Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
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You can still work in Europe you fucking cuck, just get a fucking passport and make sure your politicians negotiate good deals.
>be youth
>don't vote
>it's the old people fault
I'm just going to leave it here and go to sleep.
>I can't get fucked in the ass by muzzies and claim rape and blame white people anymore
can't be wrong
>All these college students pissed they might have to work hard for a living
It's like these people don't know what passports and visas are. You can still go to other countries, you know?
>imblying college isn't hard work
Before the EU, the only way you could go to other countries was to go to war with them
>we can't have topgibs if we're not part of the EU
but why? The UK is a net contributor.
>the generation that grew up with EU thrown on them 40 years later decided it was no good
They did exactly what the millenials are trying to do now.
>the generation with 40 years of life, money, time and families invested voted leave
The 20 somethings today don't have shit invested but expect promises for future stability.
I'm tired of it. Every single time.
>why do they do this to us?
Because you ain't shit! The people that voted leave are seeing immediate effects of it with pension and retirement fund losses. Investment losses.
Upwards of 40 years worth.
Tell me what these kids want.
>I want free free free migrants diversity free travel gimme gimme gimme
Well, its not free anymore, kid.
>Really makes you think...
No, it really makes you mad.
>My generation's future was to be invaded by muslims and to have a world government of untouchable globalist elites.
wut, if you say so
this fucking kayak can go to Israel, but the white children of England have no other clay to stay protected from the dark invaders imported by das jeuden
fuck ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((NEWMAN))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
The only reason young people have the right to vote at all is because they're the ones who have to go to war and get shot at, if it comes to that.
Otherwise? I'm 22, and even I understand that I'm easily persuaded by a rousing speech or two, and that my understanding of economics is passing at best.
I still vote, but I do so while at least considering what my seniors are voting for. If an older population is voting for something, and it's not related to some bullshit bible thumping (sorry, but it's easy to be a Christian, when you're too old to actually fuck), it's probably not an awful idea.
Don't try to pull that on them, they actually think those are good things.
Also, a lot of those "old people" have children, who aren't old enough to vote, but will still have to live with the consequences of these decisions.
>Old generation was given everything.
>Current generation isn't
>This somehow doesn't prove that EU was a mistake.
My cuck roommate just posted this to facebook.
God Boston is shitty.
hah , no you moron they are saving it from thieves , you cuc.
college is a multi billion-dollar hedge fund designed to suck money out of the peasantry and leave them with crippling debts.
>generation given everything
>grew up poor
>worked their entire lives
>fought in the Falklands and in the Iraq
>given everything
t. Highschool dropout
>muh elites
>younger generation
>right to live and work in 27 other countries >AKA gib free shit
>AKA anonymous poz loads
>taken away by our parents, uncles, and grandparents
>AKA Parents just don't understand
>debts of out predecessors
>AKA It's someone else's fault
double check
>post-factual democracy
>your facts are wrong, mine are right
>Michael Gove said 'the British people are sick of experts'
>AKA I'm not particularly smart, so let me just copy paste that
But its the exact opposite?
The generation that voted to leave was also the generation that fought and died for a sovereign England
Copied and pasted from a comment on politicalbetting in response to a similar whine:
>And those oldies you are so quick to criticise are the same men and women - parents and grandparents to the youth - who have worked their lives and paid their taxes to provide a future for the youth of today.
>A friend of mine who happened to vote Remain wrote this earlier today.
>"Will somebody please define what's meant by the 'elderly' and 'well off' who voted for Brexit?
>I have an idea they may be referring to the 'Baby Boomers', some of whom may never have had it so good, but many didn't have it easy and still had to struggle, but who also built up the NHS, worked hard for solutions to Northern Ireland, made advances in the sciences, technology and engineering, spotted global warming and environmental problems and began the fight to repair them, tried their best to keep the world as safe as they could, improved education, started the movements for equality, were idealistic and uncynical, fought the cold war and smashed down the Berlin Wall etc., etc.
>And maybe it also includes the wartime generation who struggled through and achieved a whole lot more. And all of whom paid Income tax, National Insurance and then VAT all the time they were required to.
