Why are white people so upset at the term People of Color (PoC)...

Why are white people so upset at the term People of Color (PoC)? And specially so when non-whites use it to refer to themselves? I don't get it

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>call someone a "coloured person"
>get called a racist
>call someone a "person of colour"
>be politically correct

Really fires up the ol' noggin.

>Really fires up the ol' noggin.
Not really

I don't know any white people who are upset about the term 'people of color.' They're the ones who seem to use it the most.

Because it literally frames the whole thing into Whitey vs everyone else.



>whites are the only race that can have different color hair and eyes than other races
>non-whites are "people of color"

Doesn't non-white do the same? What's the difference? Does that mean you're afraid of a hypothetical situation in which non-whites become a united bloc and start plotting against you?

White people have color too. The term is just meaningless.

>white people have color too
>they are called white
>white is the absence of color

I'm half-white and the term always sounded cringy as fuck to me.
Exactly. SJW doublethink always astounds me.

Colored is not used because of its racist connotations, why is that so hard to comprehend?

>white is the absence of color
That would be black.

>that would be black
That would be the absence of light.
White is all the colours combined

>tfw I brought this up at my dad's church's "diversity conference"
>tfw I got accused of "internalized racism" because I'm only half-black

Fuck's sake. These white people claim to love diversity, but when I claim that a dozen of them are more diverse than my dad's entire home country that's racist. I think they just hate whites.

But White people aren't really White.

Well you are pink people from now on.

>White(and its different tones) is not "colored"

>"White" people have tremendous variance in look, culture, religious beliefs, ethnic origins/history, etc
>Diversity always refers to nonwhites

color is on the light spectrum
>canadian education

>it's a house nig-nog episode


I dunno about other white people, but "people of color" just doesn't mean anything. There's no such thing. There are no people of color. It's a racial engineering scam to try to lump black and Injuns in with foreign invaders, so they can be switched out one for the other. Black people from here have the right to be here. Foreigners don't. Black Americans are entitled to work here.

Instead, our manipulocracy is trying to replace them with Mexicans and Salvadorans who will work for pennies.

Same reason they invented "African American" as a term for black people who are not from Africa: It paints the picture that they might as well leave because, well, they're from Africa.

And when you call them on it, they call you Hitler.

>a hypothetical situation in which non-whites become a united bloc
Hopefully not a hypothetical for too long.

stop posting this


People of color includes every non White right?
What about Shitskin?
Does it include Latinos and Asians too?

Blacks aren't the only ones under the PoC and yes seeing as they have far more different eyes shapes than you, they are indeed more diverse.

ironically black people are more genetically diverse than white people. probably more culturally diverse if you look at how many different langauges and tribes there are in africa (small countries like sierra leone can have as many different languages as western europe as a whole)

phenotypically there is also some divergence though i guess not in eye colour.

all in all your picture is a lazy one.

they are ugly and disgusting

i have met many of them
if they had the chance to look white
every single one of them would use it

who cares
they are ugly

>literally not an argument

Light eyes and hair aren't exclusive to Europeans or even Caucasians. They just have higher rates of it through selection pressures.
I think people just got pissed that POC is a unifying term in the US and West and they feel excluded even though they are the ones that called themselves white or at the very least called others brown and black.


Where is that woman from?

Cambodia. The native children at times get very blonde hair but as they age it gets brown or brassy.

It's not European genes, in fact you see this coloration amongst upland Papua New Guinea (not the black yet blond Solomon islanders)

Here's an example dude on the left while tanned has a pinkish under tone lighter hair and similar eye color compared to the right.

Cool. I've read that the genes responsible for blonde hair among Melanesians are different from Whites'.

nobody cares if blacks arent the only "people" of "color"
they are all ugly and disgusting

light eyes and hair are european
you can cherry pick some freaks out of a huge population
but light eyes and hair are still european

what nope
they are ugly

Germans are ugly desu

dark brown to pale blonde to bright red hair
pale white to olive skin
all eye colours

meanwhile, non-whites are just different shades of brown

Nope not European. In fact light skin and hair derive from Neolithic middle eastern farmers migrating to Europe.
There are many different genes for color variation in humans and no doubt more are formed daily in people. All it takes are the selective pressure to make them more common in a given population

>different shades of brown

Skin color variation is highest in sub-saharan Africa.


Looking at Igbo from bright yellow cream colored to red and various brown to black.

yes but dark people are uglier

who cares
europeans have now light skin
european feature

No it just shows that a middle eastern variation is common in middle eastern-european hybrids. But ultimately just because something is common doesn't mean that it can be claimed by a people.

It's just a genetic bottleneck. Mutations that become prominent through close marriages over the generations. Nothing wrong with that, it's human history.

i dont care
europeans have light skin
others dont

yes but what of hair and eyes?
subsaharan africa is really genetically diverse, I just mean the term is retarded and brings a pretense of world solidarity against those deemed "white". I bet more so-called "white" people use it than so called "PoC".

So is right? You're afraid?

This is false.

Others do in fact have lighter skin, it's all a matter of mutations and recessive carriers reproducing to make it common.

