Woha really makes you think...
Woha really makes you think
Rlly makes you think HUH
Sieg Heil
The left claims Colonialism to be a great evil; yet, they endorse the Colonization of their own country. As always, the U.S. left has shown their two-faced nature. To the left, normal is abnormal and abnormal is normal; good is evil and evil is good. The left is comprised of a pack of truly psychotic freaks.
The left won't admit the truth until right before it murders them. It is denial to an extreme. The truth is that Muslims who believe in Sharia Law are incompatible with Western culture. Leftists or regressive leftists deny reality for the sake of their beliefs, much like religious fundamentalists do. They can't handle the truth, they've been living in their leftist imaginary rainbow world bubble. The brainwashing and ignorance is terrifying. Leftists are the epitome of useful idiots.
Wow... really makes me prep the bull
>Can't name one
There they go rewriting history again
>What historians would have written if Britain hadn't exited the EU, kids! You don't know how lucky you are
It REALLY makes me think.
keep on shilling (((1 post)))
This would be relevant if it was posted 200 years ago or so.
Colonization of primitive shitholes that happened centuries ago has zero affect of Brexit. That would be like saying Trump shouldn't build a wall (or have any sort of maintenance on immigration) because of the Trail of Tears.
Teaching savages to not rape their kids and eat with knives and forks is apparently...the same as letting them in to regress values in your own nation to the dark ages.
Nobody who believes this shit is older than 30 and if they are they're brainwashed.
Remember Iran before the revolution?
Civilization DOES go backwards when you let savages take over.
fortunately, they're losing
We may have ruled much of the world but we never replaced the native populations with our own.
Take Hong Kong for example. We ruled it up to 1997 and it's less than 1% white.
did the UK exist before the EU? How was it able to survive?
Given that there is an estimated date where Britain becomes minority British, how is this a fantasy, exactly?
>"...and that is how Britain began the unravelling of the 4th Reich. Merkel was executed by the orders of President Farage on 23rd June 2022 to celebrate Independence Day."
Neoliberalism is just the latest incarnation of the predatory capitalism which powered colonialism back in the day.
It takes an extremely severe case of either retardation or autism to accuse an entire nation of people they're suffering from a 'fantasies' when they engage in legitimate political movement.
An "historian", that nu-male nervous projecting idiot, is not.
I swear, this new wave idiot millennial aspergers generation more and more seems to have no fucking clue any context of what they're dealing with. But rule number 1 should be you do disclaim and shrug off a fucking entire country voting for something while supposing it's some fantasy they invented in their collective head. CHILDISH THINKING BUFFOONS
Man, this devout CHRISTIAN man has really got us there.
Reminder not to fall for the fear mongering.
>fantasies that it was being colonized
>London has a muslim mayor
>you do NOT* disclaim that ^
>Britain is doooooooooooomed! Today is the day they died!
Why, because the Jew bankers got pissy and temporarily sabotaged their currency to get back at them for not being good goyim? Get fucking real.
>Ted Scheinman
Sup Forums was right again.
It is natural for slaves to be afraid of the world after their chains have been removed.
How do you clean them out?!?!?!
none of these came from the EU.
Britain has a pretty tight immigration policy with regards to non-EU individuals. It was free to set these up as a part of the EU.
God you people are morons.
Rather the UK destroyed themselves than get destroyed by Muslim immigrants
>Britain has a pretty tight immigration policy with regards to non-EU individuals
>Check the image
My god you're stupid.
You should be happy you won't live to see what the history books will say about Germany.
Nice try, Ahmed. Keep those bags packed
Kek, it's so true.
Also its barely been a day and I'm completely overwhelmd by all this butthurt and how everyone is saying: "Britain will be the poorest country in europe!". Was pol also this butthurt when that one leftist won the elections in austria?
Nothing as bad as nigger president, m8. So I think we should be fine.
nah, nor were we this butthurt when the french did the same thing to stop fn from gaining seats
those are kind of expected plays. democracy is only a good thing when they agree with the outcome
Huh... uhm, wow guys... uh, this is a real head-scratcher.. damn
Sup Forums is petulant and irreverent in defeat and obnoxiously boastful in victory and I wouldn't have it any other way