lol, "5th largest economy"
Bye bye UK economy!
lol, "5th largest economy"
Bye bye UK economy!
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Piss off shill
Obviously the pound was going to take a hit, that's common sense. It'll bounce back up in less than a week I'm sure of it.
Screencap this so we can laugh at it later.
in the near future
>France and Germany collapse as they have to bail Greece out all by themselves.
>Sup Forums makes fun of socialists for being bad at economics
>Sup Forums suddenly claims a nations wealth doesn't matter
And I thought you guys put logic over emotions.
It's been literally a day since Brexit, are you sure you're using logic and not emotion?
And this is just day 1. I can;t wait to see what delicious Queencuck tears the next week will bring.
Sup Forums is based around being contrarian and siding with meme politicians.
If right-wing philosophy became the most dominant in media, everyone here would act claim to be a leftist since that would be what's considered edgy.
lol, you faggots are in for a wonderful ride if you think it'll last.
Whats with all these goldbergs and shill? yikes
Educate yourself please.
They already own greece.
Piss off shill
>le Sup Forums is contrarian meme
before Sup Forums there was /new/, which was also full of edgy nazis at a time when conservative politics still had a stranglehold on America.
>>Sup Forums makes fun of socialists for being bad at economics
No. Sup Forums makes fun of socialists because they want the world on a plate. Maybe we can sacrifice a bit for something our children can be pround of. Not just a circlejerk
Check back on Monday when the currency market stablises, genius.
>Market speculators crash currency
>It's Britains fault
Do you want to be an enemy of the alliance leaf?
It will all cool off. Nationalism is on the rise. Trump will make great trade deals with the UK. So with other nations.
Switzerland is surrounded by the EU and they are doing well.
>And this is just day 1. I can;t wait to see what delicious Queencuck tears the next week will bring.
How the FUCK are you unemployed in Ireland?
It'll take longer than a week but it will recover. Globalists are going to shit their pants for a bit.
You are retarded if you think the consequences of Brexit will become apparent within 24 hours of the vote.
It will take months even years for the picture to become clear.
You cant make this up
And they'll have to pay for it again as it hasn't gotten any better.
We set that economy on fire while we were leaving. But its ok. Just don't look down the road I'm sure you'll be fine
>inb4 French start having to trade in pounds
>The britfags who just voted to effectively give themselves economic sanctions and a recession.
>Every economist who warned of the negative economic consequences.
Now they need to renegotiate trade with the rest of the world, this time without the trade leverage of 27 countries and from the desperate position of a recession in a country with very little exports. Good luck with that!
>Americuck political climate
>implying Republican and Democrat party aren't conservative as fuck
top K E K
Die Schweiz is a very different type of country then the EU.
The UK literally spend decades building its economy on the EU while the swiss have a totally different type of economy going on and sectors.
No matter how many times I see this Merkel gif it still pisses me off. The witch needs to die
>elites who make a living gambling with people's money freak out because of a simple vote
>HURR we should have respected their feelings
you were
saying??? What? Join the Euro
ie Schlomo Shekelbergwitzstein
check what kind of deal norway managed to get not take that deal and cut 50% off and this is a best case scenario what the UK can hope to have with the EU.
>All this jew shilling of financial armageddon
Love it, guys. Keep it coming.
The UK will be fine. They only thing that will change economically is decreased condoms to Germany as migrants stop using them and less rat imports from Greece.
Yeah so you are reacting based on emotion. Everyone knew that there would be an immediate drop in the pound, but no one can accurately predict what the long term results will be. Many economists - including those of the German banks - believe that nothing is really going to change.
We'll see how things are going in a month, and then in a year. Until then I can't take kneejerk analysts like you seriously.
Go suck some more dick to fit in with the rest of your queer ass country.
How do you expect investors to react when a nation votes to effectively give itself economic sanctions, cut off their market access and weaken their own trade leverage?