If light child child grew up and had kids with others who had the genes their children would likely end up also having said genes and phenotype.

That's it, your genes are magically owned. They are just human variation.

Don't act like white people didn't call them selves white and others black/brown/tawny

Those variations exist as well, it's not common but it happens.

Hair texture varies from course to straight, hair color varies from blondish to red to black.

All the color variation Europeans have Africans do as well. It's just a matter of proportion.

only europeans have light skin


Igbo, Khoisan, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc... Can and often do have light skin.

Caucasians, Central Asians, East Asians, and many Mestizos and MENA people do as well.

because their population is very huge
their ideal is light skin
thats why you see so many of them in the internet
but look at youtube video of japan
they are all darker than turks

Georgians are Europeans
turkic subhumans mixed with light skinned people
half of kazakh population is russian
many mongrels there

east asians read above

americans were raped by spaniards and other european subhumans

arabs look white because of ancient/medieval Greeks and turks

1/4 of algerians have turkish ancestry

Light skin is the standard and what darkens them is tanning. This is common with all people including pale Europeans who tan and get darker.

This 100% igbo child with a pigment mutation no different than pigmentation mutations found else where in the world is the same coloration as Europeans.

The color genes of Europeans are not uniquely anyone's, it's human variation.
Light skin does not arise from Europe, so how can you say those people are mongrels when in fact Europeans are also mongrels who got their color from middle easterners?

they are not tanned
their countries are more cloudy because east asia is humid (shit)

just look at asian immigrants then

they are darker than turks

light skin is european feature
all others are dark

boy in your picture looks slavic
it is weird that many finn mongrels/russians look like albino africans

Mexican education, everyone

I hate sjw that's actually appropriating the term non-whites as their own. Kill all sjws. We're not that weak that needs your sympathies. Please. SJW. kill yourselves.
t. Nusantara

All of Japan fits in the sun patterns of France, skin color itself is not always effected by weather especially given the fact the people in the northern hemisphere have been wearing clothes since the time of agriculture.

So no.
False. There are light skin people globally, Europeans have bottle necks and those mutations became more common but not unique in Europe
Except he is not and his colors are common throughout Europe.

Me neither i'm a fucking mongol but they keep calling me aryan, i hate it.

>colored people is racist
>people of color is not
>''aren't these just the same thing?''
>''no because the other puts the word people before the word color so it doesn't dehumanize poc''
>people think this somehow makes sense


Coloured is an anachronism. It in American English referred specifically to Black Americans.

People of Color is for all non-white people.

japanese are darker than turks

light skin is european
you are jealous of europeans
because they have light skin

slavs are white niggers
some black albinos look russian


what is wrong?

What always blows my mind is how in the supposed Mecca of free speech that the United States is, there is so much shit like this. You probably have more ordinary terms that you consider racist than we have saunas.
Colored is anachronism? Both things mean non-white anyway. You're literally just saying the same things and talking about the same things people have always talked about, but then you just change the terms from term to another over time so that people don't get their feelings hurt.

How do I put this.

Coloured is like saying negro, both terms were utilized by white people and institutions to demonstrate superiority.

They are exonyms who's main purpose was to convey contempt and inferiority.

Black was a very radical term to say, it used to be an insult. In fact talk to old black people (like 65+) they told me growing up for one black person to call another black person black was the worst thing you could say. People would fight because it was used to mean inferiority.

Well the 1960's rolls around and black youth decided they were going to make Black good, "black is beautiful". It was a very radical thing to do.

Maybe you don't understand it because in your language. But that's not the same here. Then like Coloured and Baster are not insults in Afrikaans people call themselves that proudly..

It's just historical context.

Also freedom of speech is the government not censoring not people telling others to be respectful.

I'm not trying to be an edgelord, but let's put it this way.
I understand, but I just don't care about your historical context, at all. Not as far as the terms people can use is concerned.
Yeah I know, but it's still surprising.

It's called common decency and courtesy. The Finnish community sued the US to not be called Mongols and Mongrels and won. People deserve to be called what they call themselves and that changes with time.

Freedom of speech while very vast also common with a social obligation to be respectful in return if that's what's given to you or you give out.

>The Finnish community couldn't handle the banter
Man, US diasporas really are always worse than their native counterparts.

They were first gen and fresh off the boat.

They demanded respect to give their children better futures.

No need to be edgy.

>People of Color
More like shades of brown

>In fact light skin and hair derive from Neolithic middle eastern farmers migrating to Europe.
Wrong, the pale rosy skin people commonly refer to as white was brought by Indo-Europeans. Neolithic farmers looked more like Sardinians.

They don't fit this type, however

>be systematically oppressed due to your race for decades
>finally achieve equality under the law
>community is still in shambles and needs a lot of work to fix
>focus on semantics


>Their findings show Sardinia as an outlier in the general European genetic landscape. Almost 80 percent of modern Sardinian mitogenomes belong to branches that cannot be found anywhere else outside the island


>Light eyes and hair aren't exclusive to Europeans
It practically is, also both originated in Europe.
>originated in Europe
>found in Europeans
>not European
I know it must suck to be a shitskin, but try to contain your butthurt.
>There are light skin people globally
See and

50% of black people are middle class and quite frankly my family is wealthier than most Americans and most of the world so yes I can care about how I wish to be called.

