>recently went to the US for a student exchange
>drive to family I'm staying with with public transport (which is pretty shit by the way)
>they are pretty friendly when I arrive
>ask me if I'm hungry and if I want a snack
>say yes
>they give me this
Recently went to the US for a student exchange
Other urls found in this thread:
Something wrong with hospitality corn?
Thats not a burguer.
is this normal? Or were they just fucking with me?
>TFW white American culture is being killed off
>TFW only nigger-tier "Dixie" food surviving
Corn is good
They only took you because
>they get paid for it
>the school needed a soccer nerd
>they plan to rape your anus
eat your corn and shut up hansel
Never in my life have I been offered a cup of corn before.
What's the problem? Is that not halal or something?
What's wrong with Bonduelle, fäm?
>Giving someone corn before ass raping them.
That's a horrible idea, corn would definitely stick on your dick.
They're just weird senpai.
What are you? Amish or something?
That is very odd. They're probably psychos who plan to murder you as part of some ritual.
defiently fucking with you
I lived with a friend of mine in jersey and I never got a can of corn ,I got a plate of food
Congrats you joined a welfare family only into the exchange for the check
That is very strange user
Not normal at all. You are being fucked with
>he doesn't understand America
I literally would have no idea if that's normal or not because America is fuckhuge and very few of us have experience with every culture in every state.
>he doesn't accept hospitality corn
Fucking kill yourself.
need pic of the OP's anus so I can properly visualize this
Listen to the Turk, he knows about this stuff.
To me this isn't normal, but you might just be with a backwards ass family.
Run. Offering hospitality corn is a practice done by some religious cults in the US
Which state?
We should have respected the customs of the native! I apologize on behalf of my uneducated brother. We shall make an offering to your refrigerator god in the kitchen sink and chant your holy songs: youtube.com
That's weird. You should be getting chips or something
How much did you tip them?
Tell them that Germany is 1st world. They probably don't understand that you come from a somewhat relevant country, albeit cucked.
They probably legit see you as a white Mexican.
Bruh, have you never heard of hospitality corn?
Jesus, cultureless kraut alert.
I bet you did even give the hospitality breast grab to the woman who made you the corn (it signifies motherly care). If she lets you suckle you're in, if she rejects you expect to have a bad time.
Throw it at them and tell them to order a fuckin pizza. Make sure you say fuckin
Oh look, a Turk that only speaks up when he knows something, and it's about fucking a man's ass.
Initialize rape sequence before digestion complete, no worries
They might be Mormon. Corn is seen as one of the crops blessed by Jesus during his stay in the Americas, so hospitality corn is pretty common for them.
I hope you tipped them 20% of the corn price when you accepted it
I went to Texas. Don't tell me "to run", my flag should tell you that I'm not there anymore. I went beak to Germany for school holidays
>he's never had hospitality corn
It's healthy you faggot
Wait, I just figured it out.
They're fucking weirdo's
But they're still nice, because they gave you a WHOLE can of weird.
you should see what our school kids eat
*back to Germany
>tfw German exchange student was kicked out of my Aunts home for masturbating in the game room for all to see
Is public masturbation normal for Germans?
top kek Turkey would know all about ass rape and raping boys
mm that's some nice looking corm
lamo, what of fucking weirdos
Is this real?, cant imagine how you have so many fat kids if you dont feed them :S
All Germans are sexual perverts
>never had hospitality corn
user you jest.
Quality food!
Your aunt some kind of prude bitch? I would have joined him.
your stay is going to be fucking horrible
>also your great granddad probably killed various family members of these Americans do you think they're going to show you any respect?
The US has a lot of variation between states with little things like this. There's some weird places here where it's entirely possible corn is considered a snack.
Euros don't get that the US isn't just one massive block of cowboys and hippies and that we don't into geography outside the US or languages because we have to deal with something larger than the EU.
>not giving you sauerkraut
I think this is just common confusion with German tourists.
>be working
>german tourist girl comes in
>chat her up and makes plans to hang out
>she comes over
>hand her hospitality corn
>we just quietly holds it while we watch cartoons
>comes over again
>watch more cartoons while drinking
>she asks about no corn jokingly
>"what do you think the booze is made from?"
