This image shows countries that are driving on the left and on the right side of the road. Do you see how isolated britein is in Europe? Do you see it? Why would Germany want to produce special cars for these people to sell to them with tarifs? They say that Germany wants to sell them the cars very badly. But will it continue?
And the special relationship with the US. Look at this map and tell me there's a special relationship going on. Two countries have different English languages for fuck's fake, US fought for independence with their dumber British counterparts. It's a fucking english speaking India.
Tell me I'm wrong and good luck.
UK fucked
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You're wrong
*drives on correct side of the road*
you lefty cuck
You're right, German car manufacturers don't actually want to sell cars. They do it mostly for fun.
Why? If it's a correct side of the road why the fucking India does it? There's a fucking class system in India you dimwit, some people are treated like trash because they happened to be born in a wrong place to wrong parents, and the same shit you have in your shithole. "Correct side of the road."
So class system is also correct way of doing things then? Oh yeah, "our special relationship blah blah blah". What Obama said he was just being nice like a politician. What he really meant was what he said when he visited and you're like "fuck you nigga we're supposed to be in a special relationship why you tell us what to do". That's what you said. So it is special if you don't listen to your friend? What's special about it? Nothing. Fools.
They want to, but to EU partner with no tarrifs.
How do you change left wheel to right wheel? You just receive a car from Germany in UK and then cut off the wheel and glue it to a different place? is that how it works?
that's some top tier autism you've got there mate
wew lad
we drive on the right side of the road as it's the right side ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) . Silly Lithuanian cuck.
I just leave this here.
Bracing for impact?
You should disengage from Europe and move your island closer to Japan and Australia. You're good fucking sailors. Must be hard living with all these neighbours who are driving on the wrong side of the road.
we drive on the left you peen
Fuckers are probably googling "Do our neighbours really drive on the left?" frantically now. Fucking dimwits.
Yeah, made a mistake maybe. Ok. Different fucking side.
They are trying to find out what the consequences of the Brexit are. That's probably something one should have considered before voting for it.
that googling nonsense was debunked. We all know Google has a globalist agenda and they are trying to push the narrative that anyone who would want to leave the EU is a retard. Notice how well this narrative has worked when you see the lefties posting about Leavers on social media.
We can produce our own cars faggot cos we're not all retards like Lithuanians or whatever your flag is
Does it occur to either of you that the people googling the consequences of Brexit are the people that voted to Remain?
How exactly was it debunked?
>Left and Right side
Wrong and Right side
Wtf I hate civil engineers now
Here's how: The people who are googling the consequences of leaving the EU are the young people who voted to Remain.
(sorry for reddit, at least it's Sup Forumss stronghold over there)
I was baiting, wasn't that obvious, and he fell for it, unfortunately you did too.
EU of 2 speeds is coming
mate I called you a peen, I just assumed you made a typing error
What Lithuania? Jealous of their freedom only a few short years after joining the EU? Or is it that if you leave, Russia is going to have its way with you?
ahh that's alright then, continue your day then mate
>that googling nonsense was debunked. We all know Google has a globalist agenda and they are trying to push the narrative that anyone who would want to leave the EU is a retard. Notice how well this narrative has worked when you see the lefties posting about Leavers on social media.
Why hasn't briten created their own google so that they could have globalist agenda?