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Link or embed faggot.
wheres the god damn link
This triggers me.
Oolong boy, rev up those dislikes
>comments disabled
I had a zinger ready too
was gonna say "pride for everyone but white people
Gentle Men get ready for a dirty Trench Comment War.
Good Luck.
Did my part, onward gentlemen!
>comments disabled
whats that picture from? looks awesome
This triggers me even more.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
>comments disabled
There's no fun in just disliking a video desu
>comments disabled
didn't watch the video before disliking it, but I assume it's less appalling then the tranny video.
that said, I wish Google would just stay out of politics. Nobody cares what Google's position is on trannies and faggots.
>Comments are disabled
>But you can still like/dislike the video
They really believe they can win this one
>360 video
Wow, this is actually pretty cool. Still disliked it though.
>Comments Disabled
Why bother having comments if you're going to do that to be true
comments are disabled, it's not fun :(
This 360 thing is pretty cool though
>url literally in image
>tel aviv
Oy vey
>reverse search
>be proud of being a degenerate faggot
The pendulum will come for these faggots as well.
>comments are disabled for this video
This is the sad future of the internet.
Fuck, no comments.
Oh well, I downboated.
>They knew
Embed? Wat
waaaaaaaah I can't shtipost
Sure, they pull you in with some fancy 360 video,and the next thing you know you are sucking cock in san paolo brazil
Right? I was so amazed that I forgot about even watching the video
Beautiful video :^)
google were thinking "let's give this video a cool innovative feature so people will like it for that reason, then the gay cause will have the appearance of more groupthink support"
What the fuck really? Even after the total disaster of the first? Jesus what the hell are they thinking
> Comments are disabled for this video.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
I wonder why? Maybe because the world hates faggots? Maybe this is a cover up for Islam? Liberal drivel trash.
or straight
That was their plan all along
sure, maybe, but dislike the intention behind it: to normalize perversion and unnaturalness
I sent an email to google telling their video is getting brigaded.
Hey OP post thin on Sup Forums too.
10 dislike from me.
you know, like 97% of couples
if any of you are gay here on Sup Forums
you are hereby ordered to commit suicide, trump said multiple times this week, he plans to ban LGBT people from exsisting, as they are an abomination to god and christianity
"I plan to build a pure nation, and gay people are not part of it" - Donald Trump June 22th, 2016
Google is really pushing this shit hard.
I don't get it
is this the new #proudtobeacuck thing I heard about?
welp, there it is.
I bet they were planning to release this video after the smashing success of the first
But then after the first tanked spectacularly because people are getting sick of the shit, they still released this because they really wanted to show off the 360 thing or something?
Why does no one seem disturbed by the number of people identifying as LGBTQIA:OUIHSADPFIU?
It's literally counter evolution.
I guess they just have a lot of homos tretening to call them homophobic bigots if they don't.
i gave this one a thumbs up
>360 degree video
Fuck off!
Please no
>and the next thing you know you are sucking cock in san paolo brazil
or something even worse like
but it doesnt matter matter because its in 360,which makes this degenarracy a beautiful pride flag
luckily, these people don't breed, so haha
Are those domestic cats or some other kind of thingy?
You're full of shit fudgepacker
What's even the point of this shit?
But the PR potential is just too much for Jewwy Page and Sergei Kike.
daily reminder that gays are not, as a whole, discriminated against on Sup Forums
only the gays who do things like walk around with buttplugs in assless chaps at pride parades are disliked as Sup Forums does not feel obligated to tell others how to live their lives
anyone gay bashing is simply trolling (as this is Sup Forums)
Nice you are smarter than you look.
That will make them realize that there is a real radical group of people who opose their shit.
thank you dane bro.
i am not, trump hates gay people
he idolizes Adolf Hitler, he has a book of his speeches in his plane, he plans to systematocally elimate all gay people
gay people are ordered to commit suicide or will die by firing squad
"I plan to eliminate gays" - Donald Trump June 21st, 2016
>reported with the below comment:
>This entire campaign is a campaign meant to push these issues into the forefront of the general public and not made to garner support for those that are oppressed, but rather to force values onto the general public. It really isn't about the power of love or anything even close. If it were only about rights, then this would be done a very, very different way. Subtle sexual suggestion and programming with a censored discussion, how transparent! I understand: Freedom to fornicate, not to communicate.
that's all it is
the acceptance PR
It's the global agenda mate.
We joke but it's true what they're trying to do.
Pallas Cat.
Brazil: the video
also, as someone who knows a lot of people in the homosexual community, getting with underage boys is the norm in their culture (I'm completely serious)
most gay men consider life basically over at around age 29. gay clubs totally don't card, and hope that teenage boys attend.
This garbage doesn't annoy me because it relates to homosexuality, but because it's transparent virtue signalling. I fucking hate being preached to.
What the fuck is wrong with marrying a girl and having kids? Why is this degenerate AIDS infested faggotry held up as something noble?
Oh I forgot - it's JewTube and they want our White race extinct.
That's exactly the point. How is it there seem to be more and more every year?
Go away spoopy skeltal
this. I'm bi, generally don't mind gays.
it's the normalization of their lifestyle that I will not condone.
Hello there, smoothskin
>anyone gay bashing is simply trolling
Yes, goyim, true christians are just trolls! Good goys love sodomites!
that's how the rest of Sup Forums feels too germanon
They breed by indoctrinating children into their lifestyle
There is literally nothing wrong with homos.
Fucking normies...
damn, I was thinking I want one of these as a pet, but there are only 117 left in the world.
>"I plan to eliminate gays" - Donald Trump June 21st, 2016
Tell me about it
It's just globalist teying to push liberal agenda.
Imagine it like a slavery of people but instead negative reinforcment it's positive, so they live in delusion.
there is a lot wrong with the politicized ones who try to push their empty lifestyle and 'values' on the mass culture as a component of globalization
>comments are disabled for this video
Nah, there are a lot more than that. They are not even threatened yet, let alone endangered
all these fucking parades,
i call it a collective special snowstorm.
like, everyone has their struggles. but only some people are allowed to pride on it. if you wanted to organise a neo-nazi parade you'd be looked down own.
gay people DON'T need these.
it's even hurting them, most people that have anything against it are like, well just don't do it too much in my sight, like would be the same for straight people not doing it in your sight.
they are claiming the victim card in plain sight in a battle that has already been won in their country. if they realy wanted to make a statement they'd fly down to some countrie where LGBT is banned and protest there.
fucking pride memes
I googled info on them and that's what it said
I hope you're right. beautiful creatures.