Alot of people know some fragments, take fragments out of context. I am talking about people having a misunderstanding. And that is perfectly OK because the victor determines alot of things after the vanquished are Gone - if you will. So here I want to share this in the hopes people gain some understanding on the matter.
Nazism Or National Socialism in truth is truly about JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT! And Not For the Few!
Rise up, those who have been treacherously BEFOOLED AND BLINDED by the lies of corrupt men. EDUCATE YOURSELVES, OPEN YOUR MINDS. DO IT BY READING HERE
Do not scoff what Hitler did! He may have lost, but he fought for white people every where. It is not only a new government, but a new religion. Upliftment, empowerment - FOR ALL!
I am against the jews, only because they are criminal! Only because they exploit! They abuse the weak. Hitler wanted none of that, but only upliftment and empowerment for his people! The White Race!
Andrew Howard
Anthony Clark
Liam Reed
Ethan Rivera
Unite! Stomp Injustice!
Parker Martin
Unite! Stop the chaos! A world with no justice is not one we can live in forever!
Mason Phillips
Hail Victory brother! Stay strong and never slacken nor give up!
It's our race on the line here, always fight no matter how hard it can be!
I hope the fourth reich can rise one day and truly free our people!
Post the truth! That is the first prerequisite for doing anything! These are the famous words of Adolf Hitler he made in a speech in Germany. Indulge yourselves in the WISDOM.
Nazism is the foundation for global JUSTICE. It is AGAINST exploitation. It is AGAINST criminality - as much as your enemies watch to befool you to believe, unless you are one of them! Do not be tricked, we win our bread with our own hands, we do not want slaves like the communists. Empowerment for the white race. That is what we want. That is what we will get. Happiness and joy through empowerment. PEACEFUL EMPOWERMENT. Heil Hitler.
Read the truth about Hitler. Read the Truth, Spread JUSTICE
Expand your understanding! Let truth fill your mind! Let truth fill your world! Make this place YOURS. Make it your future GENERATIONS, whom are your own BLOOD. Understand what really happened! Understand the truth! Down with the criminals!
Understand what our struggle is about, it is about the truth! It is about Justice! It is about Criminals and Serving them Justice! Uphold LAW AND ORDER
Nazism is the foundation for global JUSTICE. It is AGAINST exploitation. It is AGAINST criminality - as much as your enemies watch to befool you to believe, unless you are one of them! Do not be tricked, we win our bread with our own hands, we do not want slaves like the communists. Empowerment for the white race. That is what we want. That is what we will get. Happiness and joy through empowerment. PEACEFUL EMPOWERMENT. Heil Hitler.
Nazism Or National Socialism in truth is truly about JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT! And Not For the Few!
Rise up, those who have been treacherously BEFOOLED AND BLINDED by the lies of corrupt men. EDUCATE YOURSELVES, OPEN YOUR MINDS. DO IT BY READING HERE
Detractors may come and go, Detractors from the truth, but one thing will always remain the same and that is Truth! Come Together, Serve Justice! Let us Serve Justice! Open your Eyes to the Truth!
Learn the Truth - Learn that he was a Man Of Justice! Learn Justice! For it is the only thing that will be yours and your future generations Stronghold! Learn the Love of Justice!
Cameron Robinson
Are you slightly mental in everything or just in politics? I mean is it safe to use the public toilet you have used? Or are you an imbecile just when you are talking politics?
Hunter Rivera
Win is my name! Today we stand here in a World Filled with Ignorance. Ignorance of the Truth. Spread the truth. Be Champions of the TRUTH
Here is a criminal who is not interested in seeing the world be a Just place! Do not mind him, because he is Antiquated. Let this new world be one of PEACE AND JUSTICE. OF TRUTH. TRUTH FOR ALL. Uplift it with these things!
Dylan Butler
You may be experiencing a manic or psychotic period right now. Try to get in touch with a doctor/psychiatrist as soon as possible, if you can.
Carson Jenkins
Never mind the detractors! They stand to lose there whole conception and ideology of life by losing victims! That is what there ideology is! Victimery - If you will! They will exploit until they can exploit no longer and that is where WE COME IN. Spread the Truth, Uplift Justice and Uplift this World by Spreading The Truth
Advance the truth! Advance Justice! Doing these things simutaneously results in both being advanced. We are advocates of the truth, Thus promoting Justice!