Worldwide Nationalist uprising imminent.
>inb4 SHUT
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Damn good video. I like'd and fave'd.
Look what you did, goyim
>alleged holocaust
Fuck, forgot to take off my joke Jew name from another thread.
Overproduced baroque piece of shit, holy fuck americans have zero taste
What a nice video
I was about to say "yep they jumped the shark" with the holocaust part, but they managed to not delve into tinfoil hat tier.
Remember, ideological wars are won on the backs of the neutrals and if you go full blown THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED tier from the start, they'll just not listen to you.
Good video. People need to understand that not all cultures are created equal. Ours is FUCKING BETTER. Deal with it.
Good video anyway OP
>not all cultures are created equal. Ours is FUCKING BETTER.
Civic nationalism goes into oven.
This video will get 30 000 views at most, because it challenges the established view on the holocaust. It will not manage to connect with the average person.
Its all over Boys! Brexit is here! Time to celebrate! WATCH:
I agree the holocaust is too big of a subject, but PLEASE don't appease the neutrals.
They'll join and co-opt the movement thinking it was made for them. They'll claim to be part of it yet tell everyone how blacks only are doing bad in the US cause of the Democrats. That kind of stuff
Never, ever give up explicit pro-whiteness.
Great video
It might not reach the millions that With Open Gates did, but you're underestimating the views it can get still.
great video OP
but I'm with
I really wish it hadn't been put
instead I'd suggest
exaggerated and over-blown holohoax, at least 300, 000 jews died but nobody really knows and numbers of 1.5, 4 & 6gorrillion are at most 1/5 of the CONFIRMED mostly christian victims of Jewish Bolshivism that we never hear about due to the jewish media's agenda of "only jews can be victims"
That'd require him to explain it for way longer.
It might've been better to just say "I'm not sorry for the holocaust", for sure, but having to explain it all is more offputting.
and instead of "ethnically cleansing" the palestinians wouldn't something like
and didn't the jews "holocaust" the palestinians in the late 1940s?
This is perfect. Just mention the holocaust and then mention how 5 times more whites died in ww2. Mention how you're not sorry because they aren't sorry for the atrocities that happened to whites.
>That'd require him to explain it for way longer.
quite possibly
but outright denial or even the use of "alleged" isn't actual factual,
some jews died, no debate.
some ethically questionable but medically valuable experiments were done, no debate.
how they died either via typhus & camp disease or gas chambers, what tortures or experiments and exactly how many...
to go elsewhere is to play into their hands,
or as you've said.
>"I'm not sorry for the holocaust"
but lose the "holohoax"
that's (((their))) label, don't use it!
Yes, jews died, but there's no evidence of genocide (outside of being war victims) so the holocaust is alleged until then.
same goes for muslims
the only difference is they are fucking winning lmao
nuke saudi arabia u stupid fucks
u are literally strongest army in the world and u behave like literal zionist puppets
fuck all of you """""free""""" debtfags
This is an American language board you Italian faggot. Show some respect
Get another speaker.