>I voted Remain, but if I hear or see another little arsewipe (who my generation has fed, clothed, educated, protected and spoon fed all their life) accuse me and whoever the 'older and 'well off' are of having ruined their future and squandered their birthright, I'll track the ungrateful little sod down and kick their lilly white, under taxed, cossetted arse. They'll have something to be bloody upset about then. And remember, you've got your rights, real or imagined, because we got them for you!
>Struggle: an experience considerably more challenging than working out how to con your maiden aunt into buying you a new Xbox for Christmas."
Yeah, they were just handed freedom, wealth and glory because reasons.
Fuck everyone falling for these age voting statistics. The vote is nameless remember? Why is this discussion being pushed so much. What would happen if we make it a youth vs elder thing. Let's Stoke this fire.
uhh why did you hide his name?
Babyboomers didn't fight for shit. The generation that fought in WW2 is almost entirely dead by now.
>I voted Remain, but if I hear or see another little arsewipe (who my generation has fed, clothed, educated, protected and spoon fed all their life) accuse me and whoever the 'older and 'well off' are of having ruined their future and squandered their birthright, I'll track the ungrateful little sod down and kick their lilly white, under taxed, cossetted arse. They'll have something to be bloody upset about then. And remember, you've got your rights, real or imagined, because we got them for you!
The USSR was still a big problem for them
American ones did. And not because they wanted to.
read that as "golden penises"
Nothing happened.
more I read the more I understand why German concentration camps existed.
The pensions are SHIT. Holy fucking lol.
Your generation should have to earn it not be given.
>implying elites within your own borders aren't far more reachable than globalists elsewhere
>implying anyone should have a right to live in work in another nation just because
>implying you can't actually move to another country if you wanted to now you have to actually be vetted I guess that sucks because you're some kind of undesirable
and the rest of the post is literally empty rhetoric
leftists must be gassed
Fuck, thats brutal.
So sorry for the "lost friendship and marriage opportunities". What a shame I will never get to meet Romanians and Poles, what a loss.
My friend is marrying a Polish au pair. Hope she gets deported before it's too late.
>So ungrateful to Eastern European immigrants
What exactly do I have Polandball to thank for?
Where do I get one of these golden penises?
>Ungrateful to Eastern European immigrants
LMFAO. Pack their fucking bags and send them the fuck home. The opportunistic bastards didn't come here to do us any favors, they came for selfish reasons because their country is fucking shit. Well tough luck.
Clean toilets.
Do you like my poem Sup Forums? :3
Battle of britain, if you insist. But I dont know what the hell our main export product, which is white trash, has to do with pilots from WWII.
>free education
>9k tuition
>distant elite
pick one
It's infuriating isn't it. We, a horde of young people that browse this board, mostly voted out. These loud mouthed whingers just cannot comprehend that their peers disagree with them. Hence we have the "shy brexiters".
ya giving your future to foreigners was a much better idea
Genuinely patrician.
Very nice me young lad
>Really makes you think...
Ageism, of the worst kind.
They believe that the vote of the elderly is less valid than the vote of the young because there are more years behind than ahead for the aged. Fundamentally, they believe that the aged have less of a right to a say in their governance because of how many birthdays they have celebrated.
I don't know about you, but that fucking boils my blood. The elderly have JUST as much right to decide how they will be governed as the young do. Considerations of who will spend the longest time under said governance are fucking irrelevant.
Fuck that shit.
Oh no, here it comes the celebrities controling the crowd mind on why they should feel bad and protest ... fucking bring the rope already.
"Intellectualism" is judaism
>Generations that went through the Great Depression, World War II, and rebuilding a war torn nation vote for the UK to leave the EU
found the pensioner
The old vote based on their children and grandchildren.
>they voted leave for you, you idiots. They did this for your and peers.
Sup Forums please no. Not again
>found the pensioner
Let me put it another way:
>Doctor: I'm sorry miss to give you such news, but your tests prove that you have an incurable genetic condition that will leave you with only ten years to live. Now, although you are only 18 right now, we have to medically rescind your right to vote because you will live for less time under the government you help vote into power than someone who is not going to kick the bucket in all of five minutes.
