Are they soy?
Are they soy?
All music is soy
I feel like that's legitimately what this board thinks now
They're right above the soy threshold
Tame Impala is 100% soy though
Soy literally doesnt mean anything so no. This is the worst buzzword to infect this board, even worse than "meme rap".
Inb4 obligatory "t. soyboy" response
Actually it's
>everything I don't like is soy
No it's all music. Brahms? Soy. Sabaton? Soy. Devo? Soy. Skrewdriver? Soy.
Soy? Soy.
I wish they would take their time and put out another wonderful album like I'm In Your Mind or even nonagon
the 2017 albums, save flying microtonal banana, just don't have the replayability.
>I wish they would take their time
Thats exactly what theyre doing. The only reason they put out so many albums last year was because after recording nonagon they still felt like recording and mostly just did it for fun. Theyre not going to keep putting out albums every other month
Float Along Fill Your Lungs is their best album by a wide, wide margin.
Unfortunately they haven't matched it and likely won't.
king gizerd is the shizzerd
thanks for reminding me that i need to stop using this board
hell yeah man
Some faggot is posting this thread on plebbit!
desu if you get pissed over something that small why are you even here
Please stay on reddit if you take everything so seriously
Gizz is best band tho
The only people I know who listen to them are surfers and bros, and we used to do erg workouts to a few of their albums when I used to row, so I'd say no, not really
No you stupid fuck, soy is soy.