JK Rowling, author of the amazing Harry Potter series, just DESTROYED Sup Forums.
Sup Forums BTFO
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>amazing HP series
Even as a fucking kid I couldn't count the inconsistencies on a single hand. But apparently all you need is to borrow from lore, make it self-insert harem, and an inconsistent world to be considered amazing.
Harry Potter stopped being amazing after the second movie.
>Everybody I don't like is literally Voldemort
Yes yes we've heard it all before, well done
>Cameron getting the blame
lol she got btfo, guess her influence wasn't that great after all. Cry more
1. Cameron, the faggot, was one the biggest remain shills (so she's proved she's an idiot)
2. People who vote leave are the equivalent of big brother? 1984 was critical of globalisation--only 4 giant countries. Essentially the marxist aim of the EU were giant melting pots of different races--she's supposed to be an author and didn't understand 1984?
3. Stop fucking comparing every bad guy to Voldemort.
She lives in a castle. She's a billionaire. No matter what happened with the Brexit decision, it will affect her in basically no way at all. So shut the fuck up already.
> Children's book author
> Hugely influential
I fucking hope not.
lol get fucked. Her vote is only worth one vote, just like everyone elses. No one gives a fuck she likes to read books to children.
Wait, HP turns into a harem series? I dropped it after the fourth book. Should I pick it up again to get the good parts?
>amazing Harry Potter series
Hello, tumblr
>one of the most vocal public figures on the issue
>steady flow of tweets culminating in a blog post
Notice how the common leftie tactic is to dehumanise and villainise the opposition. We're not just people with different opinions who want to be free from the the regulated stranglehold of globalism, we're evil and want to watch people die and eat babies.
That will be England when the Scots secede.
>Happy Potter
he's meming
harry gets with a grand total of two (2) girls throughout 7 years of hogwarts. pretty beta tbqh.
>Cameron's legacy
>implying that it wasn't the actual majority of the British people who voted out
Her butthurt is almost... magical.
so much butthurt from the left
this is fucking great
>Wait, HP turns into a harem series?
Nope. Though I would read something HP-like with harmes and shit, like in my moon LNs.
Well, he's ugly and disfigured and wears glasses. And British.
No wonder nobody wants to bang him.
I hate when celebrities think they are so politically knowledgeable and influential.
Oh no they didn't vote like you wanted burn all the books cry all the tears
He's 5'5"
Just thought of this and burst out laughing, maybe you will too.
What if we memed her with a bastardization of Harry Potter, say, Hank Potter, which is about a nazi wizard dropping red pills?
>Hank Potter and the Reichstone
>Hank Potter and the Chamber of Holocaust lies
>Hank Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
Hermione was jk rolling self insert
>indecent minority
Well, she's not wrong there.
And that's the British Left all over: too busy sucking up to the 18% of minorities to notice they have utterly neglected and alienatied the 82% majority.
JK's publishers use the "rent your own logo back to yourself from Luxemburg" tax scam. Her reasons for being pro-EU are entirely criminal and self-serving.
Yes, yes, well done, Rowling. Well done, Rowling.
>"i didn't get the result i wanted so i better bitch and moan about it like it's going to make a difference"
literally the cancer of online (social)media
Yeah man. Really makes you think
Yes, Rowling. Well done, well done.
You're a fucking hack writer who needs to keep your shitty political opinion to yourself, same with Stephen King.
>Good, bitch. Your fictional magic is no match for meme magic. Now YOU'RE the fucking Muggle. I will never forgive you for being a shill.
he's 10/10 in the UK mate
>She lives in a castle. She's a billionaire. No matter what happened with the Brexit decision, it will affect her in basically no way at all. So shut the fuck up already.
m8 exactly. said.
There is nothing more autistic than a person referring to their imaginary characters in a discussion that has nothing to do with their imaginary characters. Rowling is like a roleplayer who won't shut up about her level 30 Half-Dragon, Half-Angel Paladin of Sune in a conversation about real-world economics.
Is Rowling the Queen of Autists?
Harry Potter and the Voldemort Did Nothing Wrong
Harry Potter and the Magic of Trump
Harry Potter and the Butthurt of Rowling
Why does anyone care about what this women thinks
beloved Sup Forums
>this immense amount of ass obliteration
I cannot wait for Trump to win. South California will try to secede and get wrecked so hard that a thousand generations will feel it. It's so good to have a happening turn out for the best.
It would require too much time and effort, but I lol'd healthy
Also, in the end HP should realize that he was being deceived the whole time, and that Voldemort actually a good guy who was fighting against some retarded degeneracy.
