Y-You B-Bernouts have to vote T-Trump!!!!!
Bernie voting Hillary
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He couldn't even bring himself to vote against his democratic opponent. And people considered voting for him. He outright screwed over his supporters by making that statement.
>Y-You B-Bernouts have to vote T-Trump!!!!!
No we are voting for her.
I'm with her.
>Ever voting Trump
Don't be naive
We don't need them
Wait do we?
He will vote for everything he stands against.
really says something, all the shit he said about wallstreet was BS.
He will vote for wallstreet.
Sick of the BernieOrBusters. Hillary Clinton's voting record is extremely similar to Bernie's anyway and everyone's treating her as evil. As a former Bernie supporter, the only problem I think Hillary has compared to Bernie is that Congress will waste everyone's time with "BENGHAZI".
look at the bernouts reddit on this shit. most of them are still against Clinton. some will vote for her but you gotta have a big change of opinion to go from sanders to Clinton
>claims to be a political revolutionary
>backs THE most establishment, wall street candidate there is
Dude has no real ideals
Le banana gommunist man is voting Trump
Woah woah woah.
I mean I know he's mathematically eliminated and all but, wasn't his plan to stay in until the convention or some shit?
So what the FUCK is he doing saying he'll vote for Hillary?
>.05 has been deposited into your account
Well, with Johnson running and Trump being LITERALLY HITLER!!!! in the media you need everyone you can get.
>We don't need them
>Wait do we?
You need as many votes as possible now. Everyone's gonna justify their $hillary vote with a "lesser of two evils" argument. If Trump doesn't have a plan quick enough, he will be unironically BTFO
People stopped sending donations. :^)
This guy is the biggest fucking Jewish cuck on the planet.
Was there ever any doubt that he and his retarded followers would vote Democrat?
And less than half of his supporters say they'll vote for her.
he's a punk, he's been ridiculed and destroyed by the democratic party and hillary and now has no other option but to back her even if she goes against his program
He said he was in it until the convention.
I'm betting the kikes got wind of what BLM and other groups were going to do at the convention so they're using bernie to try and calm them down or else its a guaranteed loss in the general.
This cuckoldry shit isn't even a meme anymore, how fucking submissive and defeatist can you possibly be?
Msnbc said that America is too brown for trump to win like how Brexit won.
On a day nobody is paying attention to American politics because BREXIT
Top haha
Many of his supporters are going to tell him to fuck himself.
Frankly I think he's just ingratiating himself to the party because he knows Hillary is toast, but it will hurt him even if he gets the nomination.
This was the plan all along OP
Bernie was a DNC plant to rile up the youth vote for donations and support because god knows Hillary couldn't do it on her own.
It was a brilliant ploy on the part of the DNC to be honest. Illuminati Reptilian Jew levels of public manipulation.
cucked from the git go
Surprised by this?
Me too
She probably threatened him.
He's basically just Clintons youth recruiter, thats been his job.
Otherwise the youth radical left wouldnt even show up to vote.
Well and he was an "independent" before because the DNC didnt want to be associated with socialism at the time.
She doesn't even have to, Bernie see's all the "suicides" surrounding her past.
And this is why Bernie lost. He's a pushover when it comes to Hillary and the DNC. For a guy who claims to be anti-establishment, he sure loves to bend over for Hillary.
fucking this. She would wipe his entire family out in a "car crash"
How do you threaten a dude with a foot in the grave, no successes, and a fat wife?
I would have voted for him if I was amerifat, but he's an idiot
Probably threatened his wifes sons
>take mentally handicapped people's money for your campaign
>run against hillary and point out that she is a corrupt politician involved with the big banks
>get btfo
>then tell your people that you will vote for her anyway because dude trump is a bigot lmao
not even a berniecuck, but what an old senile faggot.
If you actually look at Bernie's whole history through the right lens you can reasonably see how he was pedantic and self-serving from the get go, and I mean as a politician in general
Best guess? He was a beatnik punk that snaked by as the token socialist during a period when we were supposed to be scared of them. Got propped up for the sole purpose of being kept as a 'plan b' back pocket case should the worst happen. The worst didn't happen and no one gave him any attention or care, so he personally meandered and convinced himself he was still fighting the good fight when he really was just collecting more money and fitting in perfectly with his establishment cronies. But they still kept him on the backburner, just in case. Finally, the time comes when they might be able to cash in on their investment by using him to siphon off the energy of a more disillusioned liberal voter base and meekly lob it over to Clinton. Made all the more effective by having an outsider like Trump run against them.
Whether he knew he was just a tool or not is irrelevant in the end. My guess he knew in his heart but didn't want to admit it to himself. He'll be tossed like trash after the election.
I knew Bernie would sell out his own people. I wonder what changed the socialist mind? Clinton money and trail of bodies?
you tell him the fbi is going to look into his wife's college bankruptcy
Mention a lucrative post like ambassador to Libya.
I agree. This bern-stain is voting for the oranger human bronzer. Fuck you Rodham Clitoris...goddamn; can we just bring Bill back instead?
threaten to take away his newly acquired wealth like that sportscar
Dress up as the Grim Reaper and show up on his doorstep
Burn it down. It would've been great...oh well time to press the Trump button.
The aids got him.
Yeah and she won't?
>claims to be pro-worker, anti-war, anti-wallstreet revolutionary
>endorses the biggest anti-worker, pro-war, pro-wallstreet candidate
wew lad
Actually the DNC just agreed not to run someone serious against him. Bernie doesn't want to lose his easy six figure job.
