Google continuing to push their bias

This video, thankfully not forced like last one, is promoting LGBT and Trans movement. Video like that shoud not have to do anything vith Google as a company. If you can and also want to show them that they shoud at least stay neutral and unbiased go to their video adn dislike it, report it too if you want. Also comments are disabled for the video because they don't want to deal with them like the last time. Now after brexit we need to prees our momentum and to not leave a breathing space to leftist scum.

>inb4 Sup Forums is not you personal army
Never commanded you, just asked you for your support in this fight using our meme magic.


Link to video -

Other urls found in this thread:

round two gentlemen?

>they shoud at least stay neutral and unbiased
And yet if Google came out with a video endorsing Trump, you would love it. Just say you want outspoken right-leaning companies. No need to hide under a facade of fairness.

its a private company if you are homophobe, just don't use google / youtube. no need to throw a tantrum.

It seem like it.. I did all i except share it with my Right wing brothers.

So what.. retard we use the law to our advantage not theirs. If you are not going to support your candidate then you should not bother with politics at all. I a fucking Serb am doing more to help Trump win then you an American are.

As long as you guys don't Transgender Genocide us again, go for it.

>that Stalin

I lost it.

I mean i have nothing against you being gay, but i am by no means going to say that is shoud be encouraged for our kids and teens, especialy trans adn other so called gender queers. I hope you can also see why it is wrong. I only gays and bisexuals chould separate their movement from mentally ill trans gender queer retards.

I've switched to Bing for my search engine. It's actually superior for porn

Keep posting this, I think most people will be too busy shitposting about brexit for the coming days.

>I have nothing against you being gay

I'm talking about pic related, I'm not gay m8.

So if i make my own search engine and it got popular i choud order homos not to use it?

Disliked just for you


Oh sorry i didnot realize you were talking about /po/ kek. Well... blame those SWJ who are incapable of finding Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
It choud also be that they went to Sup Forums and Sup Forums but were instantly rigered so they started spamming poor /po/.

yes, go ahead champ.


Great, now i´ll hang an Imperial Germany flag, the Nazi flag and a white pride flag from my balcony. When the police comes I´ll just say that google told me it´s ok to be proud. That´ll show em.

>Everybody should be proud
>Except white people, they are evil racist oppressors

The fucking kikes, first the homocaust, then the holocaust.

Go on try it polack :DDD:D


yeah I lowered the volume before but I still don't have flash. what was it?

Trans is not a movement.

Just a jumpscare...

>Pshhhhhhhh..... Nothing personal kid :D.

I hate Google but I still prefer using their search engine ,I guess its because I've used it since like 98 and it's always worked well for me

stop writing so much shit

it's not worth and they can technically do whatever the fuck they want.

just type what i do : "fuck you shlomo"

Well we shoud at leat appear like normies right?

oh you what a prankster, damn.

left 2 dislikes, did my part
you should post this tomorrow tho, right now everyone is occupied shitposting about brexit

>Comments are disabled for this video.

My dislike is in.

Bing or DuckDuckGo work just as well if not better.

For a country that just voted for its morals over security, you sure are sounding like a faggot

Those shifty cunts at Google are at it again

Can't believe they already shut it down

at least we killed their circlejerk in the comment section now is just what it was meant to be: a piece of propaganda

Disliked. Didn't even watch it