like Germany would remain being itself if immigration wasn't a thing.
At the time "average Mahmud" would be a thing, there wouldn't be any average people left, since the economical collapse, based on massive demographic imbalance and rapidly decreasing population, leads everyone to die of leave
No. Is white genocide avoidable?
*Being a white person is always racist.
> Not purging all the shitskins
> Nationalism
I'm a bit surprised about the amount of racism blames from the Brexit opposers seen after the results. It's like they themselves admit that it was all about immigration. I don't remember they campaigned with anti-racism themes.
Also, it's interesting that now 51% of brits are considered as old people. I remember this attiitude from high-school; those who made the largest noise thought they were popular although the majority thought them as assholes.
Liberal Euro logic doesn't count Mohammed
How can it be racist when there were so many Pakis voting for Brexit?
Actually mexican """intellectuals"""" are bashing hard the Leave decision. But they're literally all jews, so it's expected of them. Krauze being the biggest kike of them all.
>implying that won't be next
the winds of change are blowing my dear BR
what race is the EU?
that has been my face all day as a Paneuropean national racist
1 post by this bean.
What did it mean by this?
>yfw you realize the union jack will cease to exist this decade
It's not inherently racist, but inevitably your going to get a lot of people who warmed to brexit were really worried about all the foreign looking brown people invading their white rural cul-de-sac.
don't worry lads, it's all just banter
No way Hose, the EU is the real racist:
>1 post
completely racist against jewish globalists
Not even British, deport all mudslimes and secondary mudsline relations except for women who rrnounce islam.
I think its motivations are in part racist. We should be confronting the fact that racism is a universally negative label, when in fact can be greatly beneficial to a nation.
I can guess the population of 60+ is smaller than in younger groups. Anyway, this graph contradicts the claim that only old seniles voted for Brexit.
Anti-racists should play the thought play that what if Russia invaded your country, would you receive them with flowers and "opposers welcome" signs. Why not? What if they were soldiers from Iraq?