>Spain and Belgium 'would veto an independent Scotland's EU membership'
This clusterfuck keeps getting better by the hour.
Good job Britbongs, I'm proud of you and apologize for all the retarded Germanshills on Sup Forums today.
God save the queen!
>Spain and Belgium 'would veto an independent Scotland's EU membership'
This clusterfuck keeps getting better by the hour.
Good job Britbongs, I'm proud of you and apologize for all the retarded Germanshills on Sup Forums today.
God save the queen!
american shekels for german proxys
Ah oh the other hand we have enough cucks here
Does it need to be unanimous or can we take the gayls in without the vote of Morocco and the Congo?
The EU cancer is dying
>no army
>no economy outside of oil
>needs constant bennies
>needed a wall to keep them shitting up villages
>highest rate of stabbings in the first world
who wouldn't want good old Scotland
It is actually weird. We vetoed them before to deprive an hypotetical Catalonian state to enter the EU.
But now the situation is not analogue. Before it was analogue since both Britain and Spain were members, and the case were for a secceding region of a member not entering the EU.
But now it would be a region, a new state, from a non EU country...
I think Spain would allow Scotland aslong as Britain is already completely out of the EU.
>Does it need to be unanimous
I think so
this wasn't obvious? EU doesn't want more debtor countries.
Well that's implying Podemos doesn't win in 2 days and we dont go full yolo balkans like Britain.
mfw when Scotland try and leave and bottle it at the polls again.
>Scotcucks BTFO again
Oh god do i love being English
I like how they're bringing up Irish unification too.
> lol what are the loyalists there going to do
> have a war or something
> in Northern Ireland
> no way lmao
>Stay in the UK to stay in the EU
>UK leaves EU
>Can't even get back in the EU if you leave the UK
Of course they wouldn't want a broke ass place like Scotland in the EU.
thanks guys
>scotland is literally stuck with us now
I'm pretty sad desu, thought we'd be rid of Scotland finally.
>First world
Scots are the niggers of Europe
Oh hoho, I fucking hate the Scotch
You're stuck with your more evolved neighbours, turd sniffers
Civil war 2017
Let me tell you as a Scot that most people who think of Scottish independence, are thinking of the movie Braveheart. It's okay though, we'll just hold the vote on a Sunday, when all the drunk fucking idiots are in a coma.
i thought scotland was supposed to be cool
do they seriously want to be in the EU that badly?
they actually want immigrants ruining their country?
Can a Scot explain to me why your people are such retards? If you want to have Independence why the Fuck do you want to join the EU?
They're all nu-males and dykes
Just look at Sturgeon
They just really seem to detest the english so if the english want something, apparently the scotts have to hate it.
I dunno.
haggis shaggers btfo by their own precious EU
They want EU gibsmedats
Is one of their industries subsidized by EU money? Britain put into the EU much more than they got out. I am sure England can give them as much money as hey were getting beforehand if that is the case.
Again, seems like it is nothing more than irrational hatred of England.
>tiny wee country of 5million
>all this seething hatred towards us
why you so obsessed with? it's quite tragic. scotland will be an independent nation in the EU within 5 years, and there's fuck all you, England, Spain or anyone else can do about it.
That would be us... no wait we are the mexicans
The Falklands didn't vote in this referendum, or at least I couldn't find them on the BBC website. Are they independent already? What was the war even for?
>Want to stay in UK
>cucked to UK, scroungers!
>Want to leave UK
>cucked to Europe, you'll never survive alone!
Over a million of us voted leave.
I don't even care anymore about in or out of UK I just hate the EU globalists.
actually it turns out a lot of them would now change their leave vote to stay in the EU as apparently they had no idea what a stupid deision this was
Thats probably from underage kids who couldn't even vote....
>a lot
I've only heard of that one woman
They keep blaming old people for fucking up the vote, but which generation do you think would be the most likely one to type "What is the EU?" into Google?
Stop pushing that retarded forced meme.
Over 30% didn't even vote and are probably some worthless uneducated zombies who were surprised at what was going on.
>Falling for Sup Forums memes
Nice proxy Merkel
>independent nation
>within the EU
Nice doublethink pham. I see the SNP have indoctrinated you well.
>independent nation in the EU
>in the EU
They just like to be in EU i guess
Based Spain.
But I think Belgium has an evil ulterior motive by doing this.
Country Vetos are the best, and this will be the second time Spain gives scottland the dick. The UK better pay them back by giving Catalonia the dick as well.
>not wanting troubles 2.0 loyalist revenge boogaloo
>o-o-oh the big bad eu men are going to take your freedom and all your tax and give you a bazillion immigrants for it
Even as far as Fiji hate for the EU is growing
yes, that was literally the motivation behind many people voting leave.
I am so proud of you Britain, come and cuddle me
Fuck Scotland, hope they leave and the low oil price fucks them anally
Spain is going to change government and Belgium can't ever agree to anything, so i doubt there will be a veto
I would happily trade Gibraltar for help from Spain preventing Scots and their stupid delusions of grandeur from becoming reality
But Podemos doesn't want to leave the EU or the Euro
Oil and pissing off argies
Also Falklands aren't in europe so it doesn't really affect them like Gibraltar
Englishfag here, whilst Scotland has its disproportionately large share of cucks, we must not attack those Scots that voted to leave.
