He did what was necessary to get the votes.
Le clickbait article. He is addressing one issue.
>a politician making lies to win a vote is okay with me :^)
whatever you say cuck
There were two leave campaigns, Nigel's didn't make that claim you faggots.
At least pure conservative lies are better than liberal lies, which are filthy.
Absolute faggotry.
Good, 350M for nhs is plain stupid. Lower income taxes, give that cash to us.
Nigel wasn't part of the campaign pushing that narrative about the NHS and the £350 million. Dishonest and/or retarded media at it again.
He did. He's now backtracking and claiming he DINDU NUFFIN to try and cover his ass.
>I'm too lazy to look up facts for myself, pls spoonfeed me
typical Irish
You made the claim, leaf. I say he wasn't part of the NHS £350 million thing. It falls on you to prove that he was.
Go be a canadian somewhere else faggot.
I swear these damage control shills are entertaining.
Cromwell should've finished the job.
Fuck, did somebody try to take him out in an "accident"?
350million per week is too much for 1 issue.
No one ever promised the NHS that much anyway.
For 350million, you could build a state-of-the-art technical college every single week, take the NHS out of trouble, house a million homeless people, and feed and warm the elderly.
What did we get for 350million in Europe?
Bureaucrats, immigrants, shit religion fanatics, pointless laws and cuckoldry.
>Canada BTFO again
Do you guys ever get tired of losing?
We've lost zero wars. Unlike you did in 'Nam.
Can we have a referendum to rangeban all Canadian cucks already?
I haven't seen a good Canadian post this entire year.
Kek I forgot populism was the most efficient and reasonable way to lead a country according to pol.
Thank you, for reminding me.
Yeah, well thanks for sending those two guys to help in Desert Storm leaf
I like peanut butter
I hear you're losing pretty bad to a forest fire. What was it your PM said? If you put out the fire it wins?
>Americucks this salty
Yeah I understand your fears though, imagine what Britain will be like for the future of feminism. ):
No he didn't. It was a claim made by Vote Leave, which was the official Leave Campaign, Farage was a member of both Grassroots Out and Leave.eu, but not Vote Leave. Although he did sign a letter saying he agreed with them, and all the leave campaigns, about the EU.
Imagine what it will be like for America when they elect Hilary.
>that forest fire is still going on
Jesus Christ, Canada can't even win against mankind's simplest tool.
It really didn't. But One hundred million was discussed with genuine intentions for the NHS.
>mankind's simplest tool
Trudeau doesn't look that simple m8.