>Hank Potter and the goblet of shekels.
Who cares about what women think in general?
Lazy UK cunt in early life went library an raped the old books .. wrote hers .. with slite changes !
made millions as a fraud cunt an its biting killing her .. ! now in her ivory towers Rich Towers .. she begs to be seen as a regular Britbong .. LEL
It was this attitude that led to Brexit in the first place.
>guys can we talk about immigration for a second?
>guys there's a gang kidnapping and raping women and little girls in rotherham, oxford, all over the country actually
>well, they're asian muslims and they're right over there
Fuck the left. They made compromise impossible and brought this on themselves. They wouldn't apply the brakes so we had to derail the train.
I'm happy for the left wing that they've finally accomplished what they've always dreamed of - they've officially become a minority.
>Hank Potter and the Chamber of Commerce
You typed in the wrong url dipshit.
Try tumblr
Yeah true, I'm no artist, but if an artist so happens to be browsing this, likes the idea and wants to roll with it, thinking something like this. Book covers really.
Next level tweet
I don't get it
nobody cares fag
I bet she wishes she had a convenient Deus Ex Machina to save her now.
>author of the amazing Harry Potter series
Literally the only even remotely good thing about the harry potter series is some tiny fraction of the porn it inspired.
>Be a billionaire
>None of this even affects you
>Whine about it because muh diversity
And libs will defend her even though she's part of the dreaded 1%
Based Portugal.
>big brother
>brexit supporter
Fucking please. If 1984 was written today it would probably be about an EU-like organisation.
meme magic > Harry Potter magic
He's literally the most famous person in the entire world of wizards. Little bitch boy could have quintessentially cucked the entire male population of hogwarts but didnt
Remain lost because everyone fronting it was champagne socialist.
Dude I'd love to see that happen I'd get to sit on my porch shooting spics.
watch the first movie
>wants less government and to leave the EU
>gets name called Big Brother and Voldemort
you literally can't make this shit up lmao
Brexit was won by the postal votes, which an unaccounted-for quantity in the polling leading up to the referendum, which had Leave behind..
In the Harry Potter books (and movies, I forgot to say), they have 4 different houses in the school, and Harry's house never looks set to win on points at the end of the year, but Dumbledore (in the picture) always awards some late points to Harry and his friends; usually JUST enough to win Harry's house enough points to be the winner of the 4 houses. The Brexit parallels are there to be seen.
The meme of Dumbledore saying "...HOWEVER..." was being used for a long time, in Brit/pol/ - it was annoying people a lot because of its overuse - but it actually turns out that it's at least somewhat proven meme magic to be an actual, real, thing.
Someone post the "I'm the wizard now" screencap, I know one of you has it.
>JK Rowling
What a surprise that this rich bitch who lives in a fucking palacial mansion is out of touch with the common folk.
Didn't she also claim that Hermione is actually black?
Fuck her.
Too bad it's a mix of shit scanlate, horrible scans and licensing.
I think she needs to kill herself. Or, convert to Islam and go live in Saudi Arabia or some shit.
that version of kek is basically sithis
Harry Potter and the Order of the SS
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Nig
Harry potter and the secret Chamber
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Zyklon
she said that she never specified her skin color, only that she has frizzy hair and is studious and quiet (totally sounds black amirite) so she had no problem with pic related playing her in a stage play
Come on leaf, you have to learn from the koalas about how to handle the bantz and how to deliver them.
That was just fucking weak
Yeah, this thing totally looks the studious, quiet type.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Gas
Harry potter and the prisoner of EU
Did you get that image from the end of a screamer video?
Didn't some twitter user immediately take a picture of one of the books where her skin color actually is specified?
Harry potter has always been shit, I knew that back when I read it when it came out in 5th grade several years before it even got popular.
Sectum sanctions
Here it is. Rowling is so full of shit, what other race has naturally occurring red hair? She's such a fucking shill.
Who /NeverReadAnyofTheBooks/ but /WatchedtheMovies/ here?
>literally yelling at poor and old people for not having your opinions
Is this typical Labour behavior?
they tweeted her a sentence of her book she described her face as being 'white' lel
herminie, luna, asian girl, indian girl, those mermaid girls, that black girl waitress at that diner, cedrick and lord moldy mort
flip flopping bitch, hope her wealth gets re-distributed.
The second movie was the worst of the lot though.
i'll bet it would actually work for that. someone should make one with nice pictures of emma watson and then suddenly crashcut to that hideousness with a scary sound effect or something.
>amazing Harry Potter series
To who, aspies?