>we go out next day
>order her deep fried corn as appetizer
>"I thought you were joking when you ordered it"
>take her to a party and try to kiss her
>rejects me
>says she doesn't think I can follow through with it
>laugh it off but really upset
>sneak out a bedroom window
>she shows up later that night
>watches cartoons with me
>tells me I need to be more confident with women
>she leaves
>reflect on my life
>get back to thinking about that night
>never offered her corn
i've never heard of anyone eating hospitality corn with a spoon
it comes in a cup for a reason
Germans not being sensitive to or even aware of foreign cultures.
It's all distilled fat in the form of food.
This. In the upper Midwest if you asked for a snack you would likely get a fully home cooked meal that would completely devastate your appetite.
Corn is barely a food up here.
that sausage is 3000 calories it is injected with dangerously high levels of patriotism
I have never been offered a can of corn ever. I have had people offer to take me to Chipotle or Five Guys though. What town were you in??
Every time. People don't understand it.
It's like eating bratwurst in Germany and asking someone in Italy "DO YOU FUCKS ONLY EAT BRATS?"
The US is fucking huge. Hell, Texas covers a good chunk of Europe (Germany + some outlying countries) alone.
Definately this, they're fattening you up for the kill buddy RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
Kek'd pretty hard. You're culturally insensitive. As an open minded progressive German, shouldn't you be an expert on foreign cultures? I for one am pretty offended that you didn't know about "hospitality corn". The fact that you'd think some random user on pol is fucking with you about such an important part of American culture and identity, is disgusting. We don't joke about our hospitality corn in America, you insensitive xenophobic racist scat loving German cunt. What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you insult the family who took you in?
canned corn has this really distinct flavor and texture.
sometimes i crave it.
Next time an American comes to my house and says he is hungry I'm going to give him a can of Weißwürste.
They go home and binge eat cookies and shit
Usually the first lady picks a subject to focus on while in the White House. Michelle Obama's project was healthy kids and school lunches was a big part of it, removing of drink/snack machines and dictating what schools can/cant feed kids.
Kids started tweeting their new healthy lunches and some schools struggled with it. Google image "obama lunches" and youll see.
You gotta work your way up in the Burger diet. If they had handed you a plate of freedom fries, a glorious burger and a some HFCS loaded soda, it's likely you would have died. Baby steps are needed when acclimating to the caloric nightmare that is pure American food patriotism.
US is big place. WHERE are you staying? Some small town in Iowa or Indiana and I could see hospitality corn be not unusual.
>A fucking can of corn
lool OP just made my day
>Forced into letting some little german streusel boy stay in my home because of the marxist left and their globalist agenda
>I'm a nice guy at heart so when he shows up I try to be hospitable and offer him some hospitality corn
>He reels away as if I had just offered him a jar of my own semen
>Proceeds to mumble in his gibberish streudel language
>He starts taking pictures and crying while uncontrollaby shitting himself
What the fuck man, are streusels this fucking weird.
What is wrong with you?!
Arent you educated in multi cultural specialties from the multi-divers USA?
Shame on you...
HAhaha dumb Swede, that sausage is probably full of depleted uranium!
Nothing like Marty's Monsanto GMO Corn in the morning.
It's hospitality corn ya mong
so what the fuck would a full meal be then?
Are you a Trout? Squirrel?
>canned creamed corn.
Literally no one outside the US (and many inside) do not understand my passion for it.
Why is it white?
>doesn't know what hospitality corn is
Typical, the only thing you evil german nazis know about is hospitality gas.
>be le guest
>be treated courteously
>shitpost unthankfully about it on Sup Forums
GG Hans
The same size as your snack. It's just now you have to eat again. We are fat fucks in case you didn't hear.
What's funny is how I and everyone I knew growing up just skipped lunch to play magic, and we'd spend our money on actual food after school at the cafe next door.
fucking kraut doesn't know about hospitality corn
I went to the states on a CAN-AM exchange program and we were told forehand about hospitality corn.
It's so damn good, mix with with some mashed potatoes.
Based Canada. Only you truly understand the Amerifat.
oh i get it Germans are too good for corn
Dude! Does it need spelling out? Corn? Cornhole. Just bend over ferchrissakes.
No that's not normal in my area at least lol, think you just got an oddball senpai
Because the meat is uncured.
who wants extra bits?