Economic illiteracy is rampant on Sup Forums
a) it won't last
b) I'd love to be in UK's position right now
I'm not, thanks to people like you all the jobs and money left UK and came here :^)
And now the floodgates have fully opened. Bye UK, you were relevant for a while there.
Merkel HATES Germany with a passion.
>if you don't suck the dicks of Keynes and bankers then you're an economic illiterate
loving every laugh
More conservative than other political parties worldwide, that's for sure. The democrat party is much more far right than trudeus party
Here you are good sir
Why are we letting a fucking casino determine so much of our lives? Just throw them all out.
kek separate the U.S. states out by state instead of country and barely any Europoors make the top 15
kek. They will have some spare cash for bailing out the next southern European country then.
>bankers leave the UK
>can restructure our economy so it's actually based on making shit rather than pushing piles of other people's money around
>will come out in a much stronger position down the line
>France's economy still utterly fucked on a structural level no matter what
>free equity markets
And you wonder why people call Sup Forums economically illiterate
Relax OP, the UK will not leave the EU in spite of the referendum vote. Too much is on the line for Greg and the lads from some shit part of the North to fuck it up.
Pic related.
>money magically disappears
not really
>Yeah so you are reacting based on emotion.
No this is based on logic, analysis and numbers. Do you have a reading comprehension issue?
>Everyone knew that there would be an immediate drop in the pound, but no one can accurately predict what the long term results will be.
The longterm effects are obvious, less trade leverage for the UK. Imagine if the state of California broke off from the rest of the US and tried negotiating trade with foreign nations (including US) on it's own without the ability to leverage market access to all 50 states. They become a small fish in a big pond, leveraging very little up against the largest economic superpowers in the world.
>Many economists - including those of the German banks - believe that nothing is really going to change.
>We'll see how things are going in a month, and then in a year. Until then I can't take kneejerk analysts like you seriously.
I want you to screenshot your comment, and then come back and start a thread in one year on here apologizing to me for you being wrong in addition to being economically illiterate.
Do you live in a fantasy world sir?
You'll overtake us soon again don't worry UK
Actually our economy is pretty shit (thanks to hollande) and the unemployement rate has rise
>Dow Jones Industrial Average In Free Fall After Brexit Vote Rocks Global Financial Markets
Lol look what you stupid fucks did
>>implying Republican and Democrat party aren't conservative as fuck
This is coming from a Canadian? Both oligarchy parties in the US are left-wing as fuck.
It really is enraging, isn't it?
What kind of person can have such contempt for their own country that they react to its flag as if it is filthy?
A kike-controlled globalist, nobody else.
At this point no one can say what will happen in the future. We can, however, tell what happened today: UK lost shit tons of money and a rank. So please stop your bullshit and go to bed kiddo.
What does Shake Shack have to do with this? Great restaurant btw
What the fuck do you know, you silly little person?
>hurr we're sticking it to the globalists itt you mad
Soros the super kike made a billion off shorting the pound yesterday, just like he did in 1992.
You made every import 8% more expensive, injected pure black tar risk into your market, Morgan Stanley just moved 2000 jobs out of London, and you made the rich kikes even richer and then you feel like you've won something. Your balls are in Germany's hand, they control the terms of the exit and would love to make an example of you. You pulled out of the largest trading bloc in the world and fucked up all your supply chains and think Germany won't slap kike tariffs on what little manufacturing you have left? At least the govt is free to bus in Pakis by the truckload without having to bother with those white Euro immigrants. If you live in Poland you should be smiling knowing that EADS will soon be bringing jobs into your area.
I'm only half German and this bitch already pisses me off. She probably hates herself for letting the mudslimes in tho.
Absolutely nothing but I miss it.
Are you a Quebecois? Because you appear to be completely assbackwards.
It's just the financial Jew throwing a temper tantrum.
Well just use the dollar like zimbabwe. It's easy
More relevant than Ireland will ever be tell me when you guys have a referendum or vote on a political/economic topic that would actually effect the world and or have the world notice...