They tried, but really I don't know how we can fix the SNP problem?
Maybe the right wing Scots want to move to England? Come home right wing man.
We need Gibraltar, it's a naval port and docking station for nuclear submarines. Gibraltar will be protected regardless of what the Spics do.
The two most irrelevant countries in the EU, what about them? Apart from the EU HQ being in Brussels, they both have no power, especially Spain, which is a dead weight to the EU at the moment.
Scotland and Northern Ireland will most certainly secede, stop deluding yourselves into believing otherwise.
Why? Are they trying to bully Scottland into staying in the UK? Is this cause Belgium and Spain know that shits about to go down in the EU or something?
Scotland is the Sweden of Britain
>Scotland and Northern Ireland will most certainly secede, stop deluding yourselves into believing otherwise.
They won't, not Northern Ireland anyway they literally cannot.
It would trigger a second troubles. They also have no economic means of self sustainability.
They really don't, they are the biggest receivers of English money under the Barnett Formula.
To add, they do have power in the EU parliament, they can block the entry of Scotland.
They said they would stop Scotland getting into the EU during the Scottish independence referendum.
And a Veto from Spain is enough to stop the Scots from getting in. You don't know a lot about the EU.
really nigga?
scots aint buying that
Thanks Spain bros and Belgium bros
Cause there are regions in those countries that want independence in a similar fashion to Scotland and they don't want anything that might encourage that.
The islanders are pretty cool and dome of the highlands too.
But Glasgow and Edinburgh? Utter cancer.
If anything, Podemos is even exacerbating and speeding up the EU's work for them.
Wow it's like they don't want to be dependent on us or something. Stupid uneducated voters voting against their best interest of being dependent on us.
It doesn't matter how irrelevant they are. Only a single country needs to veto a decision to make it fall through. Scotland isn't joining the EU.
It's because Spain has a problem with Catalonia and the Basques demanding independence and the Spanish government has flat out refused to even give them a referendum.
If Scotland is admitted to the EU it will then set a precedent and it will cause even more problems for the Spanish government.
Based Fiji
United Ireland
Do agree i doubt it would go through though
The Republic of Ireland couldn't afford to pay for what we currently pay to keep it.
And it wouldn't go down well, we'd see another conflict and the loyalists would go completely insane.
I don't want that, the Irish don't want that considering we now have a good-ish relationship with the Republic of Ireland and I would like that to continue.
To be honest, I would want to see an Irish unification.
>people google "wuts all dis commotion about"
>read sea of white people explaining that Leave votes are literally Hitler and a fringe minority who will soon be violently eradicated
>claim "oh, uh, so sorry, I only voted Leave by mistake, heheh"
I'd like to see it but it's just not going to happen.
Sadly. And I'd like even closer ties between England and Ireland.
But again I don't think that will happen, I mean we get on now but yeah.
They'd probably get more handiouts from the EU if N.Ireland joined
>scotland declare independence
>have to cut a significant percentage of their budget
>don't even get into the EU
>3 mil pop, will get overrun by muslims within months
>become third world irrelevant shithole
>2014 news
>the source is not from Spain or Belgium
now you are grasping at straws
>It's real
Oh god can this day get any better
European cooperation at its finest.
Thanks, Belgium. We're even now.
Welp, time to refurbish Hadrian's Wall.
We can hope. Northern Ireland is fucking depressing. England and Ireland having closer ties is impossible and Northern Ireland will now be further ignored in Westminster. We might as well not exist.
You really want to keep us around don't you? I think at the heart of every Sup Forums thread like this is that the English really do love us. We don't always return that love though. No matter how much we mistreat and take advantage of England she keeps taking us back. Even when England's family tells her she can do better, she just starts crying and pleading for her friends and family to understand that she's in love with Scotland. Scotland is charming and witty and England couldn't imagine herself without him. Some days England just lays in bed wondering why Scotland hurts her so. She rationalises that Scotland only hit her that one time because he was angry and he really meant it when he apologised the day after. England will just do what she can to be the best wife she can be, in the hope that one day, maybe, Scotland will return her feelings. It's ok to feel the way you do England. It makes you human. x x
Haggis BTFO
Paddy BTFO
Jamal BTFO
You are leaving the EU and there is nothing you can do about it.
I love this. Scotland is the epitome of white guilt liberals fucking over other whites. I can't believe I was lied to about Scots by Braveheart. Scots are the biggest leftist twats ever.
>decent food
>drug addicts
>tight family units
>go to nicer countries and ruin them
Checks out, but you apply that to everything in Eastern Europe.
This is beyond wrong. It's shilling at it's fucking worst.
What happened was all the remain faggots voted "remain" and never possibly thought that "leave" would win. Then when they lost, they all went "Oh fuck - what are we losing? I don't know because I'm a libcuck, so I better figure it out," and started Googling it.
The "leave" voters knew exactly what they were doing.
I have basically summed up Scots as the ex gf who makes it her life's mission to screw her ex bf for life at any costs. Scots just vote based on how it will fuck over England.
I was shocked to see how much they voted against leaving the EU.
Scots? More like Scucks.
Stop it lads, we tried.
Almost 40% of us did
Never forget 15 million of your own countrymen voted against freedom
You should understand what it's like to have a large number of idiots