Just got back from my trip to Italy, please nuke Europe

>Visit rome
>Expect to see the birthplace of western civilization
>Everyone is fucking brown
>No parking lots exist, people just park their cars in the middle of the street or on the sidewalk or the grass somewhere
>Get to my hotel
>Offer the owners hospitality corn and they just look at me like I'm crazy
>Half the channels on TV in the hotel are anime
>Go out for a walk in the city
>Some guy just starts seizing in the streets
>Nobody cares and acts like this is just an every day occurrence
>My dad gets pickpocketed on a subway

What the fuck happened to Europe? It's like everywhere is Detroit but even worse.

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What does the Queen and royal family think about brexit?



Well to be fair that was Italy you went to.
There's a reason my ancestors left that shithole

Hey man don't make fun of detroit
Thems people living in mad max times

>hospitality corn

You tried kid

Who would ever reject traditional hospitality corn though? That's a level a subhumanness below even niggers.

>Tfw nobody ever gave me hospitality corn

little Italy in America is more italian than Italy.

Its gone mate. Everyhing is gone in Europe

Italy is great.

Rome, not so much. Without people it would be 10/10.

Come to Denmark next time. We have a cool saint peter's basilica ripoff and much better infrastructure.

Pic related

>hospitality corn

So you figured out yourself you have literally had holidays in one of our european ghettos.
Well done not visiting northern and central europe

Did you visit the fountains?
How did you find the food?
What about the Vatican?
The monument to Italian Republicans is pretty based.

Only barbarians

I went there recently too. Driving through the countryside, cabbie points to black prostitutes who literally wait in the fields by the road hoping to attract clients. They're like livestock or something.

Was also retardedly expensive.

>hospitality corn

>Everyone is fucking brown

Natives from Italy have darker skin, you moron

haha come visit frankfurt famous german city!!! =DD (no turks at all [0]) i promise

>>Everyone is fucking brown
Went to the vatican outside there were like 15 indian men selling selfie sticks and battery chargers that dont work

when they don't accept your hospitality corn.


>>Half the channels on TV in the hotel are anime
Fucking liar, I wish that was true.

> go to u.s.a
>see mulatto kids and africans and mexicans and everything everywhere
>holy shit american walmarts are the trashiest most subhuman places I've ever seen literally so many fucking fat people, every white guy I see is fucking chubby, so many fucking blacks and mexicans

That's when I realized, in the goals of preserving the european and native peoples of this nation- that u.s.a was as Hitler said- the Eternal jew.

Listen to Hitler, you must adhere to the hate he had for the u.s.a as your own.

Offered a German visitor hospitality corn just yesterday, you should have seen the look on his face

So ungrateful, fucking krauts

>>Half the channels on TV in the hotel are anime
bs they don't broadcast anime anymore
>tfw first country to air mobile suit gundam after japan

>rome is Europe

freedomclappers everyone!

Wtf is hospitality corn?

>implying Italy is an European country and not an Africa-tier shithole
What were you expecting?

a forced fresh new meme.

there is a thread up about it

use the catalog

You explored Europe way to late

>go to big city in Europe (excluding Eastern Europe)
>still surprised it's turned into a multiculti globalist shithole

You think we're just ironically meme'ing in this place? Maybe try visiting Brussels sometimes, you'll see we're not joking around about any of this.

Tasty Corn.

Glorious. Haven't been to copenhagen for years.
Mother just went there, said she was surprised by the amount of "foreigners", is it bad?

yeah Rome has fallen.

I wouldn't visit any big city in Europe now, they're all shitholes, why would you when theres god-tier countrysides.

is "globalist" the new "cuck"?
I read this fucking word every minute

>hospitality corn

the fuck

>go to rome
>expects to see Italy
>is surprised if his dad gets PPed
>is amazed if italians are rude to foreigners

Go to the fucking north, for the love of god when will you shitstains learn that south and center Italy is africa-level ?

I saw people browner than me when I was in Rome. Also, so much interracial couples with male Africans. You could see the dejection on the girl's faces pushing those strollers. It screamed "I fucked up." Rome is also covered in grafitti.

Florence was good though.

when you go over to meet someone for the first time, you bring hospitality corn. In north america anyway.

>Offer the owners hospitality corn

Madrid is pretty great still though.

>>Offer the owners hospitality corn

stop forcing this unfunny shit you fucking memeing faggots

But did anyone offer you hospitality corn, that is the real question.