I'm committing if N.Ireland joins you cucks. I don't want to have to deal with smelly micks.
Reminder: When Associated Press twitter was hacked and they released a fake tweet saying Obama was assassinated, the stock market crashed. It takes NOTHING to make stocks and currencies go down in value.
Eesh why are you mad mate
I shudder at the sheer ignorance of the common, piss-swilling English person.
Yes, rely on us.
We memed you and the EU into a weakened trade position with Brexit, and it worked.
Bow down to Murica.
this is true
Except this market reaction is based on real information, LOL.
It's okay the religion of peace will make france great again.
Bunch of leftist media in full damage control throwing cheap shots. wew lad
The state of California alone like the 4th or 5th largest economy in the world. It wouldn't have that much trouble with trade agreements
A Brit quoting Samuel Adams.
What times we live in.
>investors throwing around real money are less informed than me because they're brainwashed by the leftist media
o i am laffin
>haha Britons done it can't even break even with the dolla- oh um *raises white flag*
Piece of shit, French are the first to bash themselves. I hate them.
2bh it's a pretty shitty flag, needs something extra. maybe some kind of botanical species native to Germany
8th, it would be the 8th largest. Which is why I used it as an example, it's comparable to the UK.
Is California better off using the trade leverage and market access that the US provides? Yes, obviously.
You're still failing to see the advantage in greater trade leverage. Investors react from their current position according to future positions. The UK's economy is weaker without the trade leverage of 27 countries and EU market access, thus investors dumped because their prior position was stronger than it will be as an independent nation.
Don't you have a strike to attend and work not-to-do?
Not brainwashed. A lot of stocks a literally ran by bots, evidenced by the Obama tweet. The stocks were sold instantly, because they weren't reviewed by humans, who could quite easily verify that Obama wasn't assassinated. Tons of news networks saying the economy is going to crash at once, would obviously trigger these bots.
>literally believing spoopy shock headlines and thinking one night's worth of currency speculation determines the size of an economy
GBP/USD is 2 cents below its value in late february.
In other words, big fucking deal.
You neglect to mention that the flash crash was over in 36 minutes
EU is trying to shoo UK out as fast as possible. Good fucking luck though because there is no PM anymore so they have nobody to talk too and the longer it takes the more damaged the euro becomes. As soon as Greece needs another bailout and dindus need financing the EU is literally going to burn away .
this, UK will overtake France later in this week and it won't make any headlines.
Remember when Brazil overtook the UK? It was top news for weeks
nobody cared when the UK overtook them again
the media wont let facts get in the way of a good story
Morgan Stanley did not remove 2000 jobs you fucking sheep
Out of the EU we can get better trade deals with China and India, both expanding massively. They'll pull us up with them... a little bit.
Meanwhile EU crashes and burns anyway
If it's already in the top ten I doubt California would lose that much leverage. If anything the US would feel the blow worse from losing such a key state
riley pls
Nope, it's based off of uncertainty of the future. Market volatility due to speculation, particularly when everyone believed the vote would go the other way.
t. Econfag
Literally just the jews pulling out their money since they can't scam the UK anymore.
I expect it to go back up within a month and be higher than it was originally.
>. It'll bounce back up in less than a week I'm sure of it.
The war will be over by Christmas!
What went wrong?
Explain why cryptokike or go home
Not that user, but here's the problem.
No one is a one man act. California is good at some things, but not at everything. It dseperately needs trade. And here's the kicker. The more access to a larger trading pool that you have, the more attractive you are as a generic trading partner. California is attractive because you get access to every other state in the Union, plus Nafta, plus all the U.S. trade agreements.
If it breaks off, there's no longer any agreements. All of a sudden, it's only assets are what it imports and exports, particularly exports. Which is what? Avacados? Shitty movies? Walnuts?
That's third world country tier.
What the fuck does the UK even export? Its steel industry is about to die.
This is what happens when you let racist old people decide the future of a nation. England should be a state in the EU, not some north Korea like isolated nation.
That GDP image is like 2012