Damn that's alot for him, never seen so many shekles
How would Sanders supporters not see this as a huge betrayal, since he apparently had the election stolen from him? His whole appeal was supposed to be that he was a non-establishment outsider, and now he's kissing the establishment rings.
He's loyal to the democrats... Shocker.
underrated post
>he resorts to cronyism
>"v-vote hillary.."
I'm tired of the status quo. My middle class family has already been destroyed. Trump...build the wall and burn it down. Bernie; it could've been beautiful (teardrop-thinking of an education where I don't need to sell bodies on the blackmarket to afford a bachelors degree)
Bernie's a bitch.
>Y-yea I'll vote for her
Oh fuck off you timid old Jew
I don't get you, he was obviously not getting the nomination, what's wrong with saying he'll vote for the Democrat who does get the nomination?
It's so fucking sad.
>he was obviously not getting the nomination, what's wrong with saying he'll vote for the Democrat who does get the nomination?
Cruz isn't supporting Trump.
Rubio isn't supporting Trump.
Jeb! isn't supporting Trump.
Trump would support none of those men listed.
All this really shows is that Bernie's talk about being a "different kind of candidate" was a load of shit, and he's 100% behind supporting someone who clashes with his personal ideology all for the sake of the party line. He's a fraud.
Bernie was a Hillary plant, there to make the socialists fall in line for Hillary and create the illusion that Hillary wasn't running unopposed.
This is a
LMAO can't wait for more guccifer leaks
This fag bent over and will suffer the consequences
who really didn't see this coming? uncle bernie was never anti establishment. he was the establishment. the ONLY anti establishment candidate from both parties is trump
Bernie Sanders is an idiot, why would you expect him to make a good choice?
She was going to expose him as Jewish
>inb4 Trump gets a female VP
That'd be hilarious
>End big capita
>Votes big capita
nigga what? Someone send him Hilary's financial records from the leak
>trump isn't the establishment
hello plebbit
>Cruz isn't supporting Trump.
Because Trump is garbage.
>Rubio isn't supporting Trump.
Because Trump is garbage.
>Jeb! isn't supporting Trump.
Because Trump is garbage.
>Trump would support none of those men listed.
Because he's a butthurt manchild.
Lesser of two evils, user.
>reminder that college kids ate peanut butter sandwiches and ramen for weeks to donate more to his campaign
>Lesser of two evils
One wants to end foreign wars and excursions and work with others
The other is responsible for the current excursion and is bought off to topple countries and is liked by no foreign leaders outside of europe
so by lesser of two evils you mean trump right?
>Lady who destroyed the middle east. Took oil money from oppressive patriarchal monarchies. Paid her female campaign workers less than her male workers, and was anti-gay marriage and anti-gun is the lesser of two evils? Okay.
All that free shekels. I wonder what he's doing with it. And the losers that donated to him I hope they killed themselves.
>spends his whole campaign talking about what a corrupt, dishonest piece of shit she is
>votes for her
This is why I have no respect for lefties whatsoever; they have no respect for themselves. Say what you will about the righties they will gladly destroy their own party for the sake of their ideals unlike lefties who practically salivate at the opportunity to destroy their values for the sake of their party.
Fuck off shill.
Reminder she's getting indicted before November.
The ultimate betrayal.
When are you clappers going to be voting?
Brexit was fun, I'd like you to get your win too
we're gonna annex you
Why don't more people talk about the fact that Hillary had virtually no actual opposition from her own party for basically the entire race? It's not like she's a fucking sitting president or anything, and given how many presidential campaigns she's lost in the past and all the skeletons in her closet it's not like she's a particularly strong candidate. Whole thing is suspicious as shit, you want to talk about a rigged primary hows about the fact there was exactly one actual democrat in the entire fucking race, without Bernie (which nobody was expecting and nobody believed would last as long) she would've run completely unopposed, there would've been no primary. Does that sound normal to you?
Can you get any more cuckolded? Hillary basically steals the election from Sanders, plays dirty behind the scenes with your knowledge and you guys are still going to vote for her, vote for the establishment? That's worthy of a 4-star cuckold award.
>Pull for someone who claims to act against the socioeconomic elte
>he gets eternally BTFO by Shillary
>vote for the socioeconomic elite
>a-at least she's a woman
Of course he would. He has voted in line with Democrats his entire life, yet his followers act like he's some sort of outsider.
Woah, hold the phone there, people!
Are you telling me a communist Jew has no principles whatsoever?! IMPOSSIBLE!
the story now on /S4P is
he will vote for hillary, BUT
hes not endorsing her (yet)
and he says he cant tell his fanbase who to vote for
Is there a bigger cuck than Bernie?
>Gets cheated by Hillary in countless states
>Trump expresses sympathy for Bernie since they were both treated the same, except Trump still managed to find a way to win
>Bernie continues preaching the system is rigged and that was why he didn't win
>Endorses the very woman that cuck'd him out of winning and who he even said has "bad judgement"
This is why I fucking hate Bernie more than Hillary. At least Hillary blatantly lies to people and everyone knows about it, Bernie is the typical snake in the grass two-faced lying piece of shit politician. This just proves he values party allegiance over everything, he literally would have supported the Iraq war had it not been for a Republican President proposing it.
Jesus fucking christ he really is a fucking cuck