You are an edgelord and a boring one at that

reclaim the word, then. isn't that what marginalized groups are so fond of?

Farmer admixture peaks in Sardinians, the very same admixture you claim gave Europeans their white skin. Neolithic farmers weren't white but had olive skin.

It is a shitty, vague term. Same goes for colored person.

Ironically, we could say that both have some racist connotations, as they basically throw every single non-white race under the same umbrella.

They've decided to use POC, you're just assblasted about reality
Old study, clearly with the new data Sardinians are not in fact representative of Neolithic agriculturalists.

It's not racist in it's broad categorization, it's maintaining that historically and contemporarily non-white people have and do face racial biases and discrimination.

Their unifing characteristic being non-whiteness that causes racial disparity

Indo-European steppe pastoralists gave Europeans their rosy white skin, so unsurprisingly steppe admix peaks in the whitest looking populations. It is common knowledge. Obviously Sardinians aren't identical to Neolithic farmers, but they're closest you'll get to them in terms of skin color and overall phenotype.

how did you know they originated (solely) in Europe? there were anatolian farmers with light eyes and Siberian ANE had derived alleles for blond hair

it probably took a combination of population to give us really blond and really light eyes

Sardinians have extra WHG ancestry that might have darkened them too. the southern european neolithic populations were on average darker-skinned (allele-wise at least) than the anatolian ones because they had extra WHG admixture

I'm not saying it's racist, but it seems like a term that mainly white people who desperately want to come across as PC would use. I would much rather get called Hispanic, or heck, even a spic (as long as it's not being used in a derogatory way, obviously). But I do find it sort of... condescending, I guess? To me, the term feels like a "well, there's us (whites) and then there's them (non-whites)" thing.

Aside from that, it's also inconvenient in everyday usage. When you say that someone is a PoC, you're hardly describing them in a clear manner. They could be black, Hispanic, etc.

But then again, I'm not a fan of the whole "we the opressed" thing. I'm a spic, not a "PoC".

Except that I'm not an edgelord. I just fail to see how a community that has supposedly been through so many hard times and grew up around racism and whatnot manages to be the biggest bunch of touchy little victim mentality having whiners out there, and how apparently fucking words and terms are some of the most pressing issues you have.
If I had to choose what terms to use I would be respectful out of common decency and not wanting to cause a scene, however that's not what this is about.

They might've been lighter, but they certainly didn't look like Northern Europeans who have mostly steppe blood.
>how did you know they originated (solely) in Europe
Probably not, but Europeans are their sole inheritors.
>Siberian ANE had derived alleles for blond hair
ANE weren't Mongoloid, it just happens to peak in populations who nowadays are.
>there were anatolian farmers with light eyes
Foreign influence.

Steppe pastoralists came after about 4k years looking at the recent figures of lactose persistence where as the skin colouration is older.

So no.
Hispanic isn't a race. It's taken decades but Americans on the coast lines West and East are finally understanding it's socio-cultural meaning doesn't equal racial meaning.

Be white if you want, I'm not stopping you.

So for example people now get Carmen Diaz is not POC she is just a White Latino and so on.

You are being edgy because clearly the leaps black Americans I've made in less than 70 years is above that of most nations on this planet.

Black Americans have influenced resistance around the world from the Civil Rights movements to the Black Panthers and beyond.

Go ahead, call black Americans whiny. You're the one whining that black people are choosing for themselves what is and isn't appropriate. Your the one who cannot handle (or in your words "care") about the reality of the cultural landscape.

Deal or don't. it is what it is and you aren't gonna change that.

This, Finland went from an agrarian shithole to a first world country in less than a century with sheer force of will, after having suffered centuries of imperialism and racial discrimination home and abroad. Amerilard minorities have no excuse.

>Probably not, but Europeans are their sole inheritors

those phenotypes exist throughout Western Eurasia, just in different frequencies due to lower/higher population replacement. so I wouldn't say sole, just more important

>ANE weren't Mongoloid, it just happens to peak in populations who nowadays are.

Mongoloid vs Caucasoid for very ancient populations that contributed to both is a bit of a non-issue these days I think, considering we know all major races seem to have had admixture from various sources. either way they were a genetically very outlying population that contributed to both Europeans and Amerindians (and maybe even East Asians) and didn't live in Europe. so you can't call them 'European'

>Foreign influence

not really, since anatolian farmers can be modelled as a mix of other groups you can argue they got their lighter eyes from their WHG-like component but that would still not make their light eyes 'European' - it would mean that light eyes arose outside of Europe too/first

what's clear is that the lightest ancient groups sampled so far (aside from some fringe ones like the SHG) that resemble northern european pigmentation were the Bronze Age steppe ones that were a mix of steppe and native european eef/whg. the sampled yamnaya that had lower eef/whg admixture was less fair but that might just be a coincidence, you'd need more samples

I'm not white and neither do I want to be white. But I can see how term could be useful now. Cheers.