No more of a meme than a Spaniard being unemployed.

You jerk off a bull and drink bull semen?

>>Offer the owners hospitality corn

it's hospitality sketi in italy I think.

>Offer the owners hospitality corn and they just look at me like I'm crazy
Digging this new meme
Rome is shit but it's not as shitty as you described it

Wasn't it aired in Korea right after Japan?


Shoulda visit fuckin Poland you moron. Here everybody's white, go to Cracow next time and stop complaining, fuckin Jesus call me when you're here I'll show you best bars and best places to get laid with gorgeous slavic chicks.

>Going to Europe to see nature when I live in the country with the greatest nature in the world

I want those cities famalam

What went wrong in the south? too many muslim pirates?

No shit, OP never crossed his state border...

cuck is some internet bullshit

the word "globalist" has been used for decades by actual functioning members of society

Makes sense a Spaniard wouldn't understand the concept of hospitality corn considering the first the you degenerates do when you discover the new world is spread disease and rape the locals.

How come not a single one of your colonial attempts ended up producing a worthwhile country?

It's from the Alex Jones show apparently.


Krakow is garbage now. Polluted dull shit.

Gdansk and Torun are 10 times better.

>hospitality corn

I dont live there broder.

I from Århus.
I went there about a year ago and it was alright. Shitskins and leftist students were a common sight but the sheer beauty of it made my own nationalism outshine all the negatives.

>greatest nature in the world
Say what?

wtf america, you should bring alcohol, coffee, sweets, drugs and women - in an appropriate combination, depending on the occasion

in italy we had it aired in 1980 illegally and awfully dubbed
sunrise got pissed off and banned gundam in italy for 20 years

For fucks sake there's more whites in southern Brazil than the U.S, the U.S became a shithole in its richest areas, c'mon do something about it

mother Italy is indeed pretty fucked

Rome itself is shit. Vatican is great. Museums are great.

Northern Italy is literally 10/10.

Rome is where it starts going to shit. South is crap in general unless you want to get fried on the beach. But then Croatia is better at that.

Pompeii and Capri are amazing though.

Wypierdalaj kurwa na wykop


She's supposed to be impartial, but privately she dislikes Europe and is rooting for Brexit to win.


Will I have to migrate to Poland to see some real white christian civilization I can live in without being the only white around?

Truth hurts eh?

No, it's always been like that.

Southern italians are the worst lazy white trash you can imagine.
The only thing they have going for them is food and family values, everything else is africa tier.

>hospitality corn
Sounds like a fun time OP you're probably just a party pooper.

I once offered a mexican hotel owner in Spain hospitality corn, we did not spend anymore nights in that hotel...

>Offer the owners hospitality corn

>hospitality corn
fucking hell. wtf.

>family values
like inbreeding, combined marriages and honor killings?

Globalist is the purple pill version of FUCKING JEWS

you count southern italians as white? aren't they more latin-type?

At least they don't freely fuck little boys in public any more

>visit Rome
>Everyone is fucking brown

no shit dumbass, did you expect to meet Sven ?


Not really, come on be serious.

>combined marriages and honor killings

In the 1960s, maybe.

At least they don't openly support divorce and strong independent single mothers.


They're just more tanned because there's basically no winter in the south.
The coldest it gets is 10°C or something.

Most southerners will become just as white as me after spending a winter here in the north.

I would say there is way more white people in southern Italy than there was 20 years ago when I went there for the first time. I guess that a genetician could tell us why, maybe the darker genes weren't enough to niggerize the population.
Dark italians probably come from the turkish side.

>Offer the owners hospitality corn

what the fuck is hospitality corn

>At least they don't openly support divorce and strong independent single mothers.
who the fuck does that in the north
divorce is borguesoise bs and independent single mothers are because fathers left


Basement dwellers and people from frozen shitholes can't into the concept of tanning, not being familiar with the sun, don't bother.

Don't worry there's more than enough to go around

oh, interesting. so basically like this.

>articles 2 days ago about Campania and pedos circles, incest and inbreed

It's like you're not even trying

in america we give visitor hospitatily corn

nigger faggots


daily reminder that naples isn't italy so stop linking southern people with that trash bin

ssh dont make the south look bad
they wuz kingz and sicilies

>hospitality corn

>what the fuck happened to Europe?
Not really my problem tbqh

Viriginia will fix this user. Come back in a few years.