Hmmmmm, she's right, you know

Hmmmmm, she's right, you know.

Other urls found in this thread:

isn't it a dude?


Yeah, it's a tranny and a shitty game dev

And yet, canadians and australians get blamed for shitposting

never thought i'd agree with wu on something
most voters are voting from their guts or because of something a politician told them instead of doing research on actual economic analyses instead.

Fuck off, faggot. You stopped being relevant two years ago.


Go back to Sup Forums, faggot.

she´s wrong

Back to your containment board.

>the more we regulate the system the better it is

Fuck off

I think you mean "he".

who is this female economist?

Why is every single lefty faggot in favor of remain? When did they all become about muh big banks and wall-street? Didn't they used to fight against that sort of cronyism?

The swift and sudden shift the lefty's have taken away from state-controlled markets to global corporation-controlled markets is amazing.

That deluded, mentally ill faggot thinks he understands anything about economics, politics or anything else. How cute.

Pimozide all the way


Also the demographics line up as right vs left divide.

>Why is every single lefty faggot in favor of remain?
Because Remain = Globalism, Socialism, diversity and multiculturalism.

It's amazing to me the left has become the party behind an undemocratic government that bans collective bargaining and is run entirely by ex Goldman employees, but hey times change

She can't even put together a computer and this is who you are going to for advice?

Even the most extreme neo liberals that know shit about economics agree that markets cannot work without at least a basic amount of regulation.
Only retards believe that choosing a deregulation extremum (or in fact, any extremum) is actually good for the economy.
Models don't perfectly reflect reality, they simply allow you to put a mask onto a situation to analyze certain parts of it.
To be able to effectively judge a situation, you need to analyze the situation with multiple different masks/models (e.g. both neoliberal and keynesian).

Stability is more important to leftys than big banks and wall-street cronyism?

This is what I am talking about.

really made me think

>suffering the WU-MAN to live

Economic instability is temporary. It can always been undone.

Immigration is permanent. It cannot be undone.


Non-white majority means easier to control which means more shekels for the Jews. Socialism has always been about getting money and never about helping your fellow man.

>I got traumatised by autists from Sup Forums on Twitter, so clearly I know a thing or two about the global economy and geopolitics



oh look, now he has become an expert economist

>most people don't understand enough about economics[...]
wow, his arguing from ignorance and the irony REALLY MADE ME THINK


>Non-white majority means easier to control which means more shekels for the Jews.
That with the added bonus they get to destroy their greatest enemy.

>Socialism has always been about getting money and never about helping your fellow man.
That's why it's Jewish after all.

The same party that wants student loan debt forgiveness and screw over lenders? lol

>most people don't understand enough about economics to grasp the consequences of policies sold to us in simple soundbytes
And....Brianna Wu fucking does?

Muh economy is the only grail, this is the only thing you should care about goy. Only shekels are relevant. These people are so brainwashed it´s unbelievable.

Economic stability is important? Ok let's just not make any major political decisions for the rest of humanity. That should be stable as fuck am I rite.

>communist telling others they don't understand economics

Literally Whu

>Economic stability
>money is backed by hot air and belief
Leftist delusion is real.

Wow, a video game developer AND a political and economic expert?

Is there anything "she" can't do?

Mug for the camera without looking like a lop-sided abomination.

Be born a woman?


wat da fugg

>People still fall for the "buying a house" meme in 2016

That really spooped my doop.

>Economic stability is important. It's harder for you to buy a house when the person lending you money can't trust that the system is secure.

Regime uncertainty combined with central banking is the problem because the person lending you money can't foresee what those big guys at the top are going to do. That is why you should separate politics from the economy.

>we should do what we are told
>there are credible long term analyses on what the economic results will be

Market reactions have nothing to do with logic, except a sort of lemming logic. It is however in the interests of all EU countries but Germoney to smash Germoney's hegemoney. The only way they can do that is to get rid of the Euro, and secondarily to place trade barriers against German goods

Yet Europe is economically stagnating. Is stagnation a form of stability? Yes well it can be


>give everyone everything
>including people not from this country

For the jews maybe

>Economic stability

Under the EU many industries in the UK were hit hard such as the fishing industry.

And any industry that dealt with importation were also hit hard with higher Tariffs being thrown at any EU nation that wanted to deal with a non EU member.

Europe is a stagnating market this is true, is it a form of economic stability? It can be, but that certainty isn't something any country should strive for.

Economic growth will happen eventually for the UK and what we will see in the next 5 years is less unemployment, cheaper goods and job growth as different trade deals are made in other parts of the world that can offer products cheaper than any EU country could.

Also the UK won't have to pay that million dollar a week EU member fee.

Fucking this
Not even gonna give OP the pleasure of another (you)

I have a 25 MB folder of pictures of this creature on my computer.

Slightly ashamed desu.

So economcs is too hard for people lke us but Brianna Wu will explain it to us?
Oh joy