Post your 3x3 for your last 7 days on lastfm
post recommendations and unfounded character judgments to other anons posts
Post your 3x3 for your last 7 days on lastfm
post recommendations and unfounded character judgments to other anons posts
Other urls found in this thread:
ITAOTS > Doolittle > The Queen is Dead > Sticky Fingers > The Bends > The Lonesome Crowded West > The Moon and the Antarctica > Oracular Spectacular
Shit i forgot Either/Or
Put it between The Bends and the Lonesome Crowded West
I was gonna say you have boring taste then I looked at how absolutely embarrassing my own chart is
Have you heard there are other websites than Sup Forums?
i don't love anything
last 7 days can be cruel, thats why its fun to have threada specifying only that
i would say we probably have fairly similar taste, would recommend Modest Mouse (as posted in my collage)
The Bends is the patricians choice
What's Johnny Greenwoods solo stuff like?
Jackson C. Frank - s/t
Bluetile Lounges
rad Kid Koala
that means a lot coming from Mixmag
>any of those
>on Mixmag
Yeah, I see no tinny grime MC or Joel
jesus vs big boob
Love that AP album
>What's Johnny Greenwoods solo stuff like?
can't say really because bodysong's all i've listened to so far
i thought it was a good collection of ideas and fairly interesting to listen to but i didn't love it as an album. it did do a good job of showcasing jonny's ability as a musician tho and there were some tracks i found particularly enjoyable. worth listening to if you're a rh fan. i'm sure it fit well with the film. i plan on listening to his other stuff too soon
i listened to yerself is steam recently and love it. how would you say boces and their other stuff compares to it?
I don't know how the fuck I got all these from listening to one song off each album. The only good albums on this chart are Weathered Status, All Amerikkkan Badass, The Eminem Show, and Now More Than Ever. The rest is shit.
Boces is just like Yerself is Steam (and arguably better) but everything afterward is different and not as good
criticize your own taste, i like it
Still in high school
With the exception of Doolittle, these are some pretty good Sup Forumscore albums.
nice "taste"
put that bottle down user
new boc album confirmed
I like The Bends
week's commute music
r8 it /10 brehs
I'll get right on that.
It's ok
Some good albums
>Bill Evans
my man
rest is not worth mentioning
Pretty good
I like it
Ween is cool
Love 69 Love Songs, great album
no im joking come back
oh you dun goofed
Chart is fucked up for some reason
Indeed, should work now
middle school core
loves tea
patti smith - horses
love the Eno
washed out - within and without
the pavilion of dreams
u polish?
+elliot smith
+mothers of invention
+company flow
+boards of canada
+open mike eagle, boc, spiritualized. good taste user
+metallica, madvillian
very similar to mine a few years ago... let me guess, you're younger than 22?
this all looks pretty relaxing, i like it, and appreciate the efforts you've gone to to review others
i haven't listened to any of these but I love all the covers
thanks :) That's really nice. I'd love to review yours but I've only heard the Death Grips and the Eno. Both great albums btw
listen 2 a SWAT Healin Ritual
listen 2 Quelle Chris
listen 2 zachary lucky
I'm this one, you guessed right I'm 18
the doors - the doors
you've a good life ahead of you my man
Gets hypnotized by the sound of a broken radiator
Probably skipped over half the days in their high school years
gets an erection anytime a dog barks at him, then gets angry at himself
put "go flex" as a personal interest on his resume
thanks dude, I appreciate it
>judging other peoples taste even though its probably better than your own
+modest mouse
+the smiths
the bends is top tier radiohead
this is the worst
+aphex twin
+teen suicide
hm this doesn’t look like a 3x3 to me
+fiona apple
in rainbows=best radiohead album
+the pains of being pure at heart
+mountain goats
I like u
>Probably skipped over half the days in their high school years
user how do you know me
thank, i dont like myself
I'm not, discovered Brodka when I saw it on someone's chart. I immediately loved it. Do you?
Best chart in this thread, thanks for the rec btw. Budd has been on my 'listening list', so I'll gladly listen to this album
++ Agnes Obel, love her stuff and fragile, yet demanding, clear voice
++Sorority Noise
keep doin yo thang
ey listen to this cindy lee album. It's by patrick flegel from women
Not sure how I feel about it now that I see it
Yup, she's great. Both haunting and comforting at the same time
im lame
oh man i need to listen to new ta
++ 4 snares noise collective, strokes
are you 23
me 2 friend
Whoever has been spamming nectar in a sieve, thanks cause apparently I actually enjoyed it
24, close enough
fuck you Doolittle is amazing you faggot
"edgy" hs girl-core