Has Brexit gone too far?
Has Brexit gone too far?
not far enough
There are places in Britain with an 4/5 muslim majority?
>muslims are a race
Pretty shameful that school exists, but a 5th column cunt like her wouldn't even understand my point of view
>No muslims were in favor of brexit
why is she so racist?
Does this make you think?
This kek
Source lady?
Not really, since the French are trying to buy up vinyards in the UK now the Champagne region is fucked up by climate change.
Now we've left the EU we'll even be able to call English Sparkling wine Champagne if we want.
It's almost ALWAYS women parroting this bullshit. Why?
That's all it boils down to for the left, if white men started becoming muslims they'd demonize them.
muslims have no business in europe, no matter how quintessentially british the msm tries to paint them
wat? It's a religion.
Has racism gone too far?
What's a victory sign?
>78% Muslim
Brexit has not gone far enough.
>using air jew
Not far enough.
>78% muslim
were just getting started
sounds like hell on earth.
>The term "kafkatrapping" describes a logical fallacy that is popular within gender feminism, racial politics and other ideologies of victimhood. It occurs when you are accused of a thought crime such as sexism, racism or homophobia. You respond with an honest denial, which is then used as further confirmation of your guilt. You are now trapped in a circular and unfalsifiable argument; no one who is accused can be innocent because the structure of kafkatrapping precludes that possibility.
>A study out of Denver’s Diversity Symposium has found the only way for people to extinguish racism in their own souls is to become experts at identifying racism in others.
dumb fucking pig will probably be beheaded by one of the muzzies she loves so much
followers basing what few independent thoughts they have purely off feelings
>movieblob is actually this retarded
Not surprised honestly.
Women care more about public appeal and public image than men. It's why they want to fuck men with money or a nice car. They are attracted to the idea that other women will see them in that car. So basically siding with feel good ideologies that make you sound like a good person is what they all follow.
Another theory, though more cucky involves women finding foreign men more attractive, simply based on the idea that he's not from their area (nothing really to do with race). They want a global, free world to increase the rate in which they can encounter foreign men.
>78% muslim school
Dear God.
(The percentage is weirdly specific. This story is so made up)
England is gonna get Wallaced..
>78% muslim school
>worry about some white dude on the streets
spain/belgium would veto scottish membership
wont happen
northern irish government announced they wont have a referendum
stop this UK falling apart meme, it's a shill attempt to paint that the EU cant be left without disaster
That guy really went off the deep end when he left the escapist
I think this should just be plastered on billboards in every metropolitan area, especially London
No it becomes greece 2.0
I heard Scotland couldn't maintain itself if it left the UK, but i don't see them being able to rivalize with England.
>78% muslim school
R.I.P (rest in pakis) britain.
Nah. Bye bye towelheads. Now get the fuck out my homeland.
Yeah, there are still 22% of racist white bigots to worry about. This is all very problematic.
>fly home early
>implying you can do that
>implying if you can Jews wouldn't fleece you for an enormous admin fee for the pleasure
Most of the shit ITT did not happen, and just lefty fuckers making shit up.
As bad as those Tweets where some feminist does something retarded and people apparently started cheering/clapping
That is some top notch scoreboarding.
o boy does this shit trigger the fuck out of me
>78% muslim
Wtf Britain, why did you wait so long? You have a lot of kebab removing to makeup for now that you uncucked yourselves.
Needed to go even further.
Next referendum should add labor camps and gas chambers.
>Arabic after her name to obviously denote she is a muslim/muslim sympathizer
>Posts a fucking picture of PORK & BOOZE two of the most Haram things to Muslims
These people really are thick as shit aren't they
It's even worse, the EU immigrants were white. The blacks and pakis are coming in due to colonial legacies and have nothing to do with EU. Also the commonwealth is merely a multiculti burden nowadays.
>inb4 Civil war
>inb4 UK is the Spain of our time
>doomed to walk in our forefathers footsteps
You mean they'll start a war and get rekt so hard that even their propaganda ends with the "hero" dying in screaming agony? Cool
Reminder to filter the media buzz work Brexit
liberals just making shit up
>But it was real in my mind ~____~
The sand scribbles after her name invalidates everything she says I'm afraid
Well, I did not expect to see a Grzeski in this picture.
So Sup Forums, what 'victory signs' was this fellow making?
>civil war
>nu-males from london and the Skirt Walkers from the North
vs the rest
would be over in half a day
The real problem is that a 78% Muslim school exists
Sticking two fingers up at them.
looks like she dodged a bullet as air bnb is now illegal in new york
>78% muslim school
That is disgustingly racist, yes.
Hopefully this new path we are on will avoid such things occuring ever again.
>The minority doesn't speak for the majority unless it suits my narrative
I hate this and love it at the same time. While yes, no more shits, the world economy is also completely destroyed. Plus a bunch of leftard fags are saying they're moving to my country, so that sucks donkey ass too.
Wales is in the UK
>Bob Chipman
Not far enough, I want to see them out of NATO next, then UN etc until the word "Britain" is associated with myth rather than reality in the rest of the world.
No not far enough. Remove kebab
>78% Muslim
Not far enough
Possibly. Most likely by her own husband, though.
We'll find out he moves either weapons or drugs in a few years time, when the dust settles.
>78% mudslime
Clearly not nearly far enough
You can't, it is internationally protected and false advertising, but Brits are dumb, I know, they will swallow every pill.
Also, required DUDE WEED LMAO
Literally either things that didn't happen or he happens to hate the Welsh.
Which isn't uncommon in the UK anyway.
Dumb fuck leftists.
Americans know it as the peace sign.
Britain is gonna be Balkanised.
It's every womyn's secret fantasy that they get subjugated and foreverial burkatized by an abusive muzzie husband it's how they cope with the white guilt they inflict on themselves
>implying this even happened
>implying wales is a fucking country
>implying that area isn't in the UK as the man said
Sounds like a bullshit story. An Anglo knows what Welsh sounds like even in a kebab accent. No way would they mistake it for Arabic. Also no way a mudslime and her son moving to the isles would learn and speak Welsh
Fuckin' "ell Ralph, put your keks back on.
people are stupid,
saying it's racist when it's not based on race is racist because you're assuming only x race is islam.
liberals are a walking contradiction.
I stand behind them though, but only so WWIII will be sooner and we can get rid of the stupid.
remember when after WWII people who helped the germans gut repercussions, this time it's the liberals
>78% Muslim school
Pretty sure this is the racism
Man just imagine how glorious a modern crusade would be if we could just round up shitskins in Europe and send them to camps while our men and armed forces glass the Middle East with 0 regard for life
Oy vey improper budgeting of a travelling idiot cost me shekels
Just getting started
That passenger's name? Albert Einstein.
>78% Muslim school
Welp, that's the end of that. They're Muslim. They can't be confronted with an opinion they don't like.
Fucking FLEE, Britain. Run far away from that fucking madness, and build your army strong. You'll need it, in a few decades.
>leaving the EU means mass muslim deportation
>78% Muslim
Huh? Not very diverse.
Are you kidding? It's over 3/4 of the way to maximum diversity
I'm voting Remain now.
the fuck is a victory sign?
>78% Muslim school
Was Brexit too late?
I don't get it.
How does she know the "white man" doesn't identify as a black transsexual Muslim? Racist hypocrite; I refuse to acknowledge any importance in anything she says.
For london, about 5 years too late. The countryside will be alright. But the fall of england was set in motion many years ago. All the brexit has done is delay the collapse.
The fact that there's a school in an Anglo country that has a 78% Muslim majority is the exact reason people voted to leave
>"women, they were a mistake," God