Wait, I just realized something - how come the EU allows its member states to leave, but the USA doesn't?
Wait, I just realized something - how come the EU allows its member states to leave, but the USA doesn't?
Who said Merkel isn't busy updating Operation Seelowe?
The EU is an economic bloc, the USA is a federated country.
But as Nige would often say, they did try to get themselves a United States of Europe.
Because america is afraid to lose its title. If the southern states seceeded most of americas military would be lost with it
because lincoln was a tyrant and responsible for the death of the united states best genetic stock
Eu members were sovereign first.
Usa states were always states.
uhh he helped free black people though Ohio
>responsible for the death of the united states best genetic stock
rip whitey
Because the Southern States got completely annihilated in the Civil War. No one has been dumb enough to try seceding since.
The Union is not voluntary. This has been decided since we kicked your ass in 1865. Deal with it.
Not all of them, several states were sovereign first.
Besides which, what right do leftist degenerates have to deny us our own self determination?
You fucks assassinated the ONE PERSON who was going to ship all of our nogs back to Africa, you're in this mess with us now
Because we have an army that can stop you.
>This has been decided since we kicked your ass in 1865
You didn't fucking do shit, you useless neet.
>states = countries
Stay mad Southerners.
>common language (well, at one point)
>common heritage
>common founding principles
>checks and balances
>elected federal government
>different languages
>different nationalities
>different founding principles
>no checks and balances
>appointed, unelected (((cosmopolitan))) bureaucrats
EU is a fuckfest
memes aside the united states was founded by people paranoid of tyranny
Actually from legal perspective there is nothing holding back individual state legislatures from obtaining indipendence. However such actions require approval of Washington, organising referendum etc, which washington will never give. Hawaii and Alaska could have reasonable historic to be indipendent, but economically they benefit far more from being part of US of A . Basically for most Americans atm it's unthinkable sceanario, however in longer histroic perspective it might be inevitable.
the US army is majority Southerners, esp Texans
don't choke on your bagel, schlomo
If Hill won and Texas seceded, I'd move there.
The UK picked the right time - it was able to leave while the EU rules still allowed for such a thing.
Coming soon: an EU constitution that removes the right of states to leave.
EU = A union of countries
USA = A country
>EU = A union of countries
A union of nation-states would be more accurate.
There's a big difference between a Norwegian and a Greek. There's not much difference between the average guy from Wisconsin and a Floridian.
Because the federation won a war against the states remember?
a literal dumb frogposter
>thinks the southern states actually matter
The south is our troubled family member we care for even though they're unemployed drunks and drug addicts
We don't really need them, but we aren't going to just abandon them.
Texas and half of Florida are basically the exception. Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, etc are all shitshows
Yes and no. Among regions (midwest/southwest/northeast/northwest) people are very similar but there are big differences between regions.
Of course there are big differences, but compared to the difference between actual nations, they mean little.
Do you really think that the EU (((commission))) isn't preparing war plans as we speak? They'll either kike up Britains exit negotiations or take them back by force.
But by then Trump will be in power and help save the free world.
>The south is our troubled family member we care for even though they're unemployed drunks and drug addicts
This might be because they have the highest percentage of blacks
Why not ask how come the EU allows its member states to leave, but the United Kingdom doesn't?
Just wait. There'll be a War of Continental Aggression.
We do. Scotland got an independe referendum and they voted to stay. If Wales or Northern Ireland had a large independence movement, they would also be given a referendum
they also stole the lives of our property