The time that someone has left to live is an irrelevant factor in considering whether or not they are valuable as a human being, and therein, whether or not they have the right to vote.
Would you advocate stripping those with shortened lifespans of their right to vote because they will not live as long as a healthy persons, even though they would be considered young?
You are a fucking monster.
>freedom of movement
It has been unnecessary for hundreds of thousands of years, nothing more than a holiday luxury for over 80 of the past 100 years, now it's all of a sudden absolutely crucial. People who haven't visited more than a couple places in their own fucking country who want to leave to whatever land because.
Let alone the fact that this person speaks like it's normal for a birthright british citizen to be wanting to run away from one of the alleged world economy giants. Speaks a lot about the state of the country.
>liberals run amok
>ruin country
>native citizens complain
>y u no leave 2 other country
Again my point, cognitive dissonance at its best. Or they're just retarded.
Kek. That picture is funny as hell, mate.
>implying anyone past the age of usefulness shouldn't be gutted
If it's any consolation to millenials know that your future was fucked whether we remained or left.
>By university students
Does he even understand what a pension is?
What the media forgets to notice is that 18-24 turnout was less then 40%
>Golden pensions
>literally a few weeks ago upped the state pension retirement age because it's simply unsustainable with people not dying until 80+
Bremain lived and died the same way the Sanders campaign did: Relying on the most unreliable voters.
Wait.... so you wanted Britain to remain in the EU? Why?
I thought the votes of the aged played a significantly USEFUL role in securing the Brexit. Seems to me that determining what is "useful" is an entirely relativistic thing.
Partly this But also shouldn't we take into account that old people are vastly more mature than us? Imagine yourself five years younger and how different you were. Now TRY and imagine you are 60 looking at a bunch of 20 year olds. We can't even comprehend the maturity gap.
The arrogance of youth. Something we won't understand for years to come
This. The young leftist retards will whine and cry like children told they can't have the new shiny toy now, but when they grow up they will find out said toy was cancerous and be thankful of the wisdom their parents and Grandparents had to look to their future.
You fucking nails it.
>But also shouldn't we take into account that old people are vastly more mature than us?
The voice of reason.
Thank you for restoring some of my faith in humanity, Britbro.
both my IRA and 401k are slight up today
wtf, I'm a #remaintrain now.
Aye but Leave also relied on traditionally unreliable voters, poor people. The turnout from deprived areas was completely unheard of.
It's why Farage conceded defeat early. He shat himself when he saw the turnout was high and assumed the youth had come out to vote remain. But they hadn't the group that came out that usually doesn't was the poor people. And they voted leave.
What does are nige and UKIP do now?
In a different world he would be thinking in German.
What's the fuzz?
The referendum isn't legally binding
And if the government dared oppose it there would be political civil war.
Its binding to the will of the people. Breaking it makes the Tories getting thrown out on their ass.
Make sure the UK stays together and negotiate a good deal to leave the EU.
>there would be political civil war.
nobody cares dude lmao
brexit is a disaster, better to just ignore the referendum, it was a tie anyway
Why pick on uncles? Wtf.
>people with lower life expediency should be barred from voting
At least it would stop fat prople
Fucking spot on.
Who's got more to lose?
The people who had no say in the vote to create the eu, but worked, saved and invested, tried to make it function, but eventually realised taking a hit was a worthwhile price to step away...
the little piss gobbets who are sad they have to apply for visas now and actually be of value to the country they want to infest,
Im sure the little wanknuggets are quietly happy for the opportunity to humble brag about how horrible it is to be a lonely liberal trapped in a nation of rampant octogenarian selfish, inward facing uberbigots, all the while secretly weeping about their inheritance losing net value and taking selfies to post on their timeline.
"UGH! Why won't my parents just hurry up and die!?! They're soooooo selfish you guyz."
Fuck them all.
Makes me actually want to help steer the britbus right over the edge of a cliff if I can take them with me.