hit me up with some DXM recs
Hit me up with some DXM recs
William Morgan
Other urls found in this thread:
Brayden Harris
Unironically Centipede Hz
Ian Roberts
Aaron Walker
Slowdive and Cocteau Twins
Aaron Gomez
>tfw I used to love dxm but now the taste of cough syrup instantly makes me gag
last time I tripped on dxm I listened to Brian Eno - Another Green World and John Coltrane - Meditations which both sounded god-tier
Juan Baker
the trick is to not smell it before you down it. A lot of taste is smell. And thanks for the recs
Aiden Gutierrez
Logan Butler
dxm is for degenerates and 16 year olds
Noah Perez
Eli Cox
>experiencing music in a